Did the Alcohol + Wested Trick

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Have you rubbed alcohol on YOUR $300 jacket?

Are you crazy?
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Did the Alcohol + Wested Trick

Post by McFly »

I was bored yesterday... so I lightly distressed my jacket. Fear not, Michaelson - I'm going no further than yesterday's light application of 70% alcohol - no acetone for me. Anyway, it made the jacket a little more dull, and none of the dye was removed. I noticed while it dried that I was leaving some gray marks - it may have been from the cotton swabs that I was using, or perhaps it was just getting very dry and only looked gray? In any case, after finishing my little treatment, I gave it a small coat of leather dressing to give it back some moisture - it was very dry - and I think it looks nice. I'll try and get some pics up - it's not 100% dull, but it's better than having a jacket that'll reflect lasers.

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Post by Michaelson »

I guess you KNOW how I voted. :roll: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Swindiana »

I guess you KNOW how I voted. Rolling Eyes Wink

Regards! Michaelson

I guess you just stared at the screen and it ticked one up, no need to click. :wink:

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I would never do that to one of my jackets! Instead, I bought one off a fellow gearhead who had already done the dirty deed! :lol: I guess if you're going to do it, though (although you already did) then I'd do it a very little at a time and not rush it.
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Post by McFly »

Yeah, I did it just lightly. I didn't want the jacket so dull that it bored people, I just didn't want it to look shiny.

Here's some pictures.

I don't remember what the rule for how many pics per thread is... so I'll just put links. *shrug* Remember that the white / gray marks are gone now... I don't know what they were. :-k

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010051.jpg
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010050.jpg

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010055.jpg
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010056.jpg

AFTER PECARDS - Removing the white lines
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010066.jpg
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010064.jpg
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010061.jpg

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 010018.jpg

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Post by Indiana G »

oh....i totally didn't understand this thread....my alcohol and wested trick involves:

a) placing an order
b) drinking lots of alcohol while waiting for it

heck, i'm thinking of placing an order tonite....and maybe again tomorrow night :lol:

i did the alcohol rub down with one of my westeds....took the shine away which i heard could last forever and a day. now i just try to avoid buying the chrome tanned leather altogether and let nature take its course with it.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

IndyMcFly wrote: I don't remember what the rule for how many pics per thread is... so I'll just put links.
Shane, you can post up to 6 pics, but any additional images should be linked to, like you just did. :wink:

I have to admit, you did a nice job on your jacket. Going easy on it did the trick. Now leave it be and start breaking it in naturally! :lol: :wink:
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Post by McFly »


Definitely gonna let it go natural now. My plan from the start! I just thought I'd give it a little boost.

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Post by Indiana Jess »

I'm with Indiana G. I applied alcohol internally to take the shine off my liver. It's plenty distressed now. It was my duty as a scoundrel and world renouned alcohologist.
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Post by Indiana Max »

I went through some hells with my Wested, so I also got alcohol on it :lol: :lol:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Even if it's got a bit of shine left, McFly, no worries. Looks like even the very distressed jackets in the movies had a bit of shine where they were the least distressed. ;)

So if you just dulled it a bit for your tastes, leave it as is from here on out.
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Post by rick5150 »

Great idea Bink. Maybe I will try that sometimes. :D
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Thanks! ...though it wasn't my idea. 8-[ I'm all for the natural distressing or "leave it to somebody else" camp. :lol: :wink:
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Post by MK »

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

The guys pretending it is news were distressing their jackets a long time ago, I think. ;)
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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

I did the alcohol thing to my Wested goat a few months back, and I got the white streaks, too. I had posted for some help, and I believe Michaelson had suggested that it might be the silicone in the aerosol waterproofer that I had used previously. How did you get rid of the white again? I had to use my brown Pecards to get rid of the white on mine, but it also brought back the shine that I had just taken off. ](*,) Anyone have any further suggestions as to how I can remove the shine, but not look powdered? :-k Thanks.

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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

Vitoscarlatti said
bung it in the washing machine, let it dry naturally perhaps?...
bung1 /bʌŋ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[buhng] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a stopper for the opening of a cask.
2. a bunghole.
–verb (used with object) 3. to close with or as if with a bung; cork; plug (often fol. by up).
[Origin: 1400–50; late ME bunge < MD bonge stopper]

I'm sorry, but I don't know what this is, and I can't tell where you're from, so I don't know if ths is a typo, or a local term. I'm not trying to make fun. It sounds like it might be an interesting idea, but I want to make sure I know exactly what you mean.

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Post by Dostacos »

since I don't have a jacket yet....

when I do I will PRACTICE on my leather member's only leather jacket :wink:
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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

Vitoscarlatti said:
it smelled like a camels jockstrap
:rolling: :rolling:

Thanks for the idea. I don't know that I'm brave enough to try that on my Wested, though. My wife would kill me if I ruined my jacket, not to mention my heartbreak at not being allowed to buy another. #-o:whip:

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Post by McFly »

Captain Ron Solo wrote:Michaelson had suggested that it might be the silicone in the aerosol waterproofer that I had used previously. How did you get rid of the white again?
I didn't use any aerosol waterproofer on my jacket before I did this to it... :-k That's interesting.

I just put regular old Pecards lotion on it and it went away. The jacket did get a little shine back but not too much. Besides - I think you should dress it afterwards anyway; the alcohol reaaaally dries out the leather.

