Got "The Comment" while wearing the hat

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Got "The Comment" while wearing the hat

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, not counting my idiot friends and my own father (bloody traitors), who call me Indy every time I put on any hat that isn't a baseball cap, it's been quite some time since I've received the dreaded "comment". I got two "It's Indiana Jones" comments at a New Years Eve party this weekend. Both from the same guy - on my way in and on my way out. I suppose I can't get too upset, though. I was wearing my Magnoli HJ at the time. 8)
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Re: Got "The Comment" while wearing the hat

Post by Cowboy »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:Well, not counting my idiot friends and my own father (bloody traitors), who call me Indy every time I put on any hat that isn't a baseball cap, it's been quite some time since I've received the dreaded "comment". I got two "It's Indiana Jones" comments at a New Years Eve party this weekend. Both from the same guy - on my way in and on my way out. I suppose I can't get too upset, though. I was wearing my Magnoli HJ at the time. 8)
Screw them 8)
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always bugs me when people confuse me for him... Indy was great and All but I'm a lot better looking ;c)
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

i get that alot too but it's much better than the "Cowboy" comment.
Stupid little people. cant tell between a fedora and a cowboyhat. :roll: :P :wink:
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Post by Cowboy »

Chiliana Jones wrote:i get that alot too but it's much better than the "Cowboy" comment.
Stupid little people. cant tell between a fedora and a cowboyhat. :roll: :P :wink:
Hey........................................... :x
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Post by Chiliana Jones »

Cowboy wrote: Hey........................................... :x

uh-oh! :shock:
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Post by Cowboy »

Chiliana Jones wrote:
Cowboy wrote: Hey........................................... :x

uh-oh! :shock:
Reach for the sky 8)
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Post by thatguyno1 »

Last year my brother and sister and I took Mom to visit her home town in northern New York. While there my Aunt introduced us to the local Priest. When she introduced me (wearing my AB ToD of course) she mentioned I was all the way from Texas. The priest said, "Yes, I can see that by his cowboy hat." My tongue swelled because I was biting it so hard not to say something.

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Post by Cowboy »

thatguyno1 wrote:Last year my brother and sister and I took Mom to visit her home town in northern New York. While there my Aunt introduced us to the local Priest. When she introduced me (wearing my AB ToD of course) she mentioned I was all the way from Texas. The priest said, "Yes, I can see that by his cowboy hat." My tongue swelled because I was biting it so hard not to say something.

Really, all joking aside, what does it matter? They really are not that different. Both are felt with taller crowns and brims. They are just ignorant. How many things are we all just as ignorant with that anoys the #### out of others? :)
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Post by Risu »

I'd like to think that there's a pretty big difference. Fedoras are classy and cowboy hats are............ well, not. The ribbon alone should be enough to distinguish the two.
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Post by Treadwell »

I also got the comment on New Year's but it was complimentary. The guy recognized both the hat (HJ) and the jacket (Wested lamb) and took closer, admiring looks at them when I had them off.
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Post by coronado3 »

I'd like to think that there's a pretty big difference. Fedoras are classy and cowboy hats are............ well, not.
I don't know about that... I've seen some pretty classy cowboy hats! How about Redford's hat in Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid? That's a cool lid IMO!

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Post by nicktheguy »

And the hats in 3:10 to Yuma.
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Post by Arkansas Russell »

I dont mind it at all.. after all IT IS a Indiana Jones styled fedora.
What else should people think???
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Post by Indiana Max »

Reach for the sky 8) ...

