IndianaKrueger's Raiders bag-shape tutorial

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IndianaKrueger's Raiders bag-shape tutorial

Post by IndianaKrueger »

Hi everyone,

you know, over the many years I have lurked this site, and even since I have become a member and started posting again, I have never seen this topic come up. For a group of fans, such as myself, that demands screen accuracy in their gear and how its worn, I found this surprising, or maybe I am even more anal than most, lol.

So, here it is, how to get and keep that opening sequence "Raiders-shaping" to the bottom of the bag...

Sigh, how many times has it happened, we go on a globe trotting adventure and woop...the bottom of our bags "fall out", compressing the bag into a pancake against our legs, or even when we fill it with goodies, it collapses out at the bottom.

While I know some scenes ( as in the Cairo fight scenes) have this feature, I find it unsightly, and prefer the opening sequence look..I.E., with the bottom "boxed-out" creating a flat appearance when looking at the bag from the side, as if it were resting on a flat surface, table, whathaveyou. The solution to this problem is simple, and perfectly easy to achieve...

Take a standard wire hangar. Unravel it and pull it straight. Bend at 4 angles to create an appropriately shaped rectangle that will fit inside the bottom of the bag. Re-twine it ( wrap the metal around one end to secure the shape) and insert into the bottom of the bag. This method is incredibly sturdy and will retain your bottom-bag shape for years, keeping it in authentic screen accurate blocking for all your travelling needs. If I had a bag ( lost mine years ago but am replacing as some of you know) I'd show you what I mean.

This method works if you want to keep an empty bag at your side, or fill it with Brushes, Idols, whatever.

Hope that's been of some use to you all!



The official, how to secure your bullwhip in it's holder in the screen accurate "butt at the front, but not lodged in the holder itself- position" so it doesn't slide out or move" thread!

(Yes, I know, in some scenes the butts at the back. But I like the front view scenes.
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Re: IndianaKrueger's Raiders bag-shape tutorial

Post by VP »

IndianaKrueger wrote:I like the front view scenes.
Me too, I especially enjoy the silhouette it creates. 8)
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Post by Michaelson »

My only concern would be that the wire would eventually wear through the canvas bag with regular use.

Have you thought about the possibility of using 1/2 pvc pipe from the local plumbing store, with 90 degree elbows for the corners? This would distribute the load more evenly across the canvas, and would be about as light in weight.

Just thinking out loud here....

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Herr Doktor »

Also in the "thinking out loud" category...

My briefcase is a soft side, but has a "floor" in it to keep the bottom stiff. It is covered with the cordura material the bag is made out of, and stiched to one side of the bag, allowing it to be folded up against the inside, thereby making the bottom of the bag soft. Perhaps something along these lines will also work?

I will try to snap a couple of pics when I get home this afternoon to make it clear.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

My recommendation for a screen accurate open-bottom bag; use it like Indy does and carry you stuff in it. And I don't mean a moleskine a pencil, and a blackberry. Fill it. Toss in a small juice or water bottle, a novel, CD's, camera, whatever. My bag is always full, and never flattens out!

Michaelson - you should have caught this one! Shame on you!
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I believe they used foam to stuff the bag in numerous scenes, if I remember correctly. :wink:
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Me, I couldn't care less. But it seems like a piece of cardboard would do the job for you. No poking, rusting, or bending.

Oh, sure, you could eventually crush it, but I have a solution for that...

...another piece of cardboard.

Yes, I'm serious and sympathetic...just don't particularly care myself. Indy probably didn't either ("my bag collapsed! How embarrassing...")
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:lol: sorry, Tone, I don't know *what* I was thinking, flaunting my cardboard like it was such a commonplace bad. ;)
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Post by Swindiana »

Thanks, Jer.
I just used to lug around mine filled with bricks (very small ones for lightweight compensation)... ;)

I'll try that, but the cardboard prices have sky rocketed in Europe this year so I'll need a sturdy piece to start with. 8)

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Gosh, Lars, I had no idea. If it helps, I could mail you an unfinished piece of cardboard so you could do the fit-cut yourself. I've got extra, so don't worry about paying me back...anything to help a fellow gearhead.

