Now official. Crystal Skull fedoras are ABs.

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Now official. Crystal Skull fedoras are ABs.

Post by Fedora »

The news broke on that Barons was not the new film's hatter, but Adventurebilt was. The cat is out of the bag now.

Adventurebilt, which consists of me and my buddy Marc Kitter, were chosen last May to make the film hats, after the costumer looked at other hats and hatters and they came up short. Once our samples were received, apparently they stopped looking and we were given the job. It seems all of the homework done over the years on the Indy fedora paid off in spades. I could not be happier. To be a very small part of Indy film history is overwhelming for the both of us. We still have a hard time believing it. The work basically started in April and ran for almost 4 months, which really hurt our turnaround times for orders we had taken prior. And I still send a few hats still as the film progresses and people get hurt. But at least the owners of ABs now really own something special, and that hats still to be made will be special as well. And unlike the HJ our hats will not change over time. What you buy today, you will be able to buy tomorrow. And remember, if it ain't handmade by me or Marc, it ain't the genuine article. Sorry, I just had to say that. :lol:

In the end, the Crystal Skull fedora was birthed here on COW. I may have made that first block, but it could not have been done without COW. That is the truth. So, let's all pat ourselves on the back today for a job well done, especially those oldtimers that were around when I was first reverse engineering the Raiders block years ago. The Indy Gear crowd actually very much responsible for getting Indy back into a hat that, while not the Raiders fedora, at least it has the same blockshape, if not the crease job. Regards, Fedora
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Post by Fedora »

By the way, I simply love that name, The Crystal Skull fedora. Has a nice ring to it. :D Fedora
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well, Steve, looks like you're finally able to talk openly about the hats! :wink: Keep in mind folks, that vendor talk is still mum about the other pieces of gear. :wink:

EDIT: Again, we all are happy for Steve and Marc and congratulate them on a job well done and well deserved. Since the majority of posts were basic congrats and well wishes that had been up long enough for Steve and Marc to read them, I edited them out and kept the juicy bits and questions so folks won't have to sift through pages of "good job" posts in order to find the information they're looking for in this thread. Feel free to continue adding your congrats to this thread, but keep in mind that I will be pruning it again from time to time in order to keep this thread in good order.
Last edited by binkmeisterRick on Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mike »

Steve, I'm extremely happy and proud for you. It's great to see one of our own be a part of history with this new film!

...and it's a bit of a breath of fresh air to actually be able to talk about it!

Congrats to AdventureBuilt!

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

So NOW you guys know one of the reasons why wait times went up. To me, it makes my current hat on order all the more worth the wait! :wink:
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

And for everybody's reading pleasure, the press release... wrote:September 14, 2007
Adventurebilt Hats give Indy a head for adventure
They say the clothes make the man (yeah, it’s a well-worn phrase, but if the phrase fits, wear it with style!), and in the case of “Indiana Jones,” few statements could be truer. “Raiders of the Lost Ark” costume designer Deborah Nadoolman’s iconic costuming for Harrison Ford in the original “Indiana Jones” adventure instantly took on mythical proportions in the public imagination. The leather jacket, the work boots, the rugged shirt and pants, and of course, that wonderful brown fedora.

As Lucasfilm and Paramount proved with their early Comic-Con marketing and splash image on the official Web site, even just a glimpse of that hat tells audiences that they’re in for Indy-sized thrills. In the films, the fedora has even taken on a character of its own, serving for multiple gags throughout the first three films: from Indy snatching it from oblivion at the very last second, to the hat’s rolling back into frame to signal that audiences could hold out hope that the cliffhanging archaeologist might still live to see another day. If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones, and if Jones has gotta wear a hat, it must be a fedora.

The August 19, 2007 issue of Parade — that tabloid supplement that comes in your Sunday paper — authoritatively credited the production of the fedoras for “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” to the wrong manufacturer, and to set the record straight, we’re happy to announce that Indy fan favorite Adventurebilt Hats is the true vendor providing Harrison Ford with his “hero hat” on screen.

Now if you’re jonesing to get your own authentic Indy fedora from the very company that earned the commission to top off the man himself, Adventurebilt Hats and Adventurebilt Hats Deluxe has fedoras to order through their online U.S. and German stores. Available in pure beaver felt or in the Adventurebilt Deluxe (with Roo hide sweatband), these hats are sure to impress your favorite bar maiden or nightclub chanteuse (Just be sure to avoid Austrian scholars when wearing this bad boy. Nothing good can come of that.)

