Wested's Website

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Wested's Website

Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »

Anybody notice that on Wested's website that they don't have a picture of the TOD Jacket? It's probably just a mistake.

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Post by ob1al »

Yup - the Wested Raiders IS a Temple of Doom jacket, any others being made by Cooper.

So if you want a Temple jacket, order a Wested Raiders jacket! :)

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Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »

Isn't it funny how a new movie can change everything. Down is up and so on. Thanks for your answer.

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Post by St. Dumas »

The photo of the Last Crusade jacket on the Wested site has also been changed. The collar and collar stand appear to be more SA from the LC jacket offered by Wested in the past. Hmm. I wonder if... Nah.
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Post by ob1al »

That photo is of a screen used jacket.
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Post by agent5 »

_ is correct and I agree with him it is a good move for them to remove the jacket from their site because it was not accurate for a TOD jacket. It was basically a longer Raiders jacket. That's it. However, USWings is also far from being completely accurate for a TOD jacket, although it is closer. It just needs a tiny bit of tweaking to be right there.
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Post by PETER »

On my wested.com site I only offer a stock Raiders Jacket.
For custom made we point to Indyjacket.Com so as the Temple jacket is only a Raiders but 1" longer but if its custom made you can order a Raiders longer anyway so whats the point.
I dont want any controversy so I have dropped it as I have any reference to IJ4.
The only thing I will say is that although Coopers indeed were licenced to merchandise the jacket I dont believe they made any jackets for the film I think it was a French company but a check with Angels Costumiers can confirm or deny.
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Post by agent5 »

as the Temple jacket is only a Raiders but 1" longer
There are also other variations that separate it from the Raiders jacket, besides the length. The side vents are closed up to about 2" from the bottom of the jacket, the yoke is alot larger than the Raiders jacket as well, extending down an extra 2-3". The strap buckles are also different and neither D-rings or the black rectangular ones and the pockets are much, much smaller. To date, I've never seen a TOD jacket exactly as it appeared on screen.
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Post by Mulceber »

wonder what accounts for the supposed longer length of the ToD jacket... :junior: -IJ
Last edited by Mulceber on Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana G »

To date, I've never seen a TOD jacket exactly as it appeared on screen.
quite true 5.....but peter and friends did come very close in the lovely number they built for me...........


...aside from stitching up the vents some more and changing out the d-rings with 2 pronged center bar buckles.........

:D [/quote]
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Post by henryindianajonesjr44 »

IndianaJones wrote:Hey, I just checked Indyjacket.com and it looks like the Temple jacket is no longer available. It isn't listed on the jacket page and the order form doesn't make mention of it. :junior: -IJ
Refer to the first post my friend.
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Post by orb »

I hope this question isn't againt the rules.
Are now every LC jacket from Wested based on this new/screenaccurate pattern?
Because I would really miss the old non SA LC jacket pattern.

Much regards

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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I'm confused now... so did they make the LC jacket as well? Everyone (including Wested's update site) states that they indeed made Raiders', but no mention is made of who made LC's.

And isn't the picture of that LC jacket on Wested's page their worn-look lamb Raiders Authentic? Or is that one of the old props?
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Post by agent5 »

Yes, Wested made the jackets used in Raiders as well as Last Crusade. There were some Raiders stunt jackets used in TOD but Cooper had the TOD contract, Wested did not. 2 out of 3 is not bad. :wink:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

...especially since some Wested jackets made it onscreen in TOD just the same. Peter is being a stand-up guy in clarifying all of this. Thanks, Peter, I've been confused about this before, so I appreciate the clarifications.
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Post by Lao Feng »

Why nopt prevail upon Neal Cooper to do a run of his Raider jacket once again. They are still making A-2s for the US Air Force, are they not?
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

The Cooper is now producted by USWings. The jacket has been modified a bit (I myself don't have the exact details myself on the modifications), so it's not "exact" - but it IS a fairly close reproduction of the ToD Jackets that Cooper made. That's why it's still listed on the main site as an Indy "Jacket" along with Wested and the Expo.
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Post by ob1al »

That's a great idea _.

I've started a specific TofD jacket specs thread here: viewtopic.php?p=322386#322386

Let's try and pin down the specs on this one!

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Did Peter change his prices?

Post by St. Dumas »

I could be mistaken here, but has Peter increased his price for custom Indy jackets? I see on the Wested site that the custom jackets start at 165 GBP and the off-the-rack jackets are 145 GBP. Didn't the custom jackets used to start at 145 GBP?

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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I share your sentiments, St. Dumas. I was just as surprised, and confused, when I was looking over their website recently, as I remember that their custom jackets were previously the same price as their stock sizes. But I guess it makes sense...
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Wested site updates

Post by St. Dumas »

A-ha! I see Peter has updated his site yet again, this time showing two images of his revamped LC jacket. Need... to see... more.

