Birth of the Akubra Federation: How did it happen??

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Birth of the Akubra Federation: How did it happen??

Post by sebas »

Hi guys,

I've read in several posts that Indygear worked with Akubra to produce this -now classic- fedora. Can anyone shed any light on this relationship between IndyGear and Akubra? How it came about? When? What hat specs were given to them, etc. It all sounds very interesting.

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Post by Fedora »

There were 4 COW members involved. Michaelson, Mk, Indydawg and me. A hat by comittee. :lol: Fedora
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Post by sebas »

Thanks, Fedora. Wow, that's terrifc! As one of the four founders can you please elaborate a bit more? Is there an article or post about this anywhere?

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Post by Michaelson »

Well, actually, Fedora's memory is correct, but he's thinking about the Fed Deluxe. Dawg wasn't around when the original Fed came out, and MK wasn't involved during development until the prototype was ready.

The Fed creation involved, Fedora, _, and myself.

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Post by sebas »

Hey there Michaelson,
Thanks for the reply. But can someone please go into some detail about this Akubra-IndyGear relationship? :!:

-Who initiated contact?
-Whose idea was it to create the hat?
-What specs where given?
-You mention prototypes: how many until a final fedora was decided?
-What's behind the name "Federation"?
-What's the story behind the Fed delux?
...and any additional info you can offer would be swell...

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Post by fatwoul »

I'm also interested in how this came about. Good idea for a thread for us newbies.
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Post by Tennessee Smith »

This thread is so fitting. :wink:

It's official, I'm in. I ordered my first Federation today!!!!!!!!!

Now, I just wait in annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnticipation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whip:

Please, give us the details on the history.
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Post by Gater »

I have also heard this bedtime story....perhaps you might channel your inner Indy and do some'd be surprised what you find!
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Post by michaelb »

I'd be interested in hearing ALL those questions answered! I am a proud owner of the Akubra Federation and would love a fresh perspective/history...

It can be short and sweet, etc. It doesn't have to be a rehash of what's been posted already... (Although I wouldn't mind...)

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Post by Michaelson »

-Who initiated contact?
Fedora to HatsDirect (leading direct distributer of Akubra hats worldwide), then Ron of HatsDirect to me


-Whose idea was it to create the hat?
HatsDirect, Fedora, _, and me

-What specs where given?
Material: "Imperial Quality" Rabbit fur felt
Lining: Satin
Sweat Band: Sheepskin leather
Brim: Raw edge, Snap, 2 7/8" (73mm)
Crown: Straight sided open crown, 5.5-6.0"
Trim: Grograin Ribbon, 39mm
Color: Mid-Brown

-You mention prototypes: how many until a final fedora was decided?
One that I saw

-What's behind the name "Federation"?
Dubbed the "Federation," to celebrate Australia's centenary of federation-- 2001.

-What's the story behind the Fed delux?
They wanted to offer one in the highest quality rabbit felt, and wanted to offer it with a dimensional cut brim. (the original feds did not come that way, but had 2 7/8" untrimmed brims. The Feds and Deluxes came from that time on with the orginally requested dimensional cuts, same as received to this day.) I was contacted directly by Ron this time, and I pulled Fedora, MK (Indygear webmaster at the time), and IndyDawg into the fray to examine the prototype that was sent for examination, so that was the one done 'by committee'. I believe that was either 2002 or 2003.

...and any additional info you can offer would be swell...

The original lining was red. It was changed after the first production run to white.

There you go. Short and sweet, and most of this came from the Indgear main page. :wink:

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Post by fatwoul »

Thanks Michaelson.

So the original lining was red? A lot of the hats over on Fedora Lounge have red lining. I don't like it so much. When someone takes off a hat with a red lining, it always looks (briefly) as if they have taken off their scalp with it, or something.

I suppose that could be true, based on how much some of you guys seem to wear your hats. :wink:

Ignore me. I'm just grumpy cos my hat hasn't arrived yet. :lol:
Michaelson wrote:...most of this came from the Indgear main page. :wink: ...
Yeah, but then you wouldn't have got to tell the story. :wink:
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Post by Swindiana »

Essentially, all comes from the main page. All my posts I cut and paste letters from there into the forum. It takes time, but the info I type is solid, and that is how this message is done. 8) The second E in this post comes from Michaelson

OK. I should really go to bed now. ;)

Thanks for putting it together, Michaelson!