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Re: Got "The Comment" while wearing the hat

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Chewie, for a moment I thought you were going to say you were mistaken for someone in an Amish/Menonite band. :lol: :wink:
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Post by Risu »

I agree completely on that last point. I haven't ever seen a cowboy hat with a fedora style ribbon, various other handbands, but not ribbons. I've seen a few high quality cowboy hats and they just don't look good to me, personal preference.
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Post by Cowboy »

Risu wrote:I'd like to think that there's a pretty big difference. Fedoras are classy and cowboy hats are............ well, not. The ribbon alone should be enough to distinguish the two.
Yeah, like this un-classy lid right? Guess I should have not had the ribbon installed on a "cowboy" hat. My Bad

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Post by rick5150 »

Cowboy wrote:How many things are we all just as ignorant with that anoys the #### out of others? :)
If we knew what we were ignorant about, we wouldn't be ignorant. :)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Oh, I don't know... the hat on the right was a cowboy hat once which I rebashed. It's shown with the original ribbon:


That's an Akubra on the left.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Arkansas Russell wrote:What else should people think???
You tell them, Charlie! Time to go play with your sled.

What should people think? They don't know until the media tells them to, unless you're a free radical like some of us here.

I'm standing in the Auto parts store with my two kids. Standing next to me is a wise guy. (Not a Wise Guy, other wise I wouldn't be telling you this story.) And I get the impression that he's a Grease Monkey Groupy - one of those fools who admires folks with tools but can't fix anything cause he dropped out of School... I could tell cause he was wearing sandals with socks. And nobody who works with machines for a living wears sandals WHILE they are working.

And he says to the guy behind the counter: "Hey, Guess who showed up today?"

And the guy behind the counter says: "Who?"

And the Grease Monkey Groupy says: "Indiana Jones."

Now, I just turn and stare at this guy. I just look at them with the eyes that could light a cigerette. And I wait.

... and I wait.

... and I wait some more.

Then, after about half a minute he melts and says "Sorry."

Then I went about my buisness as if nothing happened.

Two days ago, someone yelled: "Nice fedora!"

I replied a quick thank you and went on my way.

"You look like Indiana Jones!" He yelled again.

I replied: "No, he looks like me! I've worn this longer then he has, and he's wearing mine in the next one..."

Before he went in he yelled: "There you go!"

Just enjoy people and their reactions. Nobody means ill will. And if they do, I pretend they don't.
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Post by Cowboy »

Renderking Fisk wrote:[Now, I just turn and stare at this guy. I just look at them with the eyes that could light a cigerette. And I wait.

... and I wait.

... and I wait some more.

Then, after about half a minute he melts and says "Sorry."

Just enjoy people and their reactions. Nobody means ill will. And if they do, I pretend they don't.
Funny, but something similar happened to me last weekend. I was touring a new gym and some big lunks with bigger muscles and smaller brains hollered over to me.

"Hey, where did you park your horse at?" which all three knuckleheads laughed at.

....and I just stared

....and continued to stare until they were not sure what they were laughing about, then quickly went back to their task of making up with muscles what they lacked in brains.

(Sorry for copying your style Ren) :wink:
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Post by Chevalier Krak »

Why people think that a fedora is odder than a dirtball - sorry, BASEBALL - cap turned backwards is beyond me. Much less odd than, say, a cowboy hat in Massachusetts. Totally out of cultural context, but one does see plenty of those. Anyway, the traditional cowboy hat was just about anything with a wide brim to keep out the sun and rain. I guess people confuse a fedora with a cowboy hat because those are the only two styles that remain in most peoples' sartorial vocabularies.
What really bugs me is when people refer to my bag as a purse or worse (shudder) man-purse.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

(Sorry for copying your style Ren)
Hey, take it and make it your own. We're all friends here.

I wrote about some of this aspect in other threads. People WANT to be told what to wear, what to eat and how to act because of marketing.

People don't like Big Brother in Government, but boy... when Big Sister gets out her red pen and starts marking what's in and what's out from her ivroy tower in Madison Ave, people listen to her more then the Pope.

If Calvin Kline designed a line of Harliquine outfits, 1/4 of us would dress like clowns. I'm not saying The Emperor Has No Clothes... I'm saying he's dressed like a bigger fool then his court jester. Who are these people to tell me what I'm wearing is out?

If you want to wear a Neilson Feild Coat with your fedora (just as long as the color scheme is the same...) go for it.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Stay on topic...
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Post by Risu »

Renderking Fisk wrote:
(Sorry for copying your style Ren)
Hey, take it and make it your own. We're all friends here.