One other side note about Parade writer Walter Scott’s erroneous article: when responding to a reader’s inquiry about the new film, Scott states in no uncertain terms that Shia LaBeouf is not playing Indiana Jones’ son, but his sidekick. Scott may indeed prove correct on this, but then again, he may prove wrong. It’s presumable that Parade is merely referencing the now famed Comic-Con cast video in which Harrison Ford called Ray Winstone and LaBeouf his “sidekicks.” The truth of the matter at this point, however, is that Parade and millions outside the production have no clue who or what LaBeouf’s character is at this point, no matter how certain Scott sounds.

Note: Story updated to include Adventurebilt Hats Deluxe. Thanks to Jason and John for the additional information.
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Post by McFly »

Now that we're talking about it again, what's the whole story? How did it happen, and what did Uncle Steven say about it? How did you get in contact (without naming names or PMing me addresses of course)?

Congrats to you guys, and all of us who have hats on order!

Oh... I mean... :shock: :wink:

In Christ,
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I have so much to say about this, I don't know where to begin.

First off - Huge Congrats to Steve and Marc. I don't think that another hatter deserves this contract more then anyone else for reasons I can get into and others I can't.

Second - I'm not wearing a replica of a part of a movie costume, a movie costume is a replica of something I've been wearing for a year or so. That's a weird feeling.

And I'm not alone. Many of us who have been wearing Adventurebilts before Steve got the contract aren't wearing "Crystal Skull" Fedoras... rather Harrison Ford is wearing a reproduction of OUR hats that's BECOME The Crystal Skull fedora. I'm trying to get my head around this concept and I think I'm failing to put this into words. I think this is one of the few times I've ever been at a loss for words.

With that said, let me also add that Steve is far too generous with his thanks and gratitude and sharing his glory with us. But that's the kind of guy he is, simply phenomenal and kind.

I have a personal experience that I hope to share someday after the dust settles. It's a great story, more like a foot-note or an epilogue to Steve's. But let me just preview by saying this - you can't ask for a bigger, more loyal or a more fierce friend then Steve. He's done more for us then most will ever know... and he's such a gentleman that he wouldn't even bring it up.

When I finish growing up... I want to be more like Steve and another moderator here on this forum... but that's a rant for another day.
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Post by Fedora »

Does this mean it's OK to post pics of the Indy IV hat when I get it?

No. None of this is official so you must keep it to yourself until further notice.
While it is official that we made the hats, no pics of the Crystal Skull fedora will be seen, outside of what the production company shows us in their teasers. I was told this, just a couple of hours ago on the phone by one of the guys in the production. They certainly do not want to see pictures of this hat all over the net, on our heads PRIOR to the film being released, and I don't blame them. The hat is a big deal to them, and I understand why. Since it is a particular reverse engineered blockshape with a particular sort of crease, it doesn't look like the other hats out there that others sell. So yes, it would stand out if they saw one, and we can't have that. Those guys are a tough bunch to please when it comes to Indy's fedora, and that is from the horses mouth. They knew exactly what they wanted, and I am relieved that we had what they wanted. It was stressfull, until the hat was nailed down, but from there on out I have never dealt with such wonderful people. I will never forget it.

The story of all of this will have to wait of course, but I am grateful it was finally released by them, so that we can now own up to it all.

I think back, and remember little things like how I learned how to cut a dimensional brim from _. The oldtimers will remember his venture to the hatter who showed him how to do it, and he shared it with us. And then Dalexs showing us how to make the bows........two among many who contributed to the AB making it to the silver screen. And 3M$, whose sharp eye pointed out many nuances over the years. So, it is impossible to take sole claim of giving them what they wanted. It really was a group effort of a bunch of nit picky Indy Gear guys and gals who just used our hands. That's the way I see it anyways, as I always am honest with myself. :lol: Thanks from the both of us, since Marc is making hats right now, as I run my mouth. Let me go and get busy. Lord knows I have plenty to do. :wink: Thanks guys. Steve
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Post by Marc »

I don't know what to say my friends! You really make me feel so freakin' great, I can't describe it