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Post by PLATON »

The only thing I will say is that although Coopers indeed were licenced to merchandise the jacket I dont believe they made any jackets for the film I think it was a French company but a check with Angels Costumiers can confirm or deny.
And I think that if I don't ask them nobody else in here will. Maybe some guys like the idea that it was Cooper.

Speaking of Cooper and USWings, those guys can't make the A-2 jacket right, how will they make the Indy?
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Post by CM »

Amusing! I realise you're just trying to provoke debate there Platon. However, I'd love to know where the idea of a French company came from. And is there anyone out there who can tell which jacket is used in which scene in TOD? I don't remember seeing any that look like a Raiders. TOD jackets all seem to have a very distinct look. Having said that, I don't think they look longer. Photos are not a good indication - perspective creates illusions.

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Post by PLATON »

Not a debate, but a vivid conversation maybe.... All opinions should be heard I guess.

Speaking of whether a Raiders jacket appeared in TOD, there is ground to believe that one of the jackets Terry Leonard wore during the truck chase scene was one that appeared in TOD.

The photos of Terry don't show the jacket to be longer because he's wearing protective padding so the whole jacket is rounder and rides up.
But the small pockets and the sewn/closed side vents are the main pointers.

That's all speculation of course...
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Post by PLATON »

"Now you're getting nasty"

Perhaps you need to read more carefully what is said before you throw your poisonous comments.

I never said that Cooper didn't make the jackets. In fact, I have never seen any evidence supporting either that they did or that they didn't. If you say that they had a contract, then let them have it. I have no opinion or interest in that.

I simply said that perhaps I should be the one to ask Angel Costumiers as nobody else seems to be willing. (Nobody has till now)
"Speculation" and "Grounds to believe" are incongruous bases of evidence... You are pulling thoughts out of nowhere and stirring a pot. I have a strong basis to believe this based on your Modus operandi...
incongruous? Where do you find these words? FYI there is a very long thread in here, in which authorities in the subject of the jacket have agreed that the jacket Terry Leonard wore might be the TOD jacket. There were certain pictures too. You also participated in that thread. How you forget so quickly?

Modus operandi? You wanna speak latin???
So, its prima facie evidence that Terry Leonard's jacket was the TOD jacket.
The French jacket story started with a glib comment thrown out by Noel Howard when he was resisting the urge to disclose Leather Concessionaires not being contracted for ToD. Somebody thought he was serious and a myth was born…
Are you accusing Noel Howard to be a liar? That was something he admitted to you? Or is it a conclusion of yours?
Your Terry Leonard speculation is laughable but not unexpected...
Please refer to what I said above about the other thread.
So it's not MY speculation and stop putting words in my mouth. Or perhaps I shouldn't be bothered with that because that's just your modus operandi
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Post by Cavalcade »

It's not Groundhog Day today is it?
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Post by Michaelson »


I'm not sure why we continue to rattle down the same potholed bumpy road myself.

Angels has been interviewed several times. Where in the world did you get the idea no one has been there before now? They were one of the FIRST stops in the acquisition of information for this hobby.

Noel Howard has told several visitors to his shop he started that 'rumor' it was a French company, as it was getting tiresome to just shrug his shoulders when he showed off his screen used Cooper he has in his shop. It has been reported and revisited several times over the years. He wouldn't say it was a Cooper as it wasn't supplied BY his company, so he wasn't about to give credit to another group.

If you feel you need to replow this ground, by all means, go for it. I hope you DO find out some new crumbs of information, but bear in mind the earlier visits were done when the film projects were still fresh in the minds of the participants, and the companies were still in existance in their original form and function. Documentation was obtained at that time too.

It's been done, folks have sold the teeshirts, and moved on to other things.....

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Post by Ripper »

folks have sold the teeshirts

:?... Do you have proof of this ? Were they screen acurate T- Shirts ? :wink: :wink:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hey, Ripper. Com'ere... *TWAP* :whip: :wink:
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Post by Indiana Jess »

Ripper wrote:
folks have sold the teeshirts

:?... Do you have proof of this ? Were they screen acurate T- Shirts ? :wink: :wink:
Yes they were.
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Post by Ripper »

I like that ! I need to get me one !
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Post by Michaelson »


Regards! Michaelson
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Post by coronado3 »

Actually, I think everyone here would want one!

And it is true that Michaelson rocks... He is actually Ted Nugent in indygear! WANGO TANGO!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Indiana G »

if i get the t-shirt, what kind of pecard dressing would you recommend on that michaelson?
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Post by Michaelson »

Only as a moustache wax. :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Ripper »

....well who ever owns THAT shirt obviously does not use scotchguard either ! I mean, just LOOK at that taper ! :wink:

Well.....There is your problem ! OK, Back on track.....so to speak. :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

Yeah, that's another shot from DragonCon...... :lol: :wink:

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Post by PLATON »

Dear Michaelson,

I didn't know if Angels have been asked. I am not here that long. I just saw Peter saying that we should ask them and that's it.