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Post by Fedora »

Ah thanks old friend. Gosh, my memory is not what it used to be. But after reading your account, it all came back. Michaelson is the "go to" guy here. He must write this stuff down!! :D Fedora
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Post by sebas »

Thanks for that, Michaelson. It does clear up those questions I had. Although -let's face it- the info on regarding the Fed's genesis is sparse at best:

"IndyGear is proud to be associated with and to have assisted Hatsdirect in providing this accurate copy of the Indy fedora."

...and that's it! :shock:

At the risk of being a pain in the culo, a brief section/article about how this relationship with Akubra and how Fed project evolved (perhaps with some prototype pictures?) would be nice addition to the Akubra Fed section. I think, anyway.

For any of you thirsty for more, 3thousandbucks has detailed article on his site that analyzes the Akubra with some mention of its origins. Enjoy:
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Post by scot2525 »

I can understand having to search your "inner Indy" but I don't think that link works sebas.
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Post by JC1972 »

Yeah, web site comes up invalid. Looks like the domain name URL is open to whoever wants to get it.
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Post by Dalexs »

As it happens often around here, folks do us the courtesy of posting their findings, observations, experiments, etc on free web hosting services.
Unfortunately, free sometimes means it doesn't stay around.

This was posted over a year ago and I'm not surprised that the link is dead. It happens.

I would suggest you check out 3k$'s profile and see if he has an updated link to his page.

I've removed the old link.

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Post by darthbish »

I'd love to know roughly how many FEDs have been sold since their inception.
Perhaps Ron from HD can let us know...(or is it a well kept secret ;-)
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Post by Kladd »

So Proud To Wear A "Federation IV Deluxe" ...
Thanks To EVERY Peoples who were involved in the project ...
Thanks To This WebSite To "Open My Eyes" & Find THE Hat ... (for me) ...

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Post by tucolino »

So Proud To Wear A "Federation IV Deluxe" ...
Thanks To EVERY Peoples who were involved in the project ...
Thanks To This WebSite To "Open My Eyes" & Find THE Hat ... (for me) ...
i couldn´t say better. :wink:

first "real" indy hat, and loving it since i got it.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

There are a LOT of ties from this group to various gear items available today. The Fed above is a prime example. Also Peter Brother's confers with us on a project here and there. In fact, they've named a couple fedoras AFTER Michaelson and _ in their honor.

The Flightsuit Expedition jacket was made with input from this site (Michaelson, Keppler, and _, to name a few guys involved on that one).

Lee Keppler has offered us gear for years. He did (along with Michaelson) - the brunt of our original Indygear knowledge.

And of course, many members here started making items and turned from purchasers into gear producers. Let me see.... Steve Delk and Marc Kitter for two examples.... :wink: That's not even counting how many members here sell whips and other items as well.

So this site and board have literally come full circle. We started out documenting the original items, started making items, and even got pulled into production on Indy IV. Life here is good. 8)
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Post by lpa53 »

I'm considering ordering the Fed IV Standard because I want the carbon grey, which, from looking at the Hatsdirect website, is not available in the Fed IV Deluxe.

If I'm not going to wear the hat in rough conditions, will I notice much difference in the felt on the Standard?

Are the Feds available in the US or is it ordinarily ordered from HatsDirect in Australia?
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Post by Michaelson »

The Fed line is an exclusive Akubra from HatsDirect in Australia.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Herr Doktor » they offer a discount for COW members, by any chance? ;) :-
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Are there alternatives to Fed IV Carbon Grey?

Post by lpa53 »

Michaelson wrote:The Fed line is an exclusive Akubra from HatsDirect in Australia.

Regards! Michaelson
And is the Fed IV about the only close-to-Indy-style dark grey fedora available? If not, I'd suppose the others are much more expensive.
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Post by Michaelson »

Herr Doktor they offer a discount for COW members, by any chance? ;) :-
Nope, no discounts that I'm aware of.

As to the only dark grey 'Indy style', I only know of custom versions that come in grey at the moment other than the Fed.

Regard! Michaelson
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Post by sebas »

Do any prototype or work-in-progress pics of the fedoras exist from when Akubra got the specs from COW?
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Post by Michaelson »

The only one that existed was on the pre-updated main page of Indygear of the feather weight Akubra Camptown that _ experimented with that was one of the pieces of the puzzle in the creation of the Fed line. The only known photo of the first Fed prototype was on MK's old site, which has since been taken down. You have to remember, this was 8-9 years ago! ;-)

So, no, there are no existing photos. It was mainly a long and extended email exchange back and forth between several of us and HatsDirect that got it up to it's first iteration rather than a detailed 'before/after' type photo journalism project. We were just trying to get a hat made.