It's ok to state that we made the hats for Ford, but we made a gentlemen aggreement not to discuss specs. etc. etc. etc. before the movie comes out. We'll be very happy to share our part of the story once it's ok of course, but for now, all we can say is YES!!! WE DID IT!!! Indy himself is wearing our hats!!! :shock:

Steve said it before, but I'd really like to stress it again: Thanks to all of you!!! This is something WE made happen. WE - the fans :D :D :D


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Post by agent5 »

Let me get this straight. Nobody is supposed to post pics of AB's here until the movie comes out? This entire section is FULL of pics of AB's. I think it's fairly unavoidable here.
The way I took what Steve said was that he did not want them posted all over the net, as in other sites.
They certainly do not want to see pictures of this hat all over the net, on our heads PRIOR to the film being released, and I don't blame them.
Anyone here knows that there are literally hundreds of AB threads already in existance. You can't stop what has already been done. I'm guessing (Steve,Marc, please step in to make this clear to everyone, please) that they don't want to see pics of the hat on all kinds of different sites with mention of who made them just yet.
If I'm in error, please accept my apologies. It just seemed kind of irrelivant not to post pics here since now we all know and the site is full of pics of them already.
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Post by IndyBlues »

I think they are talking about the Crystal Skull "bash", not just the AB in general. If someone ordered a hat in this configuration, I guess they need to keep it under their,...hat.
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Post by McFly »

And guess what, guys? In a few years, you'll be able to go to Disneyland buy the authentic hats used in the movies! They won't look anything like them, but you know if Disney says they were in the movies... they were.

Do you find it funny that the official hats are going to be modeled after (or just simply called) your hats? You guys are the new Herbert Johnson of the hobby! Years and years from now people will be saying "Well I have a vintage Adventurebilt from 2007" and other, newer gearheads will drool and pass out. I can't imagine how awesome it feels to know that you got into the hobby trying to FIND the stuff, and now you can actually say that you MADE it!

:shock: :clap:

My authentic, nearly screen accurate hat is off to you, gents!

Again, congratulations,
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Steve and Marc, congratulations. I have been wanting to be able to say that in the forum for a long time. This is so unbelievable, I know you guys are probably still pinching yourselves to see if it is real or if you are dreaming.

Obviously being an Indiana Jones fan, I am anxious to see Indy IV. But, with you guys making the hero's hat, when I finally see the film on May 22, 2008, it will now be a personal experience when I get to admire your handiwork up on the big screen.

Steve, I know you tried REAL hard to get the Raiders tight front pinch in this movie, but it just wasn't what they wanted. It will still be the highest quality fedora that Indiana Jones has ever worn on an adventure. Maybe it is good that it doesn't have the Raiders pinch, as now it will be different from the other three films and your creation will be completely unique when it takes its place in the cinematic legacy of the man with the hat.

Once again, congratulations. And, make my Indy IV hat look real purdy when you make it!
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Post by Marc »

Steve, I know you tried REAL hard to get the Raiders tight front pinch in this movie, but it just wasn't what they wanted.
Oh gosh yeah... we both tried so hard to get a turned Raiders Fedora in there. Almost to the point where the customer got sick of it :lol: But I still like how it looks on Ford's hat.


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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Yay, oh just freaking YAY! One less secret to keep! :D

Steve and Marc, you heard it before, but since this time we don't have to delete it - CONGRATULATIONS! We are just passing through history, but the hat - this IS history!!!

THANK YOU for taking IndyGear to a new height, guys! And I can't wait to see the story in detail in the DVD extras at Christmas 2009. ;)

BTW - I think we owe a thank you to Mike as our leading man, with his supporting cast of Dalexs, Minnesota, and Michaelson for your leadership through the last several trying months, trying to keep the lid equitably, protecting the site AND Adventurebilt's status with unflagging diligence in keeping us honest. Where's that salute smiley??? SALUTE! :D

Respect -
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I'd like to add my props to the admins, too. Jerry's right, they did more than you folks will ever know keeping things from completely going south and making sure we still have a place to hang our hats around here. As much as my hat is off to Adventurebilt, it's equally off to the admins for the difficult behind the scenes work during that time (and the months ahead)! :clap:
Last edited by binkmeisterRick on Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fedora »

