Anyone with a new Magnoli/AB HJ, insert pics and reviews here.
I just got my "Ultimate Indy Hat". I haven't had time to play with it yet, but I give my initial impressions and supply just-out-of-the-box pics.
First, the inside support ring of the box got loose during shipping, so the brim is all misshappen. I had asked for a turned preshaped brim, but I guess I'll have to rely on my own meager brim-shaping skills.
I also asked for an open crown and got it. So, Aeris-Canon! We'll get to test how well a no-stiffener HJ will hold it's shape.

I think I see some subtle differences in block shape from my AB, but not in a way that's better or worse. Just different. The felt - oh, the felt! It's exactly the sort of floppy felt so many of use have been looking for, but no so floppy that it it can't hold itself up. Even with the mis-shapen brim, the felt really responds to a turn, even a slight one.
The color is less red than the standard AB - a nice chocolate brown. The crown looks lower than most Raiders hats, but I think it's an illusion.
So, here are the first batch of pictures. Once I get the brim sorted out and the bash done, I'll post more. ... noli%20HJ/
A quick taste;