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Post by Michaelson »

:lol: I remember that! ;-)

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Post by blueoakleyz »

wait which Fed IV color gray matches the one in the movie?
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Post by Michaelson »

The current 'moonstone'.

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Post by Michaelson »

From the HatsDirect site:
When we introduced the first model we needed a name. The year was 1998 - the Centenary of Federation in Australia, with many historical pictures published showing people in hats such as the one we created. Hence the name The Federation. We believe Hatsdirect was the first company to offer an "Open Crown" fedora hat to the Indiana Jones fan community.
Has it been 10 years already!!!!??? :shock:

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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, I remember that too! :lol:

Guess we need to remind Ron! ;-)

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Post by Michaelson »

Uh.... :-k :lol:

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Post by blueoakleyz »

If I hadn't found this website or if there hadn't been a Fed IV I'd be stuck with another Disney hat.
It was great while it fit but now I want something accurate.
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Post by Soup »

I have one of those Disney hats, 1997 in Orlando. It is now my sons, glad I have the Fed IV today. Until it becomes his.


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Post by Cammer »

Michaelson wrote:The only one that existed was on the pre-updated main page of Indygear of the feather weight Akubra Camptown that _ experimented with that was one of the pieces of the puzzle in the creation of the Fed line. The only known photo of the first Fed prototype was on MK's old site, which has since been taken down. You have to remember, this was 8-9 years ago! ;-)

So, no, there are no existing photos. It was mainly a long and extended email exchange back and forth between several of us and HatsDirect that got it up to it's first iteration rather than a detailed 'before/after' type photo journalism project. We were just trying to get a hat made.

Regards! Michaelson
One never knows the value of an event until years later when, in the clear hindsight, nostalgia takes over and provides a craving for mementos of the past.

George Lucas once said that he never would have believed the legacy which Star Wars would create and leave behind. And now, to a lesser extant, the creation of an excellent hat is lost to only the memories of those individuals who had the ambition to work together and follow their hearts for a short while.

Nice job guys, and Thank You for your efforts. :notworthy:
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Post by Michaelson »

Well, the irony of all this is one fellow now works for Spielberg, the second fellow ended up being part of the team responsible for the CS fedora, and me? I'm still here puttering around Indygear mumbling to myself. :roll:


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Post by Cammer »

Michaelson wrote:Well, the irony of all this is one fellow now works for Spielberg, the second fellow ended up being part of the team responsible for the CS fedora, and me? I'm still here puttering around Indygear mumbling to myself. :roll:


Regards! Michaelson
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Post by independent »

Does anybody know when the Federation IV specifically came out? I searched and found a thread earlier this year about a new federation model coming out - is that the Fed IV?

Here is that thread: viewtopic.php?p=386198&sid=bafbca3d35cd ... f1e34b7ce7

Also, does anybody have any specifics on what details exactly changed?
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Post by Michaelson »

That's the correct thread. They are now using a block that Akubra retired before WW2 that compares directly to Steve Delk's AB block, supplied for comparison with the compliments of Steve himself.

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Post by blueoakleyz »

_ wrote:
Michaelson wrote:From the HatsDirect site:
When we introduced the first model we needed a name. The year was 1998 - the Centenary of Federation in Australia, with many historical pictures published showing people in hats such as the one we created. Hence the name The Federation. We believe Hatsdirect was the first company to offer an "Open Crown" fedora hat to the Indiana Jones fan community.
Has it been 10 years already!!!!??? :shock:

Regard! Michaelson
Nope - I remember it was 1999. I was up to my neck in selling Wizards of the Coast to Hasbro...
What exactly do you mean by this? selling WotC?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

"And on the Second Year Of The Second Millennium, The Lord did say upon Thee, "Let There Be Akubra Federation Fedora!" And it was so! And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats and large chu..."

Thus came to be, one of the best fedoras thoust had worn in over 20 years.

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Post by Michaelson »

blueoakleyz wrote: What exactly do you mean by this? selling WotC?
'Wizards of the Coast'. It was the company that made and sold Pokemon cards and games back in the heyday of the '.dot coms'.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Wolfwood »

Interesting history, indeed, but someone really should put this in the form of a short essay. Just a few tidbits only create new questions.

- What sorts of hats did people have to resort to before the collaboration with Akubra began?

- Was Akubra selected as the company to contact because of their reputation of making durable and affordable hats or was there a prior personal contact between the company and one of the "instigators"?

- What sort of response did Akubra give - were they enthusiastic from the very beginning or was persuasion / description of the existing market needed?

- Was there Federation I and II before III and IV?

- Why wasn't the first model enough / why did the later models come to exist? Were COW people involved in this later development?
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