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Post by Michaelson »

Ron, you gotta watch that Michaelson. He'll tell you anything...... 8)

Seriously, the white 'leavings' is usually a residue left behind when something has evaporated after it's been used. You see it anytime an aerosol spray is applied, or an alcohol based product is used. You see the same when the spray contains silicone and it reacts to leather. Instead of penetrating the hide, it lays on the surface and dries.

The next time you use alcohol and get some on your fingers, watch what occurs on your fingertips and hand. You'll see the exact same white residue appear. It's also caused by the removal of moisture from an area such as leather, and leaves the white residue after evaporation.

Like Shane says above, Pecards is replacing that lost moisture, and the white disappears.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

So, do you think that if I wet the jacket down with water and scrubbed it thoroughly with a plastic-bristled brush, I could get most of the treatment off? Could this itself remove some of the shine?
Ultimately, I just want a less shiny jacket. :)

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Post by Michaelson »

Have you considered trying to use good old saddle soap and giving it a good cleaning?

That will tone it down as well.

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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

Haven't yet. Though, I'm willing to try anything that you think will work to give the jacket a flat leather appearance.

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Post by Michaelson »

It will. The best you'll get for 'shine' is if you REALLY give it a good buffing after it's completely dried. Even then it's a soft glow rather than a shine.

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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

That sounds like a pretty good suggestion. Thanks again, Michaelson. :notworthy:

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Post by ij1936 »

No alcohol, just sandpaper, sander and good thorough soaking with the garden hose!
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Post by Dostacos »

I don't have a jacket yet, but I am trying to figure out how to explain to my wife that I am going to make my brand new jacket look worn out :shock:

any suggestions?????
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Post by Indiana »

Take it on a "hike" and really just go park your car somewhere and rub some alcohol on it. Maybe drink some too, while you are at it. ;)
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

Dostacos wrote:I don't have a jacket yet, but I am trying to figure out how to explain to my wife that I am going to make my brand new jacket look worn out :shock:

any suggestions?????
I would start her out gently with "you know that website I go to, well the guys there..." Then tell her how great it looks and annoy her with the idea of it for at least 3 weeks. Everyday, over and over until she hates hearing about it. Bring up the subject at inappropriate times. Now don't tell her you’re going to do it or even that you want to, just that you’re thinking about how good it looks.

After 3 weeks of badgering her, she'll probably tell you she doesn't care about the jacket you should just do it and shut up because she doesn't want to hear about it anymore. It's worked in my houshold.:shock: :whip:

...keep in mind this whole thing could backfire!!!! :rolling:
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Post by mufflowne »

Christ Erin, it seems like everyone here (myself almost included) get controlled by the women of our household.

That's not something we'd catch from our hero, Indiana Jones.

Just say:

"Girl, I'm getting this jacket. And I'm going to wipe it with mud and @#$% because I don't want to look like a pop-star from the 80's. If you don't like it, don't wear it. My clothes, my rules."

It's a completely justified statement. Don't let the women give you @#$% just because they can.
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

mufflowne wrote:Christ Erin, it seems like everyone here (myself almost included) get controlled by the women of our household.

That's not something we'd catch from our hero, Indiana Jones.

Just say:

"Girl, I'm getting this jacket. And I'm going to wipe it with mud and @#$% because I don't want to look like a pop-star from the 80's. If you don't like it, don't wear it. My clothes, my rules."

It's a completely justified statement. Don't let the women give you @#$% just because they can.
That's a lot easier said from the vantage point of youth, no offense. :wink: I have 10 years of marriage under my belt and a ticked off wife doesn't make a happy home (neither does a ticked off husband). A marriage is something you have to work at, daily.

I was trying to explain, sarchastically, how to go about doing something that Dostacos wife might not understand. Because I'm sure most of us married guys here have wives that from time to time don't understand us, or why we do the things we do. It's like me with my wife and her scrap booking, I have no idea why a certain type of glue is needed, I just know its needed. And if she wanted to buy a $350 peice of whatnot for her scrapbooking then procede to "ruin it" in my eyes, I would have somethging to say about it. Because in our home, it's our money, and part of my money doesn't like to get wasted without a thorough explanation that it's not ruining, it's being distressed. :D
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Post by JulianK »

Christ Erin, it seems like everyone here (myself almost included) get controlled by the women of our household.

That's not something we'd catch from our hero, Indiana Jones.
You think? Personally I think Indy is scared sh*tless of Marion! ;)
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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

Well said, Erin. :clap: My wife is nuts about scrapbooking, too. :? I think she spends WAY too much on it; however, I get to match her dollar-for-dollar. :) Were it not for scrapbooking, I may never have gotten my Aldens, my Wested, or the whip I've got coming. [-o<

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Post by jeremy3178 »

Ha, I learned my lesson about speaking out about how wives are. So I'm not getting into this, less I be chastised yet again. Why do you think Dr. Jones never got married? Because his wife would've gave him @#$% for getting his $300 jacket dirty, and getting his good pants all muddy. :lol:
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Post by JAGordon »

Alright Jeremy...back to cover :lol:
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Post by jeremy3178 »

Did you distress your jacket yet bro?
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Post by JAGordon »

This set of off days I'm gonna give it a shot...I'll post'em if I take'em :wink:
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