Discussion: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Bullwhip

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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Post by hollywood1340 »

How about the shot of him on the bridge?Image The image evoked this one for me.
As far as the energy goes, it depends on how much you put into the whip. First and foremost as a MA instructor, my work with the TD style of whip work it's amazing how much energy you can put into it with an understanding of body mechanics, in this case based on the Filipino arts. Then you can put sticks in your hands and do the same thing. Or knives. Or empty hand for that matter. It's not about the whip, which I've found to be the cool stuff. But I digress. Is the Jacka handle longer then the Morgan?
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Post by thefish »

Jacka handle is purportedly 6" and the Morgan is traditionally 8".

I've noticed that Jacka's whips tend to look like they have longer handles because of the longer transition area.

And I like that pic too. Harrison's moving. It looks like a still from the film, (I know it's not.) But that pic from Crystal Skull looks posed: "OK, Harrison, Hold the whip up, and stand still...Give us that angry determined Indy look! Yes...Yes...NO! NO! NO! OK, that's it. I'm spent...." ;-)

And I wasn't talking about putting energy INTO it, I was talking about the potential of keeping the energy OUT of it. Important thing when you're trying to make dramatic violence look real and dangerous.

And I agree COMPLETELY about putting energy INTO the whip. In fact, I think the whip is an incredible tool for the martial artist to really refine their techniques. With a stick or a sword, you're dealing with a relatively rigid item.

The whip not only flexes in a way that responds to every body movement, but it's also tapers, promoting the natural focus of the body's kinetic energy, and the controlled application of that energy, (and also Qi-types of energy, if you're so inclined to follow that particular philosophy,) and I see the whip as a potentially FANTASTIC training tool for the martial artist.

We've had countless heated debates on these forums, (and others,) about the whip as a practical weapon in a fight, (and don't worry, I ain't goin' there!) but as a weapon in terms of martial arts training, I think it's a great tool!

So, with you 100% on this, Hollywood! Welcome aboard and happy cracking!

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Post by hollywood1340 »

When I send out my money order tomorrow it will be even better!
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Post by thefish »

Ohhhhh....Whatcha orderin'?
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Post by hollywood1340 »

KotCS IOAB 9' :D
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Post by Sergei »

I have a couple of Tony D. tapes. They are different, but I did like his philosophy. When I tended to start in whip cracking, I cracked as loud as I could, with as much body force as I could. His philosophy was - less is more. If you could crack a whip, using a very subtle motion it was more efficient. I really refined my touch using his approach. It's different strokes for different folks.
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Post by whiskyman »

Is it my imagination or does the whip have a better butt shape in this new pic compared to the previous pics. A little less square, and more Morgan-like. Or maybe it's wishful thinking?
http://www.comingsoon.net/imageGallery/ ... kull_4.jpg
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Post by hollywood1340 »

Why wishful?
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Post by whiskyman »

Because the Indy IV whips I've seen so far have looked horrible.
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Post by coronado3 »

Yeah, the don't have the "sexy" curves that the Morgan whips had in the handle and "thong" :lol:

IMO they look very blocky in comparison.

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Post by Satipo »

I see what you mean. Kind of like a Lego version! But I think I like this chunky style. I think it suits the older, thicker-set HF quite well.
Last edited by Satipo on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by K on the run »

To quota whip-guide.com:
"Butt (heel knot/pommel/pineapple knot/Turk's Head):The knot at the thick end of the whip. Many whips are designed so that this should fit in the palm of the hand"
I prefer to hold my whip this way and the butt of the KotCS whip just doesn't look that palm friendly to me :-k

Last edited by K on the run on Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Shtick »

Satipo wrote:I see what you mean. Kind of like a Lego version! But I think I like this chunky style. I think it suits the older, thicker-set HF quite well.
Funny you should say that... LEGO has two versions!


