Comments while wearing indy fedora!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by Indycop »

I was wondering what kinda comments people have made to members on here when out and about in your favorite fed. (Good or bad).

I have only had my PB about a month now so I've only been commented on a couple of times. Once on vacation in tennessee in the crossville mall (Walmart) a guy told me "that's a pimp hat" :shock: don't know what to make of that. And then yesterday at my local cigar shop they wouldn't let me leave. I went to buy some opus X cigars (where's cowboy when you need him) and the owner wanted to know all about the hat. He said he would get one if he could get it in another color like black or grey. So now I have to go back when my other ones come in.
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So far, I have only recieved positive comments about my hat. I have recieved a couple of "thumbs up" from strangers showing their approval of it, and several "You look like Indiana Jones". But in all honesty, I could care less what other people think either good or bad. I like my hat. I wear my hat.

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Post by Rob »

We were picking up a mother and son from Raleigh airport a few days ago (yes, I'm in the US at present), and when they got in the car they were saying, "There's a guy back there who thinks he's Indiana Jones..." and although the conversation got lost with the general "Hello's" and other bits and pieces, I gathered it was someone in the hat (would have been WAY too hot for the jacket), and the general vibe from the mother and son was that he probably wasn't quite right in the head because of his wearing the hat. I didn't discuss what hangs on my hall stand at home...!
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Post by Indycop »

The first couple of times I wore mine I felt like everybody was looking at me. Now I forget its even on my head.
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People will be people

Post by Sitting Rabbit »

I too get some stares and stupid comments my way about my hats. They always equate them to either "Hey cowboy", or assume I like country music in which I hate, or they call me Indy. Where are the days when everyone wore a nice fedora, when you weren't considered fully dressed without a nice lid? I guess most haven't ever seen a nice fedora, or even thought of buying one. Once again, I was definitely born in the wrong time............. but time goes on........ :roll: :cry:
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Post by Mark Brody »

I used to not wear hats during the summer until I got a straw hat, so I did feel a little strange every fall when I put the hat on, just like Indycop said: everyone's staring at you. I get over it pretty quick.

I've heard comments about Al Capone (I'm from Chicago), and Freddie Kruger, but I wore the hat into Carson Pierre Scott once and one of the employees in the men's dept couldn't get enough of the hat (he wore hats too).

I've been in Montgomery, AL for the past few weeks (I'm in the US Air Force) and anytime my flight members see me out of uniform, I'm wearing the straw hat, aviator sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and sandals. They asked if I was on vacation.

Never heard a bad comment.
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Post by mobius »

I got one of those licensed hats years ago, had this pin on it that said Indiana jones. The make was MAYSER if I remember correctly. I still have the hat.

In 1999 I went to egypt, and took the hat with me. One guy on the plane said, hey we have indiana jones with us and laughed, he also managed to finsih a bottle of burboun on those 13 hours it took us to go to egypt.

Then a couple of days later while being in the valley of the king´s he showed up with a similar fedora.

While in egypt I was in a store and the owner offerd me number of things for the hat, that happend in Luxor and also in Cairo.

That´s about it.
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Post by Sitting Rabbit »

I mainly get positive comments I suppose, I just wish more folks wore a nice lid. I mean, it only makes sense to wear a nice hat to either keep the sun out of your face, or the rain off your head and shoulders. A nice fedora is VERY practical, and I just can't get over why more people don't wear them. A nice lid makes any outfit 10x better looking. It adds a special touch to it, like a finishing touch. I can attest that my straw hat keeps me a lot cooler in the summer since it keeps the sun off my head and out of my eyes, and the cool breeze blows right through the tiny tiny holes in the top and keeps me cool. In the end, I don't really CARE what people think. I just figure it's their stupid loss not wearing one! :D
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Re: Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by Michaelson »

Indycop wrote:. Once on vacation in tennessee in the crossville mall (Walmart) a guy told me "that's a pimp hat" :shock: don't know what to make of that.
In the language of young Tennesseans, that was a high compliment.

Another version is 'THAT hat's PIMP'n!"

I've heard that from my youngest daughters friends.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Some of the greatest compliments I recieved was while in Mexico. One older gentleman commented how my hat reminded him of the fine fedoras his father used to wear, and another fellow tried to buy the hat off my head outright! I get mostly "nice hat" compliments, and the occasional Indy or cowboy comment, but I've always received many more compliments than riddicule over my hats. I've even ended up in good conversation over hats because of the fedora resting on top of my head. I believe that if you wear your hat proud, people take good notice.
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Post by fatwoul »

Same here. In the couple of weeks I've been wearing my first proper hat, I have received nothing but compliments. Oh, and one girl kinda smiled at me. I attriubute that to the hat.
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Post by IndyFan89 »

When i first started wearing it i got alot of this: :- (Raiders March) as people would pass me. One time some even called me Freddy Kreuger.

