What's the most common comment?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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What kind of comments do you get most often wearing fedoras (Indy or otherwise)?

"You look like Indiana Jones" (Positive)
"You look like Indiana Jones" (Neutral)
"You look like Indiana Jones" (Negative)
"Nice hat" (Complement)
"Nice hat" (Sarcastic)
"Stupid hat"
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What's the most common comment?

Post by Mark Brody »

Inspired by a response from Canada Jones's thread...

I most often just get "nice hat" complements, but I don't actually have any Indy hats yet, just the usual collection of vintage Stetsons and such. I may get more Indy comments once my AB arrives.
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Post by Strider »

Most times, it's "nice hat!" for me. I get the occasional "Hey, INDY!" from people, or someone belting out a few bars from the Raiders march, which are both sarcastic, but it's generally positive more often than not.
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Post by Jaredraptor »

I usually get "hey Indy!" comments. Most are positive. Heh, one of my friends' nicknames for me is "Indy"
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Post by Indy Magnoli »

Well, down here in New Zealand I get a lot of "cowboy" comments... the occassional "yee-haw". I love it though when a little kid tugs on his mum's skirt telling her that he just saw a cowboy. :)

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Post by BendingOak »

Most of the time I get the " nice hat" but I also get " nice cowboy hat" or "nice top hat." :?
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Post by indy89 »

Not to sound mean, but if a random person ever told me that my hat was stupid, you bet they would get one big punch in the face. Who's with me?! :wink:
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Post by Rusty Jones »

indy89 wrote:Not to sound mean, but if a random person ever told me that my hat was stupid, you bet they would get one big punch in the face. Who's with me?! :wink:
I broke up with a girlfriend cuz she said my dorfman was better than my AB...

while excavating in poland a guy from a polish newspaper came to the site and when he saw me he was really excited he didnt speak any english but he insisted that I come see his cell fone... he then had someone call him so it played the "raiders march" which was his ringtone...

last night I was leaving the dorm and a friedn of mine (who was a bit tipsy) comented: "Oh yeah that's where I put indiana jones's clothes"
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Post by Dostacos »

the only Hey Indy comment I have gotten was after an outdoor free showing of Raiders :wink: :lol:
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Post by BendingOak »


I broke up with a girlfriend cuz she said my dorfman was better than my AB...

.....and the well you should. :wink:
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Post by Fedora »

I love it though when a little kid tugs on his mum's skirt telling her that he just saw a cowboy.
I got the same comment a couple of years ago while at a cafe. A little kid next to us, asked his mom, "mom, is that a REAL cowboy?"

I have not had an Indy comment for several years now, but fully expect ALL of us will be getting them more often once the new film is out. And I doubt you will have to be wearing a fedora to get this response either. Any brimmed hat will do. I guess we could all put a big feather in our hats and then not have to worry about the Indy comments, if bothered by them. :lol: But, I think I would rather be referred to an Indy, rather than a pimp! :wink:

For me personally, I don't care how many Indy comments I get. I have a great "out" now. I will just say, "I made the last film hats, and I am adverstising them'. :lol: The rest of you guys can say, " my friend made the film hats, and he gave me one! :wink: Since most just paid for the price of materials, this would NOT be far from the truth. Fedora
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Post by kobol »

I get everything from "nice hat" to "Indy" to "Cowboy". It's been 2 days in a row now that I have received the "Cowboy" comment. These comments were from children though which is where I get most of the "Cowboy" comments from. Adults usually say "nice hat" or "Indy". I do agree with Fedora that once the movie is released there will be quite a few "Indy" comments coming.
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Post by Michaelson »

I find either a 'thanks' or 'yep' suffices.

Why waste your time explaining an item of clothing you're wearing? Makes it appear you're trying to justify it being on your head. :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Really? I get, "Hey, look! There's Indiana Jerry! Let's beat the snot out of him!" Once they realize their mistake, they just shrug and keep on pounding.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

He's probably off stopping something as we speak... :wink:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

My work here is done... :lol:

Back on topic, I do the the occasional Indy comment and was called a cowboy by a little kid on the train (how could I say no?:wink: ) but around here, I seem to get more compliments on my hat in general, than anything other.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

"Eliot Ness," "George Stone," "Mafia Man," "Cowboy," "Rancher," and "Mr. Retro."

I get some sarcastic and mean comments, but I thank them as if they were complements. And the real complements I treasure.

Keep your chins up, and thanks for keeping you fedora's on.
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Post by Indiana G »

ever see that scene in 'road to perdition' when tom hanks is walking on a sidewalk in chicago and EVERYONE is wear a fedora. i thought it was pretty cool myself.

i usually get very complimentary remarks about the lid and i enjoy everyone of them :D

as a sidenote, a co-worker of mine insists that he needs to find me a real hat (in saying that, he means a cowboy hat)......if he only knew how 'top shelf' my steve delk hat is...........it would put to shame any cowboy hat you could find around these parts, ### gum garinteeya y'all!!! :lol:
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Post by Mark Brody »

My first job as a buss boy, the bartender would "sing" the Indiana Jones theme everytime I walked in. When I left, he'd usually say "See ya tomorrow, Indiana Jones!"
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