Guess the whip on the left is the Jacka, and the one on the right is a Morgan. :lol:
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Post by Satipo »

Shtick wrote:
Satipo wrote:I see what you mean. Kind of like a Lego version! But I think I like this chunky style. I think it suits the older, thicker-set HF quite well.
Funny you should say that... LEGO has two versions!


Guess the whip on the left is the Jacka, and the one on the right is a Morgan. :lol:
Am I a genius or what? :wink:
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Just checked the price on the Indy 4 whip....

Post by Ravenswood »

We are well on our way to a $1000.00 Indy Whip! Jees, Inflation has taken on new meaning!
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Post by K on the run »

Shtick wrote:
Satipo wrote:I see what you mean. Kind of like a Lego version! But I think I like this chunky style. I think it suits the older, thicker-set HF quite well.
Funny you should say that... LEGO has two versions!


Guess the whip on the left is the Jacka, and the one on the right is a Morgan. :lol:
The one on the right is a bad cast. They only make one whip and that's the square butted :?

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Post by Shtick »

K on the run wrote:The one on the right is a bad cast. They only make one whip and that's the square butted :?
You sure about that? Of the 5 sets I got, 2 different ones had the round end.
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Post by K on the run »

Shtick wrote:
K on the run wrote:The one on the right is a bad cast. They only make one whip and that's the square butted :?
You sure about that? Of the 5 sets I got, 2 different ones had the round end.
Well, no... Not any more :-k I'll check up on it.

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Post by Shtick »

Very interested to hear what they say.
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Post by Texas Raider »

Hey, wow! Indy earrings! :wink:

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Post by K on the run »

I was right, only one whip design was made.
The reason for the round butt is not enough plastic in the mold.
In fact if you get whips with this flaw you should bring it to LEGO's attention.

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Post by Shtick »

Very odd. The two that I got from different sets are identical to each other. And the ball on the end is perfectly round. Pretty unusual for an error.
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Post by Satipo »

I still prefer the David Morgan theory myself. :)
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Post by BendingOak »

5 sets of the same???? This is why it was so bloody hard to get a set for my kid.
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Re: hat

Post by Shtick »

BendingOak wrote:5 sets of the same???? This is why it was so bloody hard to get a set for my kid.
Of the same? I never said that. I got one of each, and an extra Motorcycle Chase set for my desk at work.
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Post by K on the run »

Shtick wrote:Very odd. The two that I got from different sets are identical to each other. And the ball on the end is perfectly round. Pretty unusual for an error.
No not really. When the injection molding machine is set up the correct (or in this case incorrect) of plastic is set so every piece gets exactly the same amount.
If the plastic can't fill the mold it vill harden with out contact with the mold and then it will take a ball like shape. Simple physics, the thickness of the plastic is the key factor.

So you see all the pieces from that incorrect run will be identical.
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Post by Shtick »

I will go for that explanation. Sounds reasonable enough.

I still prefer the Morgan handle. :wink:
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Post by K on the run »

Me to. :D
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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Here are a couple new images of one of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull bullwhips direct from the set of the film, courtesy of IndianaJones.com



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Post by hollywood1340 »

*fanboy moment*
That's his whip. The man with the hat. I mean it's HIS whip. Looks well used too! I can't wait!
*end fanboy momment*
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Post by midwestwhips »


Thanks so much for posting those pictures, this is the first really good look at the details of the KOTCS whip.

It is interesting that the knots are 7part-6bight. I wish the picture showed a little more of the butt knot and the wrist loop. I'm curious to see what the wrist loop is like and if it is a thin 4 plait like Terry commonly uses on his whips.

Thanks again, I'll be back in a week!


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Post by Texas Raider »

Man, there is a serious gouge about 8 inches up the thong,,,youch!

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Post by Texas Raider »

Is that Aeris' hat? Sure looks like an HJ..

