just got these and thought i would share. the scene in raiders where indy is in the peruvian temple was burnt into my memory since 81....the part where it shows a close up of his boots and their deep brown colour. ever since i got my brick colored alden's last year, there was something missing......the SA colour. now i have nothing to complain about....except the sole not being SA. but i think i'll keep them for the upcoming winter
argh i wish people would stop showing pics of these rugged aldens it is making me REALLY want a pair but there is no way I could afford to cough up the dough for them right now....hmmm maybe if i stop eating....who needs food anyway right?
love the color and the soles....hmm suppose i could redye my current aldens
Indiana G wrote:rebel....use the credit card....it's free! isn't that in the indygear 10 commandments?
don't tempt me i'm trying to keep that thing paid down. heck another $700 or and i won't have any debt what so ever. i'll get a pair eventually, they might end up being something i save up for from the earnings from my leather work.
Very nice boots!! Where did you get those? Can't see them on www.aldenshop.com.
I usually use Dr. Marten's Getta Grip boots everyday so I think the sole on those Aldens will be perfect for me and I like the dark brown color. It looks like the sole on the original Alden 405 can be a bit slipery when it's wet or snowy outside.
walking around in ice is normal for us canucks we run on it, turn on it, stop on it....er....after a while that is......you learn pretty quick when you show up to pond hockey and you've forgetten your skates
i did request if adam could put the normal soles on but he couldn't do that out of his shop....so i got them anyways knowing i could resole them in a couple of years.
i made it through the canadian winter last year....the only difficulties i had with them was trying to climby up a snowy hill....had to stay quite low to the ground but i managed. i haven't fell on my caboose just yet....knock on wood
I think I would prefer the Vibram soles in just about any conditions other than just strolling around in the city. I always travel with my Timberland hiking boots and the chunky soles have taken me from the Sahara to the jungle. The only time I hated them was when my wife has me walking for miles in Paris (shopping of course). That's the only time I'd want a smooth sole.
for me, the big deal was the colour. i've looked through a tonne of raiders pics both from the movie and the production and his shoes were dark brown....which complimented his hat....and then you have a darker brown jacket between the two as a 'buffer'.
for the longest time, my gear just didn't feel right with these brick coloured shoes.....now i don't have that issue ......well actually i do as my veg tanne wested matches the colour of my old 405's....i'm waiting on my new SA coloured jacket to come in before i slap these babies on. i blame you all for this new branch of my OC disorder
alden of carmel is the only shop that makes these as i believe they were speced by an indy fan....they elude to the fact that the AF in AF64 refers to "alden fan model 64". i could be wrong but alden makes this boot specifically for the carmel store.
they only come in the one colour. these are off the shelf at carmel my friend:
IndianaG, absolutely nice boots indeed! For me the reason to get them was rather the vibram sole. Though the color really is pretty much screen accurate. Why don't they offer a AF405 model made from the AF64 leather and the 405 neopren soles About the costs, they are $380 plus $45 international shipping, but the fact that 1 Euro is currently about 1.45 US$ helped a lot. So, for european customers the AF64 are not more expensive than let's say similiar Redwing boots (e.g. RW 8146).
They're lovely boots! I think when I come to replace my current Aldens I might go for some of Magnolis - as he can put chunky soles on his and they're about $100 less than these.... Meanwhile I'll keep cleaning my Aldens using a dark brown leather balm. They're not looking quite so red now!
so i finally started wearing these bad boys and i've noticed that they are a tadd bigger than the standard 405's from san fran.....TFG, did you notice this? both are in the same size but the ruggeds are looser around my foot.
btw, i experienced no break-in time whatsoever. gotta love the 405's!!!!
IndianaG, yes, the toes have more space compared to my 405s (I wear size 10.5 in both models). But I suppose the AF64s are meant to be worn with thick wool socks so this won't be a problem.
....and the dark ones are a tadd larger....feel's like you lent them to your dad to wear for a while, him having larger feet.....and i've been there, trust me
Just been looking through the site again and came across the pics of the very nice rugged Aldens. From a practical point of view the ruggeds look like a more user friendly option my only reservation is soles(for me) look too different.I wonder if it would be possible to have a sole with a more stepped heel grafted on similar to the commando type soles on the wingtip boot shown in this thread.I think with a sole with a steeper more pronounced heel like the wingtips commando sole would look more like the original but would provide the benifit of a grippy sole.
Still awaiting the dilivery of my standard 405s hope they come before i go abroad, if they come in time ill ask the local cobbler if its an easy fix to put on the soles.
The soles on the ruggeds are outstanding by the way i had a pair of Danner boots with that sole unit and couldnt fault it, lasted forever and provided fantastic grip.
From looking at TheFedoraGuy's comparison photos it looks like the AF64s have a different lining than the 405s. The 405s have a cotton lining with leather trim, but from what I saw in the photo it lookslike the AF64s have a solid leather lining. Is that right? Can anyone, TFG or Indiana G, take some shots of the insides of the boots to show the linings?
That would be my eldest son, Ken. He just turned two last month. His brother Sam is now eight months old. I was too busy looking for a job when he was born to post anything, but I was sure that I posted some photos after Ken was born, but perhaps I didn't in the excitement and chaos of everything. I'm going to have to start looking for a fedora for the oldest soon because he's already trying to take my AB!
Michaelson wrote:You WON'T regret having those soles when you hit a slick sidewalk this winter, I personally guarantee it!!
I'd re-tell some of my 405 slippage stories, but since they'd be repeats, I'm afraid I'd have VP point out he's 'heard those bedtime stories before'.
Regards! Michaelson
You speak the truth yet again sir. Odd story is, the last time I was in Portsmouth last winter, I had my Aldens (standard Aldens) and other Indy Gear on, I stepped on ice getting out of my car, fell right on my rear end. Rugged soles are good in winter my friends, lol.
Bogie1943 wrote:I stepped on ice getting out of my car, fell right on my rear end. Rugged soles are good in winter my friends, lol.
A little story this reminded me of.
I blew out an ACL skiing in high school. Exactly a year later I took out both knees in a car wreck. Thirteen years later I decided it was time to get back on skis, in spite of permanently damaged knees. My g/f and I signed up for a beginner's package. On the bunny slope a bunch of us lined up to make a run of a few metres and then snowplow to a stop. I elected to do a 'hockey stop'. I could still do it. We spent the rest of the day on the slopes, and I never fell once! After 13 years.
Well, it's getting dark. Time to go home. I put on my Sorel pack boots and started walking. I stepped on a manhole cover that had about a half inch of ice on it and went down. SNAP! went my ankle. The sprain was so bad it took three weeks for the swelling to go down enough for me to get my foot back into a ski boot so I could ski some more. (Ski boots support the ankle, so it's OK to ski with a sprained ankle.)
The lug soles on those Sorels didn't do a think to keep me from slipping on the ice.