Waiting on my AB, so should I get a Federation?

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Waiting on my AB, so should I get a Federation?

Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

Basically, like the subject says, I've got an AB on order but probably won't get it till next year sometime. I'm wondering if it isn't worth my while to get a Federation in the mean time as sort of a tie-me-over hat? I know most of you all have multiple hats and say go for it, but what reason would I have to wear the Fed once I get my AB?
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Re: Waiting on my AB, so should I get a Federation?

Post by Dr.Seuss »

Mountaineer Lasher wrote:* * * I know most of you all have multiple hats and say go for it, but what reason would I have to wear the Fed once I get my AB?
Working (yard, house, construction, etc.,) in it, as opposed to "trashing" the AB with sawdust, paint, stain, and general unmentionables.

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Post by Strider »

I got an Akubra Fed whilst waiting for my AB. Same thing as you have going on. It's a great hat, and tied me over well until my AB came. I recommend pulling the trigger if you need a lid to last you until the hat from Steve comes.
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Post by fatwoul »

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Post by Indiana G »

that should be standard procedure when waiting for an AB....buy something to help ease the fedora 'twitches'.....buy it, i'm sure you won't regret it.
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

I think I'm gonna go with a Fed. Regular. I didn't realize the color difference was as dramatic as everyone says, but that might help me wear it with my grandfather's old olive-drab wool Marine issue 3/4 length trenchcoat.
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Post by IndyFan89 »

I was thinking about geting a JPD Rabbit to tie me over. Should i get a Federation instead?

Does the Federation or the Fed Deluxe come with a Raiders block? How SA is the Ribbon? What color should is the best?
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Post by genrader »

IndyFan89 wrote:I was thinking about geting a JPD Rabbit to tie me over. Should i get a Federation instead?

Does the Federation or the Fed Deluxe come with a Raiders block? How SA is the Ribbon? What color should is the best?
I'd like to know as well, I'm about to buy a Fed and I am unsure of which is preferable (I'd rather buy a Fed as opposed to a Deluxe but I can manage if the Deluxe is just that much better).
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Post by Neolithic »

I don't know. I went crazy when I first started with Indygear. I had almost every hat you could get, PB, HJ, Fed Dlx, Keppler and an AB.
One would have certain aspects that the other didn't and I think I became massively spoilt for choice and completely broke. :roll:
I'd suggest waiting until your AB arrives. Have one hat and go minimal.

Sure, the Akubra is an awesome hat, but your AB will be that much better and the wait will make it more special. Save your money now before it's too late! :D Hehe...
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Post by mufflowne »

If you can spare the dough and/or really want a fedora to hold you over, do what I did and go with akubra.
I got a Fed Deluxe. I don't regret it, and best of all, I don't baby it. It's a hat that takes abuse.

Now to pay off my credit card so I can order an AB Dix.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Neolithic wrote:I don't know. I went crazy when I first started with Indygear. I had almost every hat you could get, PB, HJ, Fed Dlx, Keppler and an AB.
One would have certain aspects that the other didn't and I think I became massively spoilt for choice and completely broke. :roll:
I'd suggest waiting until your AB arrives. Have one hat and go minimal.

Sure, the Akubra is an awesome hat, but your AB will be that much better and the wait will make it more special. Save your money now before it's too late! :D Hehe...
Neolithic makes a good point. Don't feel that you HAVE to buy another hat in the meantime. It's easy to be impatient when ordering a piece of gear. Nowadays, we like instant gratification when making a purchase. We paid for it now, so we want it now! There's a little Varuca Salt in each of us. :wink:

But it can also be easy to buy "temporary" gear as a filler while waiting for what we really want to arrive. If you feel it's necessary to buy a "tide-me-over" hat, it may be a good idea to ask yourself why you need something sooner as opposed to later. Is it for a specific event? Do you need a hat for protection? Do you just want a hat because you want a hat? Shoukld you just save your money? I'm not telling anyone what to do or what not to do, it just strikes me how impatient so many of us are (myself included) sometimes.

On the flip side, if you're a serious hat wearer, like Chewie and myself, you'll still get use out of a Federation once your AB arrives. I have three ABs (and number four on its way at somepoint) but today I'm wearing a vintage fedora made by a local DC hatter. Even though my ABs are at the top of the quality pile of my hat collection, I like variety in styles and hatters and will continue to purchase and wear hats based on that criteria.