I wrote about some of this aspect in other threads. People WANT to be told what to wear, what to eat and how to act because of marketing.

People don't like Big Brother in Government, but boy... when Big Sister gets out her red pen and starts marking what's in and what's out from her ivroy tower in Madison Ave, people listen to her more then the Pope.

If Calvin Kline designed a line of Harliquine outfits, 1/4 of us would dress like clowns. I'm not saying The Emperor Has No Clothes... I'm saying he's dressed like a bigger fool then his court jester. Who are these people to tell me what I'm wearing is out?

If you want to wear a Neilson Feild Coat with your fedora (just as long as the color scheme is the same...) go for it.
People still listen to the pope? I thought Kennedy ended that........ Haha. But yea, I guess by cowboy hat standards that one is nice, I just have a limited range of brim widths that don't seem out there to me. I think the range is around 2.5-3", so you can probably tell I'm not a general hat person. Actually, I don't even like baseball caps. So sorry if I accidentally dissed your hats, I didn't mean to.
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Post by Michaelson »

Who are these people to tell me what I'm wearing is out?
Most all the folks who make the 'cowboy' comment to me are 5 year olds. I just say 'hi', wave, and walk on.

Considering all the real problems we have in day to day life, this ain't one of them to's not even in the top 100! :roll: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by thatguyno1 »

Personally, I think a lot depends on where you are at the time can increase or decrease the odds of having your fedora called a "cowboy" hat. I live in Texas and there just aren't many people here that would call my ToD fedora a cowboy hat but go to the east coast and more people would have that tendency in a large part because of the wide brim. Case in point - Cowboy's hat posted above is a great looking hat but in my opinion I would put it in the category of a cowboy hat because the brim is much wider than my fedora. But just because I call it a cowboy hat doesn't mean it is no longer a good looking hat. Now - where is the cutoff in brim width that suddenly turns a fedora into a cowboy hat??? I'm certainly not going to try to define it but a lot is in the eye of the beholder.

Edit: I forgot to also say that a lot of "cowboy" hats had narrower brims than what I would call a cowboy hat today so maybe some of the hatters could comment on the evolution of the "cowboy" hat vs what we now call fedoras.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Michaelson wrote:Most all the folks who make the 'cowboy' comment to me are 5 year olds. I just say 'hi', wave, and walk on.
Same here. Those are the best, little angels that haven't been tainted yet by the notion that something might not be cool.
Considering all the real problems we have in day to day life, this ain't one of them to's not even in the top 100! :roll: :wink:
I think that's what I was saying while mixing in some social commentary.

I'm annoyed with those who write the rules on what's "In" and what's "Out," and those who try to enforce those "fashion laws." Sometime it's a fun thing to commiserate and vent with other retro's.

Next time someone says "Hey, Indy" and they have a backwards cap, respond to them in kind with: "He, Emenem!"

Keep your chins up and your fedora's on.
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Post by Strider »

I get "the comment" all the time. Usually, when I get "Hey, Indy!" or "Indiana Jones!" I just wave and say "Yep, that's me." Once, a guy in a group hollered at me from another checking lane in a store: "Hey, Indy! I thought you were supposed to have a girlfriend!" I turned over my shoulder and said: "Don't worry, your mom is safe at my house. I'll tell her you said hi." He was so furious that his friends were "holding him back" :roll: the checker in my lane died laughing and some people behind me were laughing, too.
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Post by Jedinizar »

Strider wrote:I get "the comment" all the time. Usually, when I get "Hey, Indy!" or "Indiana Jones!" I just wave and say "Yep, that's me." Once, a guy in a group hollered at me from another checking lane in a store: "Hey, Indy! I thought you were supposed to have a girlfriend!" I turned over my shoulder and said: "Don't worry, your mom is safe at my house. I'll tell her you said hi." He was so furious that his friends were "holding him back" :roll: the checker in my lane died laughing and some people behind me were laughing, too.
I'll remember it for the next time I get the same comment ;)
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

For some untold reason, I "cannot buy a comment." I must not be wearing my hats to the "right" places.