Oh gosh yeah... we both tried so hard to get a turned Raiders Fedora in there. Almost to the point where the customer got sick of it
That's the truth. :lol: Both of us were really pushing the Raiders hat, but it just was not meant to be. So we made it a hybrid. Raiders/TLC. We were told he was not looking for a tapered hat, as many of the other samples from others were too tapered. Our straight sided block was what they were after. Glad we just happen to have it!! :lol: Not only did we have it, but we had already been using it for a few years. I don't want to give US too much credit here, as the costumer used us to create the hat they wanted. And they were nit picking every detail, just as they should have done. What helped us, was we were gearheads, and knew exactly what they were talking about when they would mention something pertaining to the final look. Face it, other hatters make many different kinds of hats, but only Marc and I specialize in Indy's fedora. That sure made it easier for us. Since we knew the films by heart, all they had to do was mention a certain scene from a certain Indy film, and we did not have to run to put the dvd in to see what they were talking about. We already knew, instantly. :lol: Some would call that a sickness. :lol: Yeah, no doubt it really helped that we really had studied this hat, and for years. All we had to do was to remember that at COW, every nuance had been talked about and discussed ad nauseum. :lol: It is very fitting that the site that is devoted to Indy's gear was instrumental in getting a good hat on Indy's head for his final adventure, almost 30 years after the first hat came on the scene. We paid homeage to Deborah, the original hat designer as no one could ever top her Raiders fedora that started all of this. With each film came a new costumer, an in my opinion, the first costumer and the last costumer presented the best looking hats, but I am predjudiced for good reason towards the last hat. I think once you guys get to see this hat in the whole film, you will see our homeage to Deborah along with some of the new costumers visions of Indy's fedora. The current costumer really did sweat bullets over the hat and other gear items, as he was as difficult to please as any other hat anal Indy fan. He understood just how important this hat was, more so than I think some of the other costumers felt when they were involved, going by what some of the other hats looked like from them.

There is something that I can say without getting into trouble. We had 5 or 6 samples out there that we had made in Ford's size. (not a true 7 1/4 hat size by the way) and the way the final dimensions were chosen was through the use of a costume test. Steven filmed Harrison in the various hats of ours and then picked the one he wanted from viewing the dailies of the film test. So, they picked the hat by HOW it appeared on screen. This was a total surprise to me(don't know if Marc was surprised), as I thought they would just put it on him and say ok, or not. But what do I know about filmmaking? Zip. nit, nothing. :lol: These hats had various dimensions of brim widths and crown heights. And if I understand it correctly, Steven actually picked which hat he wanted, that the costumer supplied him with. And once the right hat was decided upon, our jobs became almost stress free, and the fun started. Until that time, we were both stressed out with worry. Would our hats be good enough, was the order of the day back then in May. The suspense was killing us. Neither of us could sleep with the antiscipation of finding out if we got this gig. Little did we know at that time that they stopped looking when they got in our samples. We did not know several other hatters had already been looked at but they could not give them what the costumer was after. We just thought we were one company among many who were in the running. One hatter was even given a month to come up with the hat. He failed.

The one person who was instrumental in getting us in the front door was our own Peter Botright. Without Peter directing them to us, this would have never happened. So, Marc and I owe Peter a debt we can never repay. Although we showed him our appreciation in the form of a nice bottle of liquid courage, which turned out to be one of his favorites. So I will say thank you Peter, while knowing just a thank you does not seem to be enough for what he did for us. We will forever be in his debt for doing us such a tremendous favor!!! He gave us the chance to show them what we could do.

I want to go ahead and get another thing out there that is a personal thing between Marc and I, but which may come up at some point in time. We both sent hats, and because of Marc's distance from LA, he had Gmann send a hat Marc had just made for him, to the costumer. I just stayed up all night and made a sample and overnighted it the next day. So, he got Gmann's Deluxe one day,(I think Gmann actually got to talk to the costumer later on) and mine the next. At first, this AB deal was confusing to the costumer. Two hats, both with the AB name, but one from Germany and one from Mississippi. Now this was early in the process and the costumer did not quite understand my and Marc's connection until later. Now, Marc and I had talked and we quickly agreed that if they chose his hat, he would allow me to make half of the order. IF they chose my hat, I would do the same thing for him. Afterall, we are friends and both of us are obsessed with this brown fedora, and I had even wanted Marc to help make my AB hats when I first started the AB line a few years ago. I even made Marc his first block, that he later improved upon. We have always been kindred spirits when it comes to the Raiders fedora. So, we had that agreement, that if we lucked up and got his deal, we would include the other. That is just the way that we are.