ML, if you really want a hat in the meantime, the choice is yours. Just because many of us own numerous hats doesn't mean you have to. It's not a numbers game about who owns the most hats. Regardless, if you do choose to buy a "tide-me-over" hat, the Federation is a good choice in that it's an excellent hat for the money. Even with an AB, there's no reason why the Akubra still couldn't perform. Again, the choice is yours! Good luck!
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Post by Michaelson »

The AB line (both standard and Deluxe) are the top of the pile.

The Akubra Federation line are work horses, plain and simple.

Instead of looking at them as a 'backup hat', or a 'substitute until the AB arrives', look on them as the work and yard hat you can fall back on when you don't WANT to wear your AB.

For a 'work in the yard' or 'hike up a mountain while sweating buckets' (ewwwww :shock: :wink: ), you might REALLY want something like the Federation on your noggin rather than your 100% beaver custom made AB that, though built like a tank and can easily take the abuse, you'll not want to wear later on a trip to town after having that much done 'in it'. The Akubra can be the work hat.

Hats, like shoes, need rotating too. It allows them to cool out, air out, and breathe if rotated on a regular basis.

So, having two hats is always good in my book. I have a closet full of nice hats, and I try and rotate them on a regular basis. Always room for more too! :lol: Sure, I have my favorites, and there's always a backup to my 'main liner'.

Some more 'food for thought'. You can NOT go wrong with choosing either one of the Federations. Regardless of what particular hat or vendor you choose, I always suggest having at least two hats in your closet.

As a secondary thought....you could have the second one a completely different color for a change of pace, and there's always the 'what do I wear when my main hat is at the hat shop being reblocked/cleaned?' You have the backup on the shelf waiting for you. :D

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

Thanks for all the replies, guys! I'm not too strapped for cash that I can't pick up something functional like a good hat. I'm gettin' tired of rotating through the same three ballcaps anyway. This would let me add a little flavor (and style) to my headgear. We are just getting over monsoon season here in S. Korea, so it's still a little damp/humid, but the nights are getting cooler. I'm sure to generate a lot of comments, but I've worn a leather duster hat for years and never been bothered with the comments.
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Post by GCR »

Buying a fedora to hold you over until your AB arrives makes plenty of sense to me. After all, there are lots of reasons to own two hats. There's the obvious one, of having a "nicer" hat (The AB when it arrives) and a down and dirty work hat (the Akubra fill in). Plus you could even have the Akubra reblocked once the AB shows up, and then bashed to suit a different version of the Indy fedora (say, LC or ToD) to give you some variety.

Let's face it, if you order an AB, you won't be seeing that thing for probably a year or so. That's a long time to wait, but an even longer time to go hatless.

And for those wondering what sort of hat might do the job for them in the interim, go for the Akubras. I recommend the Fed Deluxe, as that's what I have and it served me well. The color is nice and the blockshape works well for a decent Raiders look. The ribbon is also nice and dark. Best part? You can have it on your head in a week or two.

I'd go for the Akubra Fed Deluxe. :tup:

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Post by Dostacos »

ya only go around once in life GO FOR IT 8)
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Post by IndyFan89 »

How SA is it?

EDIT: Never mind. I orderd mine just now. Can't wait to get my Fed Deluxe!!!!!!!
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

IndyFan89 wrote:I was thinking about geting a JPD Rabbit to tie me over. Should i get a Federation instead?

Does the Federation or the Fed Deluxe come with a Raiders block? How SA is the Ribbon? What color should is the best?
First of all, if you want a hat to "tide you over" until an AB arrives, don't go with a JPD or any other custom hat. Then you'll just end up with two hats to wait for! :shock:

As for the Federation, it is a good hat - period. What you use it for, be it a "back-up" or a "work hat" or just a different hat... it doesn't matter. I still get plenty of use out of my Federations even though I have an AB, a JPD, and other custom non-Indy's (I sold the Keppler, though).

As for Screen Accuracy, I maintain that there is no such thing anymore. The AB does the best at capturing the look, but also has the benefit of people dedicated to a single market, and a hat that is custom made to look right on whoever is going to wear it.

The Fed has, I think, the most Indy-like block available among "off-the-shelf" hats. I see no reason to buy a Federation Deluxe unless the odd color of the regular version bothers you. You will be very pleased with the look. When your AB arrives, the differences will be obvious, but that does not make the Fed any lesser of a hat. What I love about the Fed is that you can do a great deal with it in terms of shape.

What should you do with it after the AB arrives? Well, you could always send it to Steve or Marc or Optimo or whoever to reblock it. You could sell it. Or you could just love it for what it is, and wear the heck out of it! If you want to be sure it's different enough to get worn more often, but still want something in the brown-color-family, try the fawn color.

