Hmm...I may be a bit too short to ride this ride...
...but I've got overly long monkeyarms, so I'll chime in as well.
Digging around for quite a while before I bought mine (I lurked for a couple months, and for me that's a LONG time), the general consensus I was finding was that although 6' (yeah, bear with me) is the easiest to learn on, everybody QUICKLY outgrows it and wants a longer whip if they are going for an Indy whip specifically.
The consensus (that I was finding at the time) was that although there are a couple screen-used lengths, and the 10' is the 'hero whip' (is that what it'd be called?), the 10' is also significantly long enough to turn off a lot of newcomers because of the extra skill required to learn on that length if you've never used a whip before.
If you CAN learn from go on a 10', fantastic, but the 8' length seemed to be the best balance between a short enough length to learn on and a long enough length not to want to trade up as soon as you do.
I picked up an 8', and although it took a bit of trying and some help, I learned on it, and it's still all I need. Maybe someday a 10', but I don't feel I'm lacking anything here (other than 2').
As for a type...yeah, I picked up an IOAB, so I can't really speak for any other whip. They're GREAT, and if you search on 'IOAB' and 'Jerry' you'll hear me say that many, many times over and over...

I have to REMIND myself it's cowhide, it doesn't seem overly stiff or anything, especially once I broke it in and pecarded it once or twice. Happy whip guy.