So Marc sent his Raiders blocked hat, and I sent my original Raiders block that I use on my Raider fedoras, but then I also sent my new revised Raiders block when the costumer asked for a another sample, and I don't recall why, but I felt that perhaps they might need to see another blockshape, and instead of sending my old Raiders block, I sent a hat made from the new one that I had recently revised, but was not using because everyone here seemed to prefer the older one.(what a run on sentence,but I am in a hurry so I will let it stay) When the hat was chosen by Steven from the film test, it ended up being my new Raiders blockshape!! So, Marc had to have it copied and had to do it fast. But never underestimate the determination of Marc Kitter!! It cost him 800 bucks for two hat blocks to be made by his blockmaker, and I think the blockmaker worked all weekend to do it for Marc!! I wish my blockmaker was like that!! So, the new revised Raiders block was chosen, and since it came from me, I was chosen to be the one that the costumer was to deal with. but he knew full well that we were a team. I think also the reason he chose me to talk to was, 1) I was easier to phone as I was in the States, and 2) it was less confusing for him to deal with just one person. Makes sense.

So although I actually got the contract, that is on paper only. WE got the contract is the reality of the situation. Marc made half of the hats for the film, and he sent them to me to style, because Bernie only wanted me to style the hats as clones. I had to use a ruler to do so. Not that Marc did not style his hats, but I just tweaked them if need be, to make them clones of my own hats I was making. Never before had the hatter actually styled the hats, but we did it on this film. Per their instructions of course. Since the hats HAD to be clones, I also tweaked Marc's bows so that his bow looked identical to my bows . That is how detail oriented the costumer was. And that is why, when you see these hats on film, neither me or Marc will be able to tell if I made the hat, or if he made the hat. :lol: But we know both of our hats were worn by Indy. We mixed up the sweats so that some of his hats had my sweat, and some of my hats had his sweat!! We did this so regardless of who you buy from, he or I, you will be getting the same hats that Indy wore regardless of which hatter you choose. Like I said, this was a team effort from the get-go. And long after I am gone, Marc Kitter will still be around to give the fans the genuine Crystal Skull fedora. I like that. The AB name will outlive me and Marc is young enough to be around for many, many years unlike myself. I think this is the great thing about two guys making the film hats, especially when one of the hatters ain't no Spring chicken. :lol: So, now everyone knows an important part of the story as it pertains to Adventurebilt hats. And I needed to set the record straight early on, as to avoid any confusion later on. Appreciate all the kind words. But as I said earlier, I still can't believe it.

Oh, I have come up with a new line to retort back to the "Indy comments" that people are apt to make when they see me wearing my brown fedora, once the film gets everyone's attention back to Indy. Now, I can just simply say, "heck, I made his hat, and I am advertising it!" :lol: Fedora
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Post by Fedora »

Oh, something else before I get to work. I have had a few folks email and pm me about posting pics of the Crystal Skull fedora. We cannot, I repeat, we cannot have any pics of this hat online, EXCEPT what the production wants to show us. I don't want to have to mail these hats out to folks the day before the premier, but if I have to do that to keep them OFF the net, I have no qualms about doing that, or just refunding monies. I know a couple are wanting to be the first one to do so, but please, respect me and Marc enough to grant us the courtesy. Back when I originally made the AB announcement(and then almost lost the contract due to me leaking info) I screwed up and sent a customer a pic of what the hat looked like, while telling him, not to share. Well, he shared on another website. But, that hat was nuked by the costumer,and we started over. But that is another story to be told, when we tell the entire story of the hat.

Since the powers that be here on COW understand fully how important this is, about not showing pics of the hat, other than what the production puts out there, I fully expect them to nuke and ban anyone who chooses to do the unmentionable, that is, post pics of the hat BEFORE the film comes out. This is so important guys. COW and its members are in high regard by the production, let's not ruin that!! Let's not try to spoil the new film and disapoint them just because you want to brag on your hat. Let's leave the egos at the door for the time being. There will be plenty of time to do the show and tell AFTER the film premiers. Thanks. Steve
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Post by Michaelson »

Well, now that the proverbial 'cat IS out of the bag', and your names are now part of the legacy of the franchise....don't forget us 'little people'.....and don't say 'it can never happen.'