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Post by BullWhipBorton »

The Bullwhip in that photo does look like it was roughed up a bit, doesn’t it. I can’t tell if the plaiting is actually gouged or just scuffed up badly. Then again, Maybe Indy had a run in with a customs inspector? #-o

Paul, Here are a couple more pictures that show the shape and style of the turkeshead and the wrist loop a little more clearly.
Image Image
While the quality isn’t as good as the others photos you can tell that the wrist loop is the standard type Terry uses on many of his bullwhips, though it looks tied in a knot in about half way up.

Have a safe trip.

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Post by Bernardodc »

Thanks for those pics Dan! They show the whip in good detail.

I also noticed that the wrist loop has some kind of knot in it. Funny thing, I received last week a copy of Tom Meadow's book, and there's some photos of a few Terry Jacka whips that belong to Anthony Delongis, and they all have that strange knot in the wrist loop. Maybe Delongis finds that Terry's long wrist loops get in the way or something. :-k

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Post by Shtick »

Or maybe the loop is too large, and he's shortening them a bit?
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Post by thefish »

I swear, the more I see of this whip, the more I think that the new Indy IV whip is just a standard Jacka "Australian" model bullwhip with a long thong and the handle chopped off at 6 or 7 inches.




This is a picture that I posted of my Jacka back in February of 06, (back when I lived out in the middle of nowhere and still wore a wedding band. Oh, how times have changed! Original Thread located here:

If you look at the color, the plaiting, the knots, etc. It's all the same. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you...Just find it interesting.

I think that if we REALLY wanted to get some solid clues about the construction/appearance of this whip, we could start with pics/examples of these and extrapolate.

It's just weird seeing a whip on Indy's belt that is just so strange to see there, and yet so familiar to me at the same time. Or maybe it's just the NyQuil talking. I hate the Flu! #-o

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Post by Bernardodc »

Dan, (the other Dan that is :-))

I'm with you on the subject. I also think that Terry simply chopped off some inches of his regular bullwhips and voilá! his Indy whip was born. So far, the only other differences that I see between his standard model and the KOTCS version are:

-Transition zone not as heavily reinforced (maybe not reinforced at all).

-A slightly larger Turk's head in the handle knob.

-Black knots

Speaking of handle length, I counted the squares on the handle of the indy 4 whip pic above and compared that to my Jacka to see more or less how long the handle would be and bingo! It would be right at 8 inches.

IMO, what makes the handle look a bit shorter is that the whip is thicker than a Morgan, both in the handle part and the thong.

:idea: Now that I think about it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to cut a 3 inches off my 11" handled Jacka to get a KOTCS whip! :-)

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Post by Texas Raider »

How do you actually get a whip from Jacka?

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Post by thefish »

Texas Raider wrote:How do you actually get a whip from Jacka?

David Morgan, Western Stage Props or Aussie Saddle are the main reliable sources, though I think they they USED to be available through various and sundry sites specializing in whips for other purposes that Dave Morgan refuses to sell to, (do your homework if you don't know what I'm talking about,) I don't know anymore.

At this point if you want the 10 foot, short-handled Indy Whip, you have to go through Aussie Saddle, (though I hear that Mark Allen plans on carrying it at WSP as well.)

David Morgan carries Terry's standard Australian Whip models as well as Terry's stockwhips.

Aussie Saddle carries Terry's stocks, and a couple different models of bull, (What they call the "Short Handled Whip" which is actually what Western Stage Props calls the "Australian." It's NOT short handled. Believe me. It's what the pictures I've posted are,) they also carry a longer handled DeLongis model, which is what Anthony uses. The handle and transition make it kind of like a bull/stock hybrid, (been wanting to try one of these out.) Just about EVERYTHING that you DeLongis doing, he's using an 8 foot one of these. They are also currently the only source for the Indiana Jones IV bullwhip.

