Todds Side

Todds Front

SAB Side

SAB Front

AB Side

AB Front

Moderators: Indiana Jeff, Dalexs don't hear THAT everyday.ydam wrote:They are very soft and not stiff at all which i think makes the HJ a great pick for an adventure hat IMO.
The hat from Todd's is fresh out the box and my hat size is a 61...honestly though i really think my big head may make the brims look a bit smaller.GCR wrote:Hey Ydam, if you don't mind me asking, what is your hatsize? After looking at a pic of AC's HJ, I was surprised at how dramatic the difference was in the brim width on his and the brim width on your Todd's HJ. Your HJ from Todd came that way, right?
Thanks...yeah, that might explain it. From what I've seen on AC's HJ, he's got a generous amount of brim on that thing, but his is several sizes smaller, so maybe that's why.ydam wrote:The hat from Todd's is fresh out the box and my hat size is a 61...honestly though i really think my big head may make the brims look a bit smaller.GCR wrote:Hey Ydam, if you don't mind me asking, what is your hatsize? After looking at a pic of AC's HJ, I was surprised at how dramatic the difference was in the brim width on his and the brim width on your Todd's HJ. Your HJ from Todd came that way, right?
I will see if i can shorten up that pinch and post a couple of pics to see what you think tomorrow.Aeris_Canon wrote:Ydam, I think you might just wear them a bit tall. It's easy to see your Todd's and SAB brims are relatively the same specs. (Well, maybe it isn't for some.) The angle on the Todd's gives it the illusion of a shorter brim.
I think if you drop that front pinch down a bit none of these will look quite so out of proportion as the pics suggest.
The way you caught the brim on the Todd's (from the top side rather than underneath it) it does look like a much shorter brim there.
For comparison sake, I would like to see the AB, "pinched" as tightly as the Todd's and SAB. As is, Todd's and AB are my choices.ydam wrote:...
Todds Front
SAB Front
AB Front
I am still debating on if i am going to keep it or sell it. I will say that after looking at these pictures the AB is growing on me but i am just going to keep it out and look at it for the next couple of weeks before i make my decision on the AB (I am actually doing the same thing with Todds).Dr.Seuss wrote: For comparison sake, I would like to see the AB, "pinched" as tightly as the Todd's and SAB. As is, Todd's and AB are my choices.
They do if the brim on their hat is too wide. My beaver AB came from Steve with brim specs wider than what I requested, and I had to sand it down in order for it to look right. I also ironed my brim to try and get some of the extra curl out of it, as it looked to be flanged rather liberally.fatwoul wrote:Do people really do things like brim trims on AB/ABDs? I mean, I don't plan on changing anything on mine.
(Steve - don't let that be your excuse to give me a comedy 6 inch brim or anything.)
You make a good point here, Andy. Most of us are obsessed with having a perfectly straight crown, but not everyone looks good in a straight crown. In fact, some folks look better with a tapered hat. It all depends on the shape of the face, etc. ydam, I agree that a bit of taper suits you well. That SAB looks pretty good on you.airforceindy wrote:The ONLY thing I would change if it were my hat would be to try and take a LITTLE bit of the taper out, but not all of it. In this hat, and on you, the taper adds character.
Very nice job. Regarding the crown, IMHO, the AB now appears to best "fit your face," and offer that "angular" Raiders look. As for the brim, curling may be the only step necessary to allay any "width concern."ydam is the semi-bashed AB. * * * Anyway, what you all think?