It can, and does all the time by individuals with the very best of intentions. Stay above that if you can. That's the only advice I will now offer as this event enters the final stage.

My best to you both, and congratulations for a job well done, and hard won.

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Post by Fedora »

No problem with those early pics of my or Marc's hats. Even if you style it like the new film hat. There is a little difference in block shapes that we used for the film, and it shows when compared to our OTHER hats. So if you styled our old hats like the new hat, the fat lady won't sing. Remember, the new hat is from a new blockshape that only a handfull even own. Not even a handfull actually. It it totally new, which is a good thing because otherwise, you could just style your Raiders fedora from me or Marc like the film hat, and you would have a clone. But, only the new Raiders block will yield a clone. Trust me on this one, as I already tried it. LOL. Fedora
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Post by Ripper »

I was wondering something....since "the cat is out of the bag" now and you are bound to get busier, will your price increase start earlier , Or, will it still be after IJ IV come out ?
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Post by Fedora »

I was wondering something....since "the cat is out of the bag" now and you are bound to get busier, will your price increase start earlier , Or, will it still be after IJ IV come out ?

Greedy is one thing I am not, and therefore will only go up when it is absolutely neccessary, or when the film comes out, whichever comes first. If I were to suddenly get deluges of orders that would come from folks on the net that are not members here, I will make the increase announcement effective at that time. I don't think that will happen, but if it does, I will go up then to cut back on demand. Otherwise, I will time us "taking credit" for the new film hat, to be seen on my website and Marc's site with the film premier, and post the new price at that time. I figure all hatters will see an increase in orders once the film hits the streets, if you go by what has happened with the other 3 Indy films. And since we handmade the film hats, mucho time is involved in producing one. So, going up to match what many other hatters already charge for their pure beaver hats, is finally just matching the price of other beaver hats. This indeed has been a hobby with me, making and selling these hats to you guys at a steal when compared to other pure beaver hats. But the hobby may be forced into a small business, as the new price would indicate. Still, I will be forced into it, raising prices, as one can only make so many handmade hats, and no one wants to wait for 5 years on any hat. If the demand never happens, once turnaround times get down to 2 months, I will adjust my prices downward. I want to make hats, it is my hobby and something that I really like doing. I don't want to be priced so high that no one buys my hats. So, I will adjust to arrive at what keeps me busy. A long winded answer to a simple question, but you guys know how I am. :wink: Fedora
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Post by Marc »

Just a little add to the story, as we aggreed to sharing the pleassure of telling this as well.

Steve sent some of his rawbodies, to make sure I could match my hats color wise (they become lighter depending on how much you pounce them). So I finished off some of Steve rawbodies using my sweatbands while matching my rawbodies color wise his, to make sure everything would be identical (and yes, that is the first time one of Steve's hats has the AB-Dlx. sweatband and was made completely by me :lol: ). In return I sent several AB-Dlx. rawbodies to Steve, which HE finished off using HIS sweatbands. I had finished the bows as well, so he just needed to put them on. So, even if this will probably never happen, but if you gave me a screen used hero hat and asked me who made this, I'd say either Steve or me :lol: :lol: :lol: I absolutely love this to be honest. This has been an absolutely top notch international partnership to start with, but THIS deal was the cherry on the ice :D

Gosh, we were so worn out in anticipation!!! And when we finally got the green light, I almost freaked! Thanked the customer a dozen time and then freaked again :lol: Luck had it, that I was supposed to go on a two week vacation together with my wife, when we got the go. So I sent her off with my sister instead and started making hats (and BOY am I happy that she couldn't see our house while doing so :shock: ). I worked round about 18-20 hours a day (so did Steve), I lost 20 pounds in four weeks (incl. the anticipation time), I didn't sleep, I didn't eat and my wife was gone with my sister. But that was one of the best vacations ever 8)


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Post by eazybox »

Given the number of fans who were allowed to participate in this film in one way or another-- from simply witnessing the filming, to close encounters with Spielberg and Ford, to being hired as extras, all the way up to making the hats that actually rest on Indy's head-- this movie feels much more like an interactive experience between filmakers & fans than the first three. I think Steven Spielberg deserves credit for opening the door just a crack, and giving his fans an opportunity to be a part of the magic.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

That really is a nice way of thinking about it - thanks for the thought, Jack.
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Ya know I just thought of something, many years from now and I vist the inlaws in DC and I go into the Smithstonian of natural history and they have Indys hat on display from Indy IV, I can say hey I have one just like it. So cool.