Perhaps Colorado is simply, "hat friendly."

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Post by SR5150 »

Strider wrote:I get "the comment" all the time. Usually, when I get "Hey, Indy!" or "Indiana Jones!" I just wave and say "Yep, that's me." Once, a guy in a group hollered at me from another checking lane in a store: "Hey, Indy! I thought you were supposed to have a girlfriend!" I turned over my shoulder and said: "Don't worry, your mom is safe at my house. I'll tell her you said hi." He was so furious that his friends were "holding him back" :roll: the checker in my lane died laughing and some people behind me were laughing, too.
LMFAO! :lol:

The UK is the hardest place to try and "do something different", believe me.

chav culture we have here....

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Post by GoldenHistorian »

yeh i wouldnt mind if they even had some style!
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Cowboy wrote: Image
Well, I don't see anyone else saying it, so I will. Nice hat, Cowboy. You look like Indiana Jones! :lol:

Just kiddin'. Seriously, nice hat! It's not the first "fedora ribbon" I've seen on a western hat. In fact, most of the nicer western lids I've seen have had one. I guess the Indy fedora is the ultimate merging between two iconic looks.
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Post by Cowboy »

[quote="Chewbacca JonesWell, I don't see anyone else saying it, so I will. Nice hat, Cowboy. You look like Indiana Jones! :lol:

Just kiddin'. Seriously, nice hat! It's not the first "fedora ribbon" I've seen on a western hat. In fact, most of the nicer western lids I've seen have had one. I guess the Indy fedora is the ultimate merging between two iconic looks.[/quote]

:wink: unga bunga chewie
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Post by airforceindy »

Got my first "Indy" remark over Christmas vacation. Walking through Chicago-O'hare, pushing my son in the stroller, a fella looks up at me from his chair at a gate and says "Dr. Jones?" I was lost for a minute, totally spacing off the fact that I was wearing my Federation, and gave him that blank "huh?" stare, until *DING* the light went on! So, I tipped my hat and said "Just don't call me Jr."
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Post by Arkansas Russell »

airforceindy wrote:Got my first "Indy" remark over Christmas vacation. Walking through Chicago-O'hare, pushing my son in the stroller, a fella looks up at me from his chair at a gate and says "Dr. Jones?" I was lost for a minute, totally spacing off the fact that I was wearing my Federation, and gave him that blank "huh?" stare, until *DING* the light went on! So, I tipped my hat and said "Just don't call me Jr."
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Post by WConly »

Try wearing a deerstalker! You get 'Sherlock Holmes,' or your 'hat is backwards'....or 'Your wearing your inspector's hat'...and on and on. It is just one of those things, just like the fedora's that one has to get used to and ignore. To heck with being concerned. Let it be! W>
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

A few years back, I was walking to class in a close-enough fedora and jacket. Some guy who was driving by slows down and pulls up to me as if to ask directions, but then asks, "Which way to the Holy Grail?" I smile as I tip my hat and continue on to class. Interestingly enough, that day in class we were handling and translating an Aramaic magic bowl--probably about 1,500 years old. I had never thought about the similarities--guess I could have pointed him that way!
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Post by The Pilot »

Indiana Max wrote:I am the hawk and the blood on my feathers
But time is still turning they soon will be dry :wink:
Wow. Just wanted to LYK I caught the reference. (Hey, I don't listen to Punk all the time!)
WConly wrote:Try wearing a deerstalker! You get 'Sherlock Holmes,' or your 'hat is backwards'....or 'Your wearing your inspector's hat'...and on and on.
I don't have an 'Indy' hat yet. (I ordered an AB in November, but even after reading the other thread I don't really have a clue when to expect it.) Right now I'm wearing a brown Stetson rabbit fur fedora most days. (It's so much nicer than my cheap grey wool one!) Anyway, I bought the hat at Byrnie Utz in Seattle. They had a stack of deerstalkers there, and I thought 'I could never wear one of those'. The cute girl in the shop says they're popular with people who are used to ball caps but want a 'real' hat. :-k Really? Not seeing it. The last time I saw a guy in a deerstalker was two or three years ago in Bellingham. He was also wearing a kilt. (A traditional one; not a Utilikilt.) I'm sure it would be practical in a cold climate, like if you're in the woods stalking deer. But you just don't see people wearing them around here.