Ok so i've been wearing it every day since and theres this girl that works at the gas station. I walked in there without my hat and she carded me for Smokes. :shock:
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Post by Gobler »

I was self conscience for about a week and during that time I "heard" a lot of comments... "Hey Indy!" "Oh look, he thinks he's Indy" or simply "Neat hat". Once I wore it like one wears shoes ie, with no thought at all, the comments changed to "Hey, nice hat" "WOW! Where'd you get it? Is it from around here?" and the ever and most appreciated, except when I'm with the better half, "I like that hat, you look nice" :wink: So for the most part, complements. I know when I upgrade to Steves fine lid I'll get even more.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Good comment, Gobler. That's why I think those who wear the hat, as opposed to the hat wearing them, get more compliments regarding their hats. Half of it is in the attitude of the wearer. :wink:
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Re: Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by Indycop »

Michaelson wrote:
Indycop wrote:. Once on vacation in tennessee in the crossville mall (Walmart) a guy told me "that's a pimp hat" :shock: don't know what to make of that.
In the language of young Tennesseans, that was a high compliment.

Another version is 'THAT hat's PIMP'n!"

I've heard that from my youngest daughters friends.

Regards! Michaelson
Woohoo!! :lol: 8)
The owner of the cigar shop said I have to come back in with the black fed and the grey camptown when they come in. He stated he doesn't wear hats because he can't find one big enough. I gave him the web addresses to AB, Camptown, and hats direct, so may create one more wearer! I also notice that the ladies like fedoras whether they say anything or not. Given the way young men are dressing these days its no wonder.
Where I live people don't bat an eye at someone wearing a straw hat.
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Post by Michaelson »

Gee, I wonder why? :lol:

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

It was because of his pajamas.
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Post by Michaelson »

AH! That was my second guess. :lol:

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Post by Indycop »

fatwoul wrote:Same here. In the couple of weeks I've been wearing my first proper hat, I have received nothing but compliments. Oh, and one girl kinda smiled at me. I attriubute that to the hat.
Maybe the hat just exudes confidence. :wink: like I said though. I see guys walking around lookin feminine with their big paris hilton glasses so when women see someone lookin sharp in their fed.....
(Maybe that's just my dreamworld) :roll:
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Re: Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by RobbyT43 »

Indycop wrote:
Once on vacation in tennessee in the crossville mall (Walmart) a guy told me "that's a pimp hat" :shock: don't know what to make of that.
Yes, that is apparently a compliment in the south! Anything that is "pimpin" is good...I think :-s
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Post by Michaelson »

Agreed. It's good......I think. :-k :wink:

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by rcinlv »

I have heard a variety of things, from "that is a bad @$$ lid" the first time I wore my ABD "Aviator" 8) to "yipee-i-o-kiyaa" while wearing my grey AB :? . I guess the second one is because I am still in the Wild West...


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Post by Michaelson »

I've noticed as I've grown older, I get very few (if any) comments at all now....with the exception of the time I was asked if I was Amish. :roll:

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Post by RobbyT43 »

Michaelson wrote:I've noticed as I've grown older, I get very few (if any) comments at all now....with the exception of the time I was asked if I was Amish. :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
:rolling: Wow! That's hilarious :lol: Where were you?
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Post by Indycop »

Michaelson wrote:I've noticed as I've grown older, I get very few (if any) comments at all now....with the exception of the time I was asked if I was Amish. :roll:

Regards! Michaelson

:lol: :lol: maybe it wasn't the hat but the horse and buggy!
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Post by rcinlv »

Plymouth made a horse and buggy? :lol:

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Post by McFly »

Hey guys, c'mon - we don't make fun of YOUR first cars. Just because Michaelson's had 4 wheels and 4 legs doesn't mean it's funny.............

:lol: :wink:

In So. Cal, something "pimp" or "pimpin" is also a compliment.

I've gotten several compliments on my AB too - one time I was at Knott's Berry Farm taking a picture with Stephanie in one of those places where you dress up like a cowboy and pose. Well it was one of my first outings with my AB so I just wore it, and after the picture was taken, the manager came over and said, "That's not one of my hats! That's very nice! Can I take a look at it?" He loved it!