And Steve and Marc that's one heck of a story, I just once again say thank you for both your dedication to the art of hat making.

Thank you.

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Post by Michaelson »

That hat at the Smithsonian is from Indy III, Last Crusade, not IV. If they have it marked that way, it's wrong. :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by michaelb »

I think he means in the future...

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Post by Cassidy »

Congrats, it's really great "news."

Has Ford provided any feedback one way or the other as to how much he likes/dislikes the hat?
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Post by McFly »

That IS an interesting question! Has Mr. Ford given any comments as to whether or not he likes the hat? (Or rather, has he admitted he likes it? :wink:)

In my AB,
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Post by squidkidd »

What ever became of the "gift" hat that was going to Ford, did he ever receive it? Can you comment on that Steve? I'm really curious if/how that played into this whole thing.
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Post by Fedora »

Gmann is dead on. Not only did he really like the hat, but EVERYONE has loved it. As folks come and go from the production, they tend to call me to order hats. Of course, many have been told there that the hat is handmade of pure beaver and that turns some heads too. Nothing was spared on the Indy outfit, just wait til you see what the jackets will sell for once that announcement is made official.

Later on, when the story is told in detail of the hat project, I will share some funny stuff that I was told as I have talked to the costumer more than I ever talked to my wife when I was married. I have so many behind the scenes things that happened, that you will get a kick out of later on.

One thing though. While I have some good stuff to share later on, neither Marc or I were ever told anything about what the film was about. We know no spoilers. The costumer was as close to the vest about the film as anyone could possibly be. And of course, we never asked either, out of respect for his non disclosure agreement he had to sign. He has been around a long time and very professional. Very friendly, and such a nice man. I can't say enough good things about him. Through him, I discovered the Hollywood folks are just regular people like us. They just do filmwork for a living. It's their job. For some reason, I had this erroneous idea that they had 3 legs or something. :lol: They are just people who love what they do, and humbleness seems to be the rule rather than the exception, in my limited experience with them. Unlike my previous conception, those guys out there are just like the rest of us. But I digress. Fedora
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Steve, (like I mentioned in our last conversation) I truly hope you've kept a diary or notes of all of this for posterity. When all is said and done, this whole adventure needs recording in the annals of IndyGear and Club Obi Wan for Indyfans past and future to enjoy. :)

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Post by Indiana Jess »

Fedora wrote: ... Nothing was spared on the Indy outfit, just wait til you see what the jackets will sell for once that announcement is made official.
Hope I find out who does the jacket before they raise their prices

Fedora, consider attending the QM and/or the Finger Lake somevents next year where we can bombard you will all our questions. :wink:
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Post by Fedora »

Hope I find out who does the jacket before they raise their prices
Since he did not offer the Indy jacket prior, when the news does break, I am sure he will start out with pricing that was the same as he got for the ones he made for the film. I doubt he will sell them cheaper than what he was already paid. Pay off your credit cards now, so you can get one. As you all know, the jacket is based on TLC jacket, but with some mods. The mods came later after the original LC jacket from Lucas was nailed by this guy. Once he nailed the jacket, the costumer changed some stuff. The jacket experts here can figure that one out later on. So, it will be the Crystal Skull jacket, no doubt. Just like the hat, continuity with TLC but still a bit different in some details that only we would notice. That's all that I can say about it, and I am sure the guy will show up here one day to fill you guys in. And I imagine that Steven had final approval on the jacket too. That guy is really involved deeply in this film, even down to the minute details. Unreal. Fedora
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Post by Flash Gordon »

I haven't heard anything about which lining was used in the film hats.

Is it Steve's or Marc's or is it one that was made just for the film?

Inquiring minds wants to know!

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Post by Marc »

I guess you'll have to wait until May to have that one answered...


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Post by McFly »

So we'll see the liner in the film? It would be awesome if it had the little Ra headpiece inside. :lol:

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Post by michaelb »

I guess you'll have to wait until May to have that one answered...


