After reading a couple of threads about dollar store guns that could be made Indy style, I did a quick google, and found this site that sells a pretty good .45. it might not be a buck, but it's still pretty cheap.
I have that gun. Picked it up for $2 at a Central California gas station, if you can believe it.
It's not too bad. I don't have a real one to compare it to for size. Seems a tad small for my taste. This gun is a top break, and takes an 8-shot blank ring. It's really lightweight, as you would expect. It's held together with a handful of small Philips screws, so it can probaby be dismantled if you wanted to add weight to it.
Word of caution on mine... the orange tip fell off way too easily, and is now lost. So I'm cautious about where I draw this. ;-)
Yeah, they really do. They had a cheap cardboard backing, and a plastic blister. The orange tip fell off as I opened it.
Like I said though, I'm not sure about the scale. When I hold it, my pinkie is off the handle. But then, I'm 6'7", and have a proportionate hand. The .357 squirt gun I painted is larger than this. I'll try and get some comparison shots.
well, shipping is $8 bucks.. surprise surprise. not to say that I wouldnt buy it for $15 (jersey is too much of a blue state to easily find realistic looking toy guns), but I'm not so sure having it is a good idea. I'd have to saw the barrel to get it to fit into my raiders holster, and with no orange tip, carrying it is just as illegal as having a real unlicensed firearm. I could of course repaint it orange, but then it goes back to looking stupid.
Looking stupid is much more fun than being shot. ;-)
Take the tip off, cut the barrel down, then put the tip back on. I've lost the tip to mine, so I never draw it. Actually, it's not even the gun I carry in costume.
And do they combine shipping for multiple orders? I'd say get 2. Help spread out the cost. That way, you can play around with one, and have a backup.
i actually bought this exact gun just before halloween... it arrived, i opened it up, put a ring of caps in it (which i also bought as part of the same order), fired it once, and the plastic guts of it (chamber area) pretty much exploded and fell apart... for whatever reason the plastic was extremely brittle and the whole interior mechanism just broke into a zillion pieces... suffice to say it no longer fired after that, didn't even stay closed very well... I contacted and they offered to send a new one, so it's on it's way; thankfully they didn't make me return this busted up one, told me to just toss it. I have not yet received the replacement, but i'll let y'all know if it lasts beyond the first pull of the trigger.
I'm not surprised. The piece doesn't feel all that sturdy. I've been thinking about filling mine with some lead strips for weight, and not loading caps in it.