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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Even though fedoras are nearly as rare as a talking elephant in my parts, I don't get many comments at all. My father and my best friend (both of which should know better) call me Indy no matter what fedora I wear, and the old woman down the block says I look like a menanite. Other than that, most people just look, and try not to stare.

Four people have asked me directly about my hats since I've been wearing them - the first time I went out in my Federation without "thinking about it" won me that first conversation. The others were mainly expressions of envy over my Art Fawcett lids! Both contained "You can't find something like that around here" as if to imply that if you could, they would wear hats, too. So maybe that's the real answer to the "hatless Jack" age; make better hats, sell more hats! :D
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Post by fatwoul »

Actually, the most compliments I get are at the fish shop. I keep tropical fish, so I go there fairly often to see whats in and just shoot a few minutes with the staff. I've been making a point of wearing my fed there, because its very warm and humid in the shop, so it was helping me sweat the shape in. I don't actually wear it in the shop, you understand - I wasn't raised in a barn :wink: - but it gets the felt nice and responsive, and gets my head good and clammy for the walk home. :D

Anyway, every time I've gone in wearing it, they've asked about it, and told me how cool it is.

Just wait til they see my Fieldmaster... 8)
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Post by Dostacos »

mobius wrote:I got one of those licensed hats years ago, had this pin on it that said Indiana jones. The make was MAYSER if I remember correctly. I still have the hat.

In 1999 I went to egypt, and took the hat with me. One guy on the plane said, hey we have indiana jones with us and laughed, he also managed to finsih a bottle of burboun on those 13 hours it took us to go to egypt.

Then a couple of days later while being in the valley of the king´s he showed up with a similar fedora.

While in egypt I was in a store and the owner offerd me number of things for the hat, that happend in Luxor and also in Cairo.

That´s about it.
if it was an inexpensive hat you should have traded.

My dad was offered 100 camels for my step mother when we were in Israel [temple mount area] our pastor said "make sure you see the camels FIRST!" :shock:
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Post by DanielJones »

I've gotten the obligatory cowboy comment once or twice, I don't recall any Indy comments. Mostly whenever I wear one of my vintage fedoras or my Camptown I receive good compliments. Our trip up to San Francisco got several good compliments from passers on the street to a tea shop in China Town. No "Big Trouble" there. And I got a one staff member at Ghiradelli Square chocolate shop dug on it and wanted to know where I got it, so I gave him the information. Hopefully he went to the site to check them out and get one.


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Post by indy89 »

I always get compliments from older folks.
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Post by Indycop »

rcinlv wrote:Plymouth made a horse and buggy? :lol:

:lol: :shock: yea but it was only two horsepower so it didn't sell well. :lol:
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Fortunately or unfortunately,(depending on how you look at it), the closer we get to the film's release, we Hat wearers are going to get more of the"Hey Indy" Stuff. But anyone can wear a Baseball cap of their favorite team and........NOTHING. fUNNY world we live in.

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Post by Strider »

You name it, I've heard it. "Hey Indy!" "Indiana Jones!" or just people laughing at it, and on the flip side: "That's a great hat!" "I love your hat!" "I wish my husband looked that good in hats!" I've heard it all.
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Post by WConly »

I've gotten the cowboy one, numouris times....Crockdile Dundee once (that was a kick) and of naturaly the Indiana Jones comments! Also heard Bogie and that is about it! Haven't had John Wayne yet! Must be doing something wrong. add to this...a few years ago my wife and I were in New Orleans for a couple of nights before leaving on a cruise...It was cold and I was wearing an olilve Tilley winter hat and a G8 leather jacket and three different people commented that I looked like Indiana Jones! Go figure. People are people and they conceive and compare in their own mental images what is 'real to them'! W>
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Post by Michaelson »

RobbyT43 wrote:
Michaelson wrote:I've noticed as I've grown older, I get very few (if any) comments at all now....with the exception of the time I was asked if I was Amish. :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
:rolling: Wow! That's hilarious :lol: Where were you?
Cave City, Kentucky, a year ago last May.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Croft »

I've gotten a lot of nice compliments from all sorts, mostly the "elder" generation who reconize the hat for what is, not who wore it in which movie.
Now and then hey cowboy, but those I ignore. :lol:

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Post by Jaredraptor »

Well, whilst I was visiting family in Colorado, my great-grandfather couldn't get enough of my fedora (yes, my MAYSER fedora. Sans hatpin, of course.) If I wear it to school I get a few "hey Indy!" comments or "that looks like my grandpa's hat".
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Post by thePawn »

Most comments I get today is that it reminds them of the hat their grandfather used to wear.

