Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review

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Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review

Post by IndyChaos »


In February, I committed the cardinal sin of Indygear fans. I lost my fedora. There was nothing cool or heroic about it. No leaving it in a tomb as the door came crashing down. No dropping it in the wake of a giant boulder chasing me. No I left it in my backseat and a friend unwittingly and unknowingly knocked it out when I gave him a ride home from school. I was completely heartbroken, and I felt like I had lost an old friend. It was a chinchy Stetson Temple which has been much maligned on these pages, but it was a "good enough" that I hated to lose.

So I did what anyone on these pages would or should do when they need advice, I PMed Michaelson. I told him of my folly, explained to him that I am a starving college kid in desparate need of a lid. Sadly my, ahem, limited income made purchasing an Adventurebuilt hat a bit hard to swallow, as beautiful as they are. Michaelson, in true fashion, walked me through the merits of the various options, and almost as an afterthought mentioned that he had purchased a Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster from our good friend JerseyJones. Frankly, I had not heard that Jersey was selling his hats. I knew that he had made a few prototypes, but that was the extent of my knowledge. Michaelson cited the many benefits of this particular lid including its lower price, admirably high-quality beaver felt that had maybe a whisper of rabbit fur in for good measure, the ventilated sweat band, which garnered Michaelson's highest praises. I poked around for a bit researching the other options he had mentioned, and then decided to stop fooling around and get to the serious business of buying a lid. Many, many thanks Michaelson.

I called JerseyJones up, told him Michaelson had sent me and told him I wanted one of his lids. It took a while, but that lid finally arrived this morning.

I'm delaying the actual review for a moment because I cannot say enough how helpful and personally involved Jersey was in getting me the exact hat I wanted. When I first called him, we chatted for quite some time about where I would be wearing it, what I wanted it to be able to handle and finally how much I wanted one of his hats. He was so helpful that he called me personally to let me know that he was perhaps going to have to shut his hatting operations down at least for a while. My hat was safe, but future ones were up in the air. I was devastated because I knew no one else would have the pleasure of working with Mr. Jersey. A true loss. Needless to say, I was elated to hear that he would be continuing his operations due to renewed interest. Those newest customers will not be disappointed.

Now, without further ado, my review of the Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster:

Right out of the box, this hat is extremely comfortable. The felt itself is quite thick, about 1/8 of an inch at the brim's edge, and fairly stiff. But when you set it on, it rides very well. The only drawback to the felt's thickness, if you can call it that, is that it takes some work to shape it. I like the front of my brim to droop down fairly low, and it's taking some work to get it there, but all I can say to that is it's a "high class problem." A thick high-quality felt is nothing to complain about.

The rear of the hat has a slight curl on either side put there by Jersey to ease the shaping of the back of the hat. I'm not touching that at all. The slight roll to the rear quadrants looks darn slick, and I'm quite pleased with it.

The crown is TALL, much taller than my old Temple. But again, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I am a tall guy, about 6'3," so any fedora makes me look like a giant. After the initial shock of the increase in height, I really began to like the way the hat looks on. It just took a little getting used to. I am becoming a bigger fan of this hat by the minute.

In the crown, I requested a Raiders-esque pinch, and Jersey did quite well. It's not too tight, and it leaves a little room for me to tighten it if I so choose. Jersey told me he was going to do that when I ordered it because the hat would grow with me and my pinching habits would give it my own unique shape. Good thinking, my friend.

The ribbon is a dark