I haven't had any 'Indy' comments. My hat is just a brown fedora. I do carry a shoulder bag, but the Mk.VII isn't big enough to carry my files so I have a commercially-made quasi-Swiss military satchel. (And I just had to buy a khaki 'paratroop bag' yesterday because I've got about a six-inch stack of folders to work on on Monday.) Brown fedora, satchel... You'd think I'd get a comment or two. But nothing yet.
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Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

The Pilot wrote:Right now I'm wearing a brown Stetson rabbit fur fedora most days.
I think I may have the same or a similar Stetson (the "close enough" to which I referred above). Does yours have "The Sovereign Stetson" on the sweat band? I assume mine's a rabbit fur felt, too--I got it at the Del Monico Hatter in New Haven, CT. Has anyone else been there?

I'm awaiting a grey Akubra Federation which should arrive next week, and I ordered an AB in mid-September (2007). I wonder if I'll get any Indy comments about the grey Akubra Fed. Has anyone else gotten Indy comments for a grey Akubra Federation?
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Post by kobol »

The Pilot;
How do you like Byrnie Utz? I buy hats there sometimes and I occasionally go in there for a free hat stretch. They are real nice people there.
I get both "Indy" and "Cowboy" comments from time to time. The "Indy" has come mostly from adults and "Cowboy" mostly from children.
But what can you do except enjoy it.
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Nebraska Schulte: Yes, it says 'Sovereign' in script. The beaver Stetson was very nice, but it was more than I wanted to spend so the girl showed me the rabbit one. I also looked at a Borsalino that came a bit more dear. It was rabbit, I think.

kobol: They seem a nice shop. Very friendly and helpful -- and just a few blocks from the office. You're in Seattle. Have you noticed the number of fedora-type hats about? Not 'fedora' fedoras, the more 'dressy' ones; but the cloth ones available at places such as REI. Maybe they're more 'slouch' style. Lots of people wearing them, so maybe that's why nobody comments on the fedora. Very practical for the weather up here.
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Post by kobol »

I've seen quite a few cloth and leather hats about. But it also seems that there are more regular Fedoras being worn now than I noticed last year. But it also could just be due to Winter.

After the new Indy movie is released, then I bet there will be some more "Indy" comments coming and perhaps a few more fedora wearers.
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Post by The Pilot »

kobol wrote:But it also seems that there are more regular Fedoras being worn now than I noticed last year.
Maybe you've just repeatedly seen me walking around Belltown. :wink:
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Post by nicktheguy »

No doubt there will continue to be comments...and there will be those who wear a fedora for a little while...but soon enough it will be back to the people who enjoy wearing the gear doing it.
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Post by kobol »

Could be, The Pilot
I catch a bus in the Belltown area daily. I'm not hard to spot either. Daily wear includes a leather A-2 and an AB Deluxe.
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Post by The Pilot »

kobol wrote:Could be, The Pilot
I catch a bus in the Belltown area daily. I'm not hard to spot either. Daily wear includes a leather A-2 and an AB Deluxe.
Haven't seen an AB, or anything else that looks like an Indy hat. I take the 41, so I get off and on in the tunnel.
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Cowbot hat versus Fedora

Post by Rambler »

I was in the Trader Joe's grocery store in Annapolis Maryland a few days ago (wearing my fedora and jacket) when a gentleman rushed past me wearing a business suit and a felt hat. Now, the problem was, it was a standard suit, not the "Western style" with a yoke that you see on country music stars (and just about any man in Texas from time to time!) but, he had on his head a cowboy hat. Plus, it was a characture of a cowboy hat with a telescope crown, very convoluted swoopy brim and a leather band with conchos and braided tassels. If he only had on a fedora, he would not have looked so ridiculous.
Wear those fedoras proudly and lead by example.
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