It was several months before my girlfriend made the connection and only after my son called me "Indy." It was then she said, "Oh, I get it. So its not a cowboy hat." :shock:
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Post by mufflowne »

Last night in the grocery store some guy (who seemed too young to be senile [in his 40s maybe 50s]) said:

MAN: Hey man, that's an awesome hat! You know you remind me of that guy.....that....guy, you know, who saved us from the Germans? Twice, no three times....

ME:(a little painfully) Indiana Jones?

MAN: Yeah! Yeah, him. You know, I was sitting in a pub in Germany, and I was talking to him and he told me that the Berlin wall is going to come down! I mean that's just insane, because two years later, they tore the wall down!

ME: Yeah, that's crazy...

That's the first public response to my SOC Fed Dix. Hahahahaha!
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Post by Jaredraptor »

mufflowne wrote:Last night in the grocery store some guy (who seemed too young to be senile [in his 40s maybe 50s]) said:

MAN: Hey man, that's an awesome hat! You know you remind me of that guy.....that....guy, you know, who saved us from the Germans? Twice, no three times....

ME:(a little painfully) Indiana Jones?

MAN: Yeah! Yeah, him. You know, I was sitting in a pub in Germany, and I was talking to him and he told me that the Berlin wall is going to come down! I mean that's just insane, because two years later, they tore the wall down!

ME: Yeah, that's crazy...

That's the first public response to my SOC Fed Dix. Hahahahaha!
Yeah, that's definitely odd.
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

mufflowne wrote:Last night in the grocery store some guy (who seemed too young to be senile [in his 40s maybe 50s]) said:

MAN: Hey man, that's an awesome hat! You know you remind me of that guy.....that....guy, you know, who saved us from the Germans? Twice, no three times....

ME:(a little painfully) Indiana Jones?

MAN: Yeah! Yeah, him. You know, I was sitting in a pub in Germany, and I was talking to him and he told me that the Berlin wall is going to come down! I mean that's just insane, because two years later, they tore the wall down!

ME: Yeah, that's crazy...

That's the first public response to my SOC Fed Dix. Hahahahaha!
Methinks he was having a bizarre joke at your expense... :(
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Re: Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Michaelson wrote:
Indycop wrote:. Once on vacation in tennessee in the crossville mall (Walmart) a guy told me "that's a pimp hat" :shock: don't know what to make of that.
In the language of young Tennesseans, that was a high compliment.

Another version is 'THAT hat's PIMP'n!"

I've heard that from my youngest daughters friends.

Regards! Michaelson
I don't know if that would necessarily be a compliment to Indy Gearhead Fedora wearers, especially since 'looking pimp' refers to the exact opposite of what they're probably trying to go for:

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Post by mufflowne »

Methinks he was having a bizarre joke at your expense...
No he's insane. A friend of mine who works at the grocery store was there in the midst of all this and she also said he's crazy.

He actually believed Indy was real. Or he was thinking of someone else.
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Post by Michaelson »

CD, you have a point.... but if THEY consider it as offering a compliment, why should you turn it down? :lol:

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Re: Comments while wearing indy fedora!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

See! It's Aeris in his pajamas!

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Post by Indycop »

:lol: where's his zebra striped MKVII ?
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Post by Mark Brody »

I guess hats haven't gone completely out of style, at least not in Chicago. I see a lot of people wearing wool hats with the thin (1/2 inch) leather band. I suppose a tall fedora like Indy's isn't too dissimilar to the general population, but it's different enough that people notice the quality.

I think that young people that wear hats are also likely to get more comments. I only know 3 other people in my age group (I'm 22) that wear hats, but I see plenty of old white haired men that still wear hats.
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Post by Jaredraptor »

Mark Brody wrote:I guess hats haven't gone completely out of style, at least not in Chicago. I see a lot of people wearing wool hats with the thin (1/2 inch) leather band. I suppose a tall fedora like Indy's isn't too dissimilar to the general population, but it's different enough that people notice the quality.

I think that young people that wear hats are also likely to get more comments. I only know 3 other people in my age group (I'm 22) that wear hats, but I see plenty of old white haired men that still wear hats.
Heck, outside of COW, I know......well, no one in my age group that wear hats (I'm 16).
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