To see the pics, go to this link and look at the last three pics at the bottom of the album page: ... m_id=69365
There are several variations of these binocs that were produced, so not all of them are correct. These have leather on the middle section and on the bottom part's rings that can extended out further to reduce glare. AS you can see in the pics, the leather on mine is in pretty rough shape. I think some pecards might help it out, though.
On the eyecups, there are two little "Star of David"-looking emblems that each have a "C" in the middle.
Notice the shape of the middle section (the part you grab when you hold them). These are the only style binocs that I have found that match up to the shape of the screen-used binocs. Not to steep of a taper, and not too untapered. Also, there is a point just before where the middle section ends where there is a change in taper that matches up to the change in taper on the scree-used binocs.
Well, what do you guys think? Here are some screen grabs which I lifted from the other thread.