Mark Allen's Western Stage Props carries a good number of Terry's stocks as well as the Australian bullwhip, (pictured above,) the Australian Target whip, which has a much longer flexible handle, single belly, and springy transition, (I've played with one of these and found it REALLY hard to get used to,) and what they call the Outback whip, which appears to be similar to the DeLongis bullwhip from Aussie Saddle, but it's only available in a 7 foot length. The Australian and the Outback Whips from Western Stage Props are available with an exotic leather wrapped around the handle, (and the knots applied over it, so you get this bizarre little fringe above the transition knot on the whips.) To me, this is just tacky.

So, it all depends what you want. It seems that Terry is being semi-selective about what he makes for whom, (it could also be that the retailers are being selective about what they want. I don't know.) If you're wanting the standard Australian Model, pictured above,) you've got three choices.

If you want anything else, you will have to be a bit more picky. OR you could just do what I would do if I wanted a 10 foot Indy Whip, and just get a 10 foot Australian, and take it to a trusted whipmaker, and ask them to cut the handle down. ;)

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Re: Just checked the price on the Indy 4 whip....

Post by Gater »

Ravenswood wrote:We are well on our way to a $1000.00 Indy Whip! Jees, Inflation has taken on new meaning!
actually...when I got my DM #455 in 2002, with shipping and the US/Canada exchange rate, it came to just over a thousand dollars! :shock:

thank goodness ol' Dubya is pooching the economy and the Canuck Buck is at par! I may be able to afford stuff again!
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Post by winrichwhips »

With regards to the Jacka KOTCS whip being just like a regular Jacka with the handle cut off, I have no doubt that Terry kept his regular method of construction and just used a shorter handle foundation for his KOTCS whips.

I still disagree with Bernardo about the handle knots being black. I say they are brandy, as black kangaroo (even when it ages) doesn't have any brown or red tones in it.

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Post by BullWhipBorton »

I agree with both TheFish and Bernardo, I really think this whip is just a shorter handle version of Terry’s standard Australian bullwhip that he has been producing. I don’t think the transition is reinforced any more or less though, I just think these film used bullwhips have been heavily broken in. My own Jacka Australian bullwhips are very well used and coil up much the same way. I also don’t think the knots are black, Clearly they are darker then the main body of the whip, but to me they still look like a very dark brandy.

Both David Morgan and Western Stage props have expressed an interest to Terry Jacka in carrying the KotCS style bullwhips so keep your fingers crossed. Aside from the whips he is making for The Australian Stock Saddle Co. So far Terry isn’t sure he wants to start producing these new whips on a larger scale until he knows for sure they are featured in the movie. It’s pretty clear to us that they are featured in the movie now so lets hope he will decide that production is warranted sooner rather then later.

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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Whipping up a bottle of Dr.Pepper? :whip:
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Post by thefish »

Now see? THAT'S much better than the picture of him holding the whip over his head with no motion to it at all.

Still not quite as good as that old sidearm crack picture from Raiders, (though the expression on Harrison's face in this new picture looks more determined than comical.)

Thanks, Dan! Cool pic!

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Post by hollywood1340 »

I want Dr. Pepper now!
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Post by hollywood1340 »

Looks like contrary to popular want and need, the Jacka whip is Indiana's new whip. Anyone notice the trailer? AWESOME STUFF. Now if only I had a well placed streetlight by my house......
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Post by louiefoxx »

Personally I'm not the biggest fan of how the Jacka whip looks with it being rigid soo far out into the thong. In the trailer when indy falls into the truck you can really see how rigid it is past the top knot and I think it looks wierd. That's just me.


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Post by rebelgtp »

louiefoxx wrote:Personally I'm not the biggest fan of how the Jacka whip looks with it being rigid soo far out into the thong. In the trailer when indy falls into the truck you can really see how rigid it is past the top knot and I think it looks wierd. That's just me.


Yep I noticed that myself and mentioned it in the trailer thread. in fact it reminded me of my 12 footer from Adam with a steel cable core
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Post by IndyFrench »

I believe this shot is a digitally altered element. I think that whip actually IS a cable or whip with a swinging rod inside it and then they digitally make it go loose - but just a few moments too late...
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