First impression... very nice. I'm not exactly a SA nut.. but as far as I can tell, the pockets are dead on, the pleats are nice and ruffled, and the collar is long and pointy, much like someone once pointed it out as being in a pic from cairo. again, I don't know much about clothes, but the stitching seems perfect to me.
If I have any complaints at all, they're small and non-substantial.. but maybe worth noting. as far as the fit goes.. I know he goes by the measurements we provide, but the waist is VERY tapered on mine and kind of flairs out at the bottom because of it. but I guess if you're going to do a fitted shirt based on 44/34 measurements.. yeah. also, the sleeves are a little big.. they actually fit over my expo sleeves, which was a surprise. and lastly, I could have sworn I ordered the stone colored shirt.. unfortunately the color isn't on the invoice so I can't be sure. but I'm 99% sure that I got light khaki. NOT a great indy color. in fact, the more I look at it, the more sure I am that I got khaki and the more convinced I am that stone would have made this shirt 100% screen accurate. ah, oh well.
I did wash the shirt about 4 times, each time with a cap full of bleach.. and it has lightened the shirt quite a bit. originally it was the same exact color as my bed sheets. anyway, the shirt is simply incredible, and even more incredible if you figure that 30 of the 90 dollar total price went to shipping! best shirt you can get for $60. now we just have to car magnoli stateside to get the shipping down.