Alden replacement

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Alden replacement

Post by Ken »

Ok I need some advice.

I love Aldens - they rock and are mega comfortable. But they just don't hold up for me.

I have had one pair for about 3 years now and they have fallen apart. My last pair did the same. This is nothing to do with the quality of the boots but they are just not deigned to withstand the kind of wear I put them through.

The main problem is at the sole where it meets the leather - the welt gets destroyed so even sending them back to alden for reconditoning is impossible.

I want to get something that colsely resembles the Alden in look and feel but is going to be even sturdier - out of the current offering any suggestions as to which would be the most durable?

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Post by Texas Raider »

Hey Ken, have you thoughbt about the Aldens that are made with the rugged sole? They are a different leather,oil tanned ,much more durable and would probably last much longer. Quite pricey,though. If you are wanting to spend less,the Chippewa boots are even more comfy than Aldens, and again are oil tanned leather, much thicker and durable than the Aldens. They don't have the moc toe,,I don't know how close you want them to look. Obviously Redwings will fill the bill, and are more of a 'workboot' than the Aldens.

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Post by Dostacos »

if you REALLY like those Aldens, and wear them daily, I would suggest 2 pair, wearing them every other day they will last longer than if you buy a pair use them to death and buy new. by switching off the leather can dry out, you may not think that they are wet, but they will be damp and "resting" them will help them last longer.

If you are using them daily, three years would be very good life expectancy.

Also if the soles start to wear down it would be better to get them attended to sooner rather than later, they are easier to repair AND will also extend the life.

one of the things I do is make shoe lifts on shoes for leg length discrepancies been doing it for over 30 years, long enough to decide if I want to make it a career :D
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Post by redfour »

Saw these: ... ot_174.htm

Looks like they might be tough, and the toe is pretty close. They even say that it's the boot Indy wishes he had. :)


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Post by Mola Ram »

they are the 405's just tougher.
I probably should have bought that pair.
Yes I should have...when I bought mine, that
rugged pair only cost 335 x:
Here's some more pictures.


Looks like the welt is plastic. That would be loads stronger.
I've actually done a number on the welt of my shoes, I
scraped them on a door a few months ago, and almost tore it
straight off. :shock: Aside from that note, These shoes are fantastic, and I don't think I'll ever
own any others after this.
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Post by Indiana G »

those are beautiful mola ram!!! if my local alden supplier can't get me the shoes i ordered six months ago, i'm definitely going with a pair of these! i've already contacted the carmel store and they have my size :D
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Post by Ken »

Awesome thanks guys - some good thoughts here :)
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Post by Dostacos »

Ken wrote:Awesome thanks guys - some good thoughts here :)
do you wear them daily? if so I would REALLY suggest 2 pair, that way when you send in one pair for the rebuild the other pair is still usable.

heck I think I am going to use the excuse that they can be rebuilt as a $$ saving measure to talk my wife into a pair for me :lol:
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Post by TheFedoraGuy »

@Ken, what about the sole stitches? Were they worn through as well, or no problem so far? Cause I think the stitching grinds pretty much on the ground when walking.. I wonder why didn't they emboss the stitching deeper into the sole. Or is that only possible with leather soles?
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Post by Ken »

Yeah sole stitching seemed to have come out as well - part of the leather had torn off a bit as well

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Post by Mola Ram »

I wear mine pretty much daily.
I've had them for 2 years, and they still look ok,
But I keep shoe trees in them all the time when
I'm not wearing them. I need to send them in for a
resole and reheel soon, which personally I'd say
is a pretty good lifespan for 1 set of heels.
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Post by conceited_ape »

Where the he## have you been?!
You haven't posted in... years!!! :shock:
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Post by redfour »

Hey Ape!

I read the forum pretty often, but rarely post. I'll try not to be a stranger!


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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, it's ALWAYS great to see redfour drop in!! :D

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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