Alright, now that's just not fair. :( I was wondering the same thing. :wink:

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Post by mark seven »

:clap: Congrats Steve and Marc!,if anyone deserved this gig it's you guys..but,i have to ask why is the new hat not more like the original raiders hat?,surely this was a chance to finally put the best looking hat back on Indy's head?
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Post by Erri »

Oops, how did I miss this thread! :shock:

Well of course congrats... I can already picture myself an interview to the costumier of indy4 in the dvd saying... we saw this beautiful hat, with a very tall crown, I think it's still in their catalogue... it was their australian model :shock:
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Post by Satipo »

Just adding my congratulations to the many already here!

It's great that it's now a no-brainer who to get hats from for both screen accuracy and authenticity.

I've been popping in and out of this community since the heyday of, and it's fantastic to see such a big achievement arise from a dedicated pursuit of this hobby. Surely, it's the ultimate achievement in this field.

To misquote a certain Rene Belloq, "What a fitting end to your lives' pursuits. You're about to become permanent additions to this Indiana Jones thing. Who knows, in a couple of years even you may be worth something!" :wink:


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Post by Fedora »

i have to ask why is the new hat not more like the original raiders hat?,surely this was a chance to finally put the best looking hat back on Indy's head?
They did not want the tight creases or the turn. They wanted continuity with TLC. So we used the Raiders blockshape with LC creases. They wanted the same blockshape as Raiders, and our barrel shaped blocks were what got us the contract. Seems like no other hatter had them quite like ours. The other samples had too much taper in the crown. They certainly had a definite hat in mind, and we were in the right place at the right time to provide them with it. You can bet, if another hatter would have sent them the Raiders blockshape, they would have used that hatter. We actually came in well down the line in their search for "the hat". But, once they saw our samples, I think they knew they had finally found the right guys. Well, we were both told that actually. It is a plus when the costumer is dealing with guys like Marc and I. I think they were glad we had spent so much time in efforts to replicate the first film hat. :lol: And like I said earlier, once they got our samples, the hunt was over. We just had to work on the details then of turning the Raiders fedora into something that would have continuity with TLC. When you watch the film, and you see TLC creases pop out in action scenes, I think you will see the Raiders fedora clearly. And going by the PR photo of Ford sitting with Shia, you can see his long oval head warping the brim of the hat. I think we will be in for a pleasant surprise, if you are a Raiders fedora fan. Fedora
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Post by Modern Jones »

This is completely unreal and amazing! I remember the _ dimensional tutorials and getting my first Akubra. To see all of the hard work and contributions culminate into this, leaves me without words ...

just a wide smile from ear to ear! :D :D :D

I am going to have my Tivo on and ready for the premiere footage. I want to scour the people walking in for you guys!

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Post by 3thoubucks »

Got a rare, deep down happy feeling, I'll never forget. .... Thanks, Steve and Marc! Well done! :clap: :tup: :tup:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

3thoubucks wrote:Got a rare, deep down happy feeling, I'll never forget. .... Thanks, Steve and Marc! Well done! :clap: :tup: :tup:
Now THAT is a statement: not just a long time coming, but also high praise indeed from one of our many questers in the search for the holy grail of the Indy fedora! :tup:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hey, 3thou, can we expect sometime down the road that you'll be trying to explain all the nuances of why the AB looks the way it does? :lol: :wink: And for the record, I have nothing but respect for all the research and work you've done regarding the hat from Raiders.

Regards! :D
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Post by 3thoubucks »

Hey, 3thou, can we expect sometime down the road that you'll be trying to explain all the nuances of why the AB looks the way it does?
I'll still be annoying Steve and Marc with Australian nonsense, even though I got my first 2 vintage HJ's this year, and am rooting for HJ too. Maybe they'll get an oportunity to examine the main Raiders fedora someday, and solve some mysteries. .............. Here's the Parade article for anyone who hasn't seen it. Image
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Post by Fedora »

Here's the Parade article for anyone who hasn't seen it
And this is the reason that the publicity agent for the film broke the news on the Spielberg film site. I had been told that they were gonna clear this up, just did not know the means they would use. So, it came as a surprise to me as much as anyone, that they let the info be made public. They did not have to do that, and it just goes to show what great folks Marc and I have been working for. The costumer that we dealt with, Harrison's costumer, is a stand up guy, on top of being such a nice man. I love this man as he has been so good to us in more ways than I can say right now. Beyond the call of duty. Fedora
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