I have no intention to repeat something that was done by others and the results are known to be what you say.

Writting is this forum is extreme fun for me and I have met some wonderful people who I really like, but sometimes I feel that whatever new info I may find I better keep it for myself. Nothing wrong with that and no hard feelings for anyone here.

I always looked at the funny side of my debates with _, whom I like because he is witty, but I would not take any offense from him or anybody.

This is a hobby we all share and should be fun. I would welcome any criticism from him or anybody as long as it is with humor and not malicious.
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Post by Michaelson »

Exactly. It's all a hobby and fun. I guess it's the way some posts are phrased that raise the hairs on the back of the necks of the 'old timers' who did do the legwork on their own time and dime, especially when someone makes statements like:
I simply said that perhaps I should be the one to ask Angel Costumiers as nobody else seems to be willing. (Nobody has till now)
If you didn't know, you shouldn't have posted this statement.

That takes a lot of enjoyment away for someone like me, as the effort DID go into doing that legwork, and you haven't taken the time to do your research and reading that is supplied freely and openly through this website, as well as supplied links to other old sites when all this began.

I'm sure that was not the intention of your statement, but it was said, and is what constantly brings old 'war horses' to your posts when these type statements are made. That's all.

Otherwise, and I was serious, NEVER stop looking, as a lot of times folks can't see the forest for the trees, and miss obvious things......but in the same breath, I also ask that you accept the hard work that a lot of folks have already done for the community and the documented answers they present, then share with the community. As you state above, they could have just kept it all to THEMSELVES as well, but didn't.

HIGH regards, my friend!

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Post by PLATON »

Exactly. It's all a hobby and fun. I guess it's the way some posts are phrased that raise the hairs on the back of the necks of the 'old timers' who did do the legwork on their own time and dime, especially when someone makes statements like:

I simply said that perhaps I should be the one to ask Angel Costumiers as nobody else seems to be willing. (Nobody has till now)

If you didn't know, you shouldn't have posted this statement.
Michaelson, thanks for your post.
My statement was made basis on what was said in this thread. I saw Peter saying "we should ask Angels to confirm or deny" and then nobody made any kind of comment, e.g. that this was done etc, simply ignoring Peter's suggestion, so I assumed that nobody was willing to.

Perhaps I should have asked if anyone has asked Angels, instead of saying what I said, but I have to admit here that I wanted to tease _ a little, in the good sense of the word.

In respect of everything else you say I am with you 1000%. I used to be old-timer in another hobby but that's another story that I 'll tell another time.

Regarding _, I see _ and myself as two politicians who may fight in front of the cameras, but then go out like friends and have drinks together.

_, you are very thorough and I bow to that. My feelings for you are friendly and sorry if I annoy you sometimes. :wink:

(I also asked myself "funny, how come they haven't asked?")

Now let me wear my boxing gloves and I'll show you....
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Post by Michaelson »

Understood and appreciated.

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Post by agent5 »

_, what did the makers tag read on the inside of the jacket you were able to examine?
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Post by PLATON »

Hey _, tell TL that all the members here kindly ask him to let you examine and photograph his jacket.

Let's start collecting signatures, guys, come on!
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Post by Indiana G »

we're not allowed to have signatures here :P

in serioiusness though, if you can, here's mine.....

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Post by whiskyman »

Ooh, I'd love to look in that box of whips!!!!!!
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Post by Indiana G »

no way...i want to examine the "really crappy hat" :wink:
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Post by Treadwell »

_ wrote:Though we have yet to obtain a reliable shooting schedule, the best guess I would extend would be that pretty much any jacket you see that was used in a sound stage would have been a surplus Wested from Raiders. When production moved to Sri Lanka,
I'm pretty sure the Sri Lanka shoot preceded the one at Elstree.
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Post by ydam »

_ wrote: I have confirmation as well that no Wested/Leather Concessionaire's jackets had screen time in Temple of Doom... Yikes... I'm going to be very popular once this jacket rewrite is published...
I dont guess we get to know who DID take care of the jackets for TOD until this rewrite do we?

PS When i view this thread i have a pop up that is asking for a user name and password. It is asking if i want to connect to www.star-dust.com. There a reason for this or should it not be happening?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I get the pop up, too, ydam. No sure what's causing it, but we'll look into it.
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Post by ydam »

_ wrote: It's been said out here before - Cooper made the jackets for ToD...
Very kool _. I guess i just always assumed that Wested did the jackets for all 3 of the films. Once i saw they did it for Raiders I just never followed through on checking on the rest. Thanks :D
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