Good Luck!
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Post by IndyFan89 »

Well, i ordered mine. Federation Deluxe size 61 Dark Brown. I hear these guy's are real stiff. Does that make them hard to bash?
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Post by hanson »

you must get the stiffener out to get them just right. i had trouble with my camel humps. regards,hanson.
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Post by thePawn »

I ordered a HJ Poet from Todd's to tied me over while I wait, and all I have to say is that Steve and Marc have their work cut out for them as my HJ is my favorite all time hat so far, it even beats out my vintage Indy Mercury.
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Post by fatwoul »

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Post by indy89 »

Order one! I'm also waiting on an AB and I wish I ordered a federation. I would order one now, but I like to think that my AB will be here anyday now, so there's no need to order an Akubra.
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Post by Mark Brody »

I'm kinda in the same boat as Mountaineer Lasher; ordered an AB and thinking about a filler. I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I don't want to start a new one, either. How well do the PB hats hold up? I've seen a few, and they look like they can take a beating.
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Post by zeus36 »

If anyone is thinking of getting a Federation to hold them over, then by all means, do so. You can then pass it along (sell) to other forum members. Just make sure you buy a 7 1/8 :)
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:First of all, if you want a hat to "tide you over" until an AB arrives, don't go with a JPD or any other custom hat. Then you'll just end up with two hats to wait for!
Listen to Chewie: It is six months, and my JPD is still apparently in the "design" stage.
Aeris_Canon wrote:As for those Akubras, they sure help the ABs look that much better when you get those. But for beaters, and general feds, get yourself one.
As for Feds, I have been happy with mine. Image Image

Mark Brody wrote: How well do the PB hats hold up? I've seen a few, and they look like they can take a beating.
Many threads on that topic. With some TLC, not bad!Image

Bottom line, a "spare," is a great idea.

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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Aeris_Canon wrote:Sheesh, dude, I'm very sorry to hear that.

Here's my offer. You are the undisputed expert basher and shaper of Jimmy's hats. If it shows, and is open crowned (I asked Jimmy to send it open crowned), I will send it to you. If you are inclined, have time and the desire, you shape it. What more could anyone ask; I will never do a better job on a JPD.

Besides, I get plenty of practice on my Ak and PB.

You name the shaping price.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

One meeeeellion dollars!

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Post by BendingOak »

AC/ Tone

I don't know about your HJ but my HJ felpt like it had to much air in the felt ( if that makes any sence ).
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

So... on Akubras...

Yeah, I'm not looking to spend too terribly much on another hat right now, so I'm probably going to just stick with the regular Federation. From what I can tell from the various pics, I don't mind the color so much. Plus, like everyone has said, it never hurts to have another hat to rotate through and to have for those times when I might get my AB needlessly dirty (hiking/camping is not needlessly... mowing the lawn is).
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

indy89 wrote:Order one! I'm also waiting on an AB and I wish I ordered a federation. I would order one now, but I like to think that my AB will be here anyday now, so there's no need to order an Akubra.
I ordered my AB back in the Spring of this year and have pretty much taken everyone's advice about forgetting I ordered it. I can't imagine thinking to myself "it'll be here any day now" simply because it's not a realistic expectation in my mind. But if that keeps you from spending more money on another hat, go for it! :D 8)
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

Just ordered it! I went with the mid-brown standard color. Within the time between this post and my last two, I've already had 2 reply emails from hatsdirect! They suggested I get a size 57 (22.5" head diameter) in long oval. The pain in the rump I've gotta deal with now that that it has to go to the States first then to my APO, so my wait time will be a little longer than normal. blarg. :lol:

I also let 'em know how supportive everyone over here on these forums is of their product. They were happy to hear that. :)
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Post by Dr.Seuss »

Aeris_Canon wrote:One million sounds good. * * * But, yeah. A million? A million five or so. :P

AC: In all sincerity, I have: bashed; rebashed; pleated; channeled; pinched; steamed and reshaped so many times that I am tired of seeing my own work. There is the old problem of no longer seeing the forest for the trees.

It is time for me to see someone else's handiwork, in person, not photos. Steve is making/shaping a special unit for me to arrive next summer.

So, why not turn to the masters? My offer will stand. Good bottle of wine? (That's what we lawyers call a counter offer.)

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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

After getting my Fed Dlx I really lost the urge to buy and wait for an AB. I know the AB is a grand hat, but I've worn the Fed to swanky events with my wife and it is equally at home anywhere, yard or cocktail party.

I am still getting the brim right but the crown is great.

The Fed Dlx is more than a "good enough" - it is great!

(lest you think I'm just cheap, I bought a new David Morgan whip....)

Also bonus points for me on the Fed because I'm Australian. :)
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Mountaineer Lasher wrote:So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
No, all the current Feds and Fed DX's both come with dimensionally cut brims already. No trimming is needed. Just bash, and go. 8)
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Post by IndyFan89 »

Mountaineer Lasher wrote:So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
Yea what he said!
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

OT; Steve - since you seem to be watching this thread, there's a bunch of us trying to get a hold of you thru PM's and e-mail (including me). Time to revisit the Vendor section! I had a small request on sizing with my order and a cleaning concern. When you have a moment... :)
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Post by Fedora »

OT; Steve - since you seem to be watching this thread, there's a bunch of us trying to get a hold of you thru PM's and e-mail (including me). Time to revisit the Vendor section! I had a small request on sizing with my order and a cleaning concern. When you have a moment...

Ok guys, please contact me via email sdelk@cableone.net

My pm box gets full and pms get kicked off before I can read them. I did find yours though, so just email me what it was you wanted to tell me. This works out best for me, and I can keep up with correspondance and changes better in my Outlook email software. I always check my email daily, while I don't always come here due to time restraits of hat making. I can get 50 emails and up each day, and I limit myself to an hour an a half each day on the pc. Sometimes, it may take me a day or two to answer back. I have to do this, because otherwise, no hats would get made. There are only 168 hours in each week, and I need more. :lol: I have even received nasty messages on my answering machine from some irate wife who called me a con man. :shock:

If you really absolutely have to talk to me on the phone, I am afraid you will have to email me, and set up a time to talk. When I got back from my short break that I took after working for 3 months, 16 to 18 hours a day, I thought great, now I can take phone calls again. So, I took the first one right before 8 am, and 5 hours later I will still on the phone with others. I don't know how many folks called me that day, but it became painfully apparent, that there was no way I could keep a steady stream of hats leaving my shop and take phone calls. So, I don't take them, unless set up prior. This is a bad thing, but it is totally essential. I miss loads of orders by not catching the phone, but that is the price paid when you handmake hats. And the price I pay when I get behind due to the 3 months lost in hat production. The good news is, I am chipping away at the huge workbook of hat orders. I am really trying to get all existing orders taken up until june all made and shipped by the end of the year. And the ones taken after June made and shipped by the end of Feb. But I can't do that and still talk on the phone. It is impossible. Once the new film comes out and I go up drastically in price, hopefully the long lead times will be a distant memory.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but I think AB was mentioned in the topic, and then a question was asked of me. So, back to the topic. Thanks, Fedora
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Fedora wrote: I have even received nasty messages on my answering machine from some irate wife who called me a con man. :shock:
Jeeze, :-s What is wrong with people?!

You're no con man Steve. :wink:

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Post by Michaelson »

I've posted a quote of your post above in the vendor section too, Steve.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by IndyFan89 »

Ok c,mon now guys back on topic. Lasher had a good qeustion.
Mountaineer Lasher wrote:So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
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Post by Michaelson »

Thanks '89'....get it back on the rails, folks. :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by fatwoul »

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Post by Michaelson »

Just bash, and go.
Actually, it sounded more like the plan for a quick and dirty purse snatching to me. :-k :lol: :lol:

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

IndyFan89 wrote:Ok c,mon now guys back on topic. Lasher had a good qeustion.
Mountaineer Lasher wrote:So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
Best thing to do would be;
1) see how it looks on you before you think about trimming.
2) measure it. I've gotten Feds with different brim measurements, so some may need it, some may not.
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Post by Mountaineer Lasher »

Minnesota Jones wrote:
Mountaineer Lasher wrote:So do I need to trim the sides of the brim when I get my Fed? If so, it's like 1/8" off each side, right? :?
No, all the current Feds and Fed DX's both come with dimensionally cut brims already. No trimming is needed. Just bash, and go. 8)
Excellent! This is most fortuitous news!

Edited: and thanks '89 for grabbing this runaway bull by the horns in my absense.
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Post by IndyFan89 »

No Problemo.
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Post by ANZAC_1915 »

Just another "I love my Fed Dlx" anecdote --- while I was at Noel Howard's he offered to get my brim heading the right direction with steam from his kettle (my assumption is it looked bad enough to bug him)

While waiting for the kettle to boil he admired the Fed Dlx "very nice felt on this hat". I know he doesn't make hats, but I was surprised (and happy) at his comment.
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