David Morgan's new "Explorer" Akubra Indy hat

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Post by Indycop »

:shock: I heard a loud deisel outside thought it was UPS delivering my fed but it was the garbage truck. Oh well :roll:
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DM Explorer

Post by The_Edge »

Well, you either know me from back in the day or I am a "newbie" to the, uh, newbies. Either way let me be up front and say that I have known David Morgan for a number of years now and can say that he is a friend of mine. I only bring this up so that you know that I do have a bias in defense of DM's choice to sell an Indy style hat.

For quite sometime now DM has been working with Akubra to bring about a "Federation-like" hat that he could sell in his shop. He's been inquiring about my FedDlx for what seems like forever. So it comes as no surprise that this hat is now finally a part of his Akubra line up. And I'm glad. Even though I like HatsDirect (I've purchased two hats from them and would buy from them again for sure) I support DM in his venture to grab a piece of this market.

The only reason I came out of the woodwork for this was because of the all too predictable knee jerk reaction to the news of the "Explorer." Almost immediately folks started crying foul and grabbing pitch forks in defense of Ron at HD. COW hasn't changed one bit in all these years. Fierce loyalty takes the place of common sense and reason around these parts more often than not. The jacket folks know this better than most but the hat forum is no stranger too it.

I just hope this new offering from DM is at least given a chance. The specs look pretty good but, personally, I'm not too keen on the ribbon color. I would have to see this hat in person before I pass judgement on it though.

So there it is...out of the blue comes one of my rants. You are a lucky bunch of tax payers.
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Post by Michaelson »

No one is arguing with you on that Kyle. If it's legitimate, fine. The problem is, I believe you kind of mess up your argument regarding 'knee jerk reaction' and staying away from an 'us vs them' debate, when in your opening paragraph you state categorically you're a good friend of David Morgan. That kind of puts you squarely in a camp, doesn't? :wink:

Just kidding of course, old friend! :lol:

In my case, I am neither a close friend of David OR Ron. I know them, have corresponded with them for years, and have dealt with them both.

David blew us off when it came to developing a hat. Ron didn't. Now we have a 4th movie, and suddenly David has a hat. If it's from the same source, and turns out BEING the same hat (and from early reports, it is), a competion has been created by Akubra between two of their top international sellers, HatsDirect being the top seller. That really makes no sense. If David has been asking you about YOUR Fed, Kyle, then apparently he DID realize he missed the boat, as he was the first man approached to be our Akubra representative in the U. S. to get something done. He passed.

It does irk me that if it IS a Federation, David will be profitting from all the hard work HatsDirect and individuals at Indygear went through developing the Federation. He wanted nothing to do with the project (he told me personally in a phone call he wanted nothing to do with that. He made whips), and yet here years later he now reaps the harvest from someone elses efforts in develpment on not just one, but TWO versions of the Federation.

I'm all for our community getting the best bang for the buck, and quite honestly could care less WHO gets the sales as long as it's top quality for the best price to our community.....I'm only saying let's continue to practice 'due dilligence' when it comes to new item entries, just like folks do in every OTHER aspect of our hobby.

If it comes to making a decision based on not caring HOW we got here, and only the bottom line, then the decision is already made on what hat to buy. Let the best price win the sale. Not a thing wrong with that. Personally, I walk a different path, but that's just me and MY strange ways. :wink:

Personally, I don't think this is over yet.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Fedora »

I am not surprised as I think I said before that new Indy hats are making their debut. Folks are getting ready for the rush of orders following the release of the new film. Morgan already sold Akubras so he just added a more Indy accurate one. Nothing wrong with that.

But many of the old members here will remember how slim the pickings were years ago on getting a decent looking Indy fedora. At an affordable price. Ron did that for us. He even goes to the Akubra factory to try to match up a sample sent to him but could not match it exactly as Akubra did not offer that exact color at the time. We wanted a really dark brown ribbon, and he go that for us. We wanted a dimensional cut, and he got the factory to do that for us. And back then the dollar was so strong you could buy them cheap, and I once called the Federation the best deal in the Universe on an Indy fedora.

To me the question is this. Do you want to shop with the guy who bent over backwards to supply us with what we were so desparatedly needing at the time, or to someone else who did not have the time to fool with this crew here? When some of us griped about the color being too dark, he got Akubra to make the Deluxe version in a lighter brown that was only offered under the Heritage line as opposed to the Imperial line.

When I revamp my site to coincide with the new film premier, I am gonna try and pay Ron back for his help over the years. I will have a link to his site and a short write up on how I highly reccommend Ron and Hatsdirect if you are looking for the original sort of felt used on the earlier film hats(rabbit). And if you are looking for a good tough hat at a steal.

Ron is one of those guys who stepped up to the plate when we needed him. Yeah, I think we owe the guy. Ron Lilburne is the man -period.

I could say the same thing of Peter of Wested. He is like one of the family. I believe in helping the guys who helped us. And it did not take a new film to entice them to do so. Just my two cents. Fedora
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Post by Falcon »

Fedora wrote:I believe in helping the guys who helped us.
I agree completely. There's something to be said for loyalty to those who have gone out of their way to be accomodating to the folks here.
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Fedora wrote: I will have a link to his site and a short write up on how I highly reccommend Ron and Hatsdirect if you are looking for the original sort of felt used on the earlier film hats(rabbit). And if you are looking for a good tough hat at a steal.

Ron is one of those guys who stepped up to the plate when we needed him. Yeah, I think we owe the guy. Ron Lilburne is the man -period.
With such an endorsment of his quality, I wonder if it would be cool, or possable, for Ron (or would that have to be Akubra) to persue becoming the new licensed massmarket Indiana Jones hat as opposed to Dorfman Pacific? What do you think?

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Post by The_Edge »

Michaelson wrote: That kind of puts you squarely in a camp, doesn't? :wink:
That's exactly why I stated it. I'm really not "squarely in anyone's camp" actually. But I didn't want my argument to be tainted with undisclosed friendships.

Honestly, I will buy from whomever has the better hat (personally speaking) that fits and looks best on me. If the 'Explorer' turned out to be that hat then so be it. But I've been wearing my Federations for several years and have quite a loyalty to them.

My true point of all of this is that DM probably realizes he made a mistake in the past by eschewing the idea of selling a tall Indy style hat. He is a business man afterall and now sees that having one is a good plan for his company. He could have easily just grabbed a Dorfman line-up but he loves Akubra and cared enough to get them involved in his US sales of this hat. I hope he does well.

For the time being I will stick with my trusty FedDlx hibrid.
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Post by Michaelson »

Well said. :tup:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Fedora »

With such an endorsment of his quality, I wonder if it would be cool, or possable, for Ron (or would that have to be Akubra) to persue becoming the new licensed massmarket Indiana Jones hat as opposed to Dorfman Pacific? What do you think?
Heck, I would rather see Stetson get the rights, over DP. At least their Temple has the right top crease.

I would love to see Akubra get the license to make the official hat. If I understand it correctly, I don't think DP even makes hats!! I think the stuff they sell is sub contracted out to other folks. I do know they are a big outfit, but don't know if they are bigger than Hatco. I don't really understand fully how that licensing deal works, but I woiuld imagine some negotiations are going on as to who will offer the official Indy fedora once the new film comes out. We may hear about it later on down the road, at least a mention of it in Hatlife. Fedora
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Hatlife :?:

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Post by Michaelson »

I don't know if they do a hardcopy, but it's an electronic internet newsletter written by and for hat makers and those interested in the business.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Johnny Fedora »

Awesome, another publication to checkout. :)

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