Just make sure you check you local laws, I don't want to send it if it could be considered contraband, not just for my sake, but to keep COW out of hot water.

Let me know if you don't want it, I'm thinking of just putting it on ebay.
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Post by Michaelson »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:My recommendation for a screen accurate open-bottom bag; use it like Indy does and carry you stuff in it. And I don't mean a moleskine a pencil, and a blackberry. Fill it. Toss in a small juice or water bottle, a novel, CD's, camera, whatever. My bag is always full, and never flattens out!

Michaelson - you should have caught this one! Shame on you!
Why? Swin is our 'bag' man. :lol:

I hardly ever carry anything in mine, I don't really care WHAT folks thinks it looks like when I DO carry it, and my main carry bag is a Porta Brace production run bag. :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

This is, admittedly, the new stuff, hence why I don't mind giving it away. Consider it a 'close enough' as a starter, while he saves up his pennies for the good stuff.

As for a source for the classic stuff, I'm having trouble locating any. And obviously, unless it was in a protected environment, much of it is mush by now.

Now, that said, I *have* heard of the unsavory sort of collector who has raided alleys to take classic cardboard from the homeless, but I can't condone such despicable behavior, it's beyond unethical. However, I have also heard of more socially-conscious collectors who in fact trade late model larger shipping containers of various materials to the homeless in exchange for classic cardboard, and while it is difficult and problematic sometimes to provide cash as well, I understand part of the proceeds are often donated to local shelters.

And you thought cardboard was all about trash, oh no no, even the oddball world of cardboard trading can be a source of good for the world.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hey, I compensate those guys fairly for their vintage cardboard! But apart from that, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and scored some mercury-pressed cardboard from the 20's. Primo stuff. They sure don't make cardbaord like that anymore.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Michaelson wrote:Michaelson - you should have caught this one! Shame on you!
Why? Swin is our 'bag' man. :lol:


Maybe, but you're the real-world-practicality-man, with the "Just Use It" mantra. I believe that philosophy transcends any single piece of gear. Especially one that carries stuff!

Maybe that's why I love Indy gear so much; all those pockets and things. I'm the Pocket Man... and that includes really big pockets hanging from leather straps! 8)
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Post by Michaelson »

Hey, I try to help where I can, and if you'll take note, my post was regarding 'thinking out loud' to the project at hand. :lol:
I wouldn't do with with my own gear, but since ideas were being tossed out, I tossed mine out there as well.

Like I said, I honestly do NOT care what folks think my stuff looks like. I am not a frame matching SA man, and never have been, but if others like to do that, I can have an opinion to help them reach their goal. Nothing wrong with that.

Doesn't mean I'd do it, but like YOU say, that's the fun of this hobby.

As to the bag, I have NEVER promoted the 'just use it' mantra to that one item of gear, as it CAN and WILL wear rapidily if you're not careful with it...especially original pieces of gear. Reproductions, knock yourself out, but the original Mk VII's can pop quite easily if you're not careful.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Risu »

Michaelson wrote:As to the bag, I have NEVER promoted the 'just use it' mantra to that one item of gear, as it CAN and WILL wear rapidily if you're not careful with it...especially original pieces of gear. Reproductions, knock yourself out, but the original Mk VII's can pop quite easily if you're not careful.
This got me thinking, how durable is the Magnoli bag? I'm about to order one, but I plan on using it for carrying school books amongst other things (not all of them at once, just a couple at a time) and I don't know how much weight the bag can hold or for how long. Has anybody ever tested it's limits?
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Post by Michaelson »

I don't know myself, but the WPG has performed fine with a couple books and related items, and has been carried on several trips, including flights across country, so it performs well.

I'd say Indy's would be as strong, if not stronger. He's a stickler for not only detail, but quality control.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I haven't hauled books in my Magnoli, or put it thru unusual stress. Still, it seems very well put together. It's a softer bag than the WPG or real MKVII. I think that will help the seams hold better, in my opinion.

Michaelson, I see your point about an original piece of history, like a real MKVII. I suppose my POV is best suited to the repos. When you're right, you're right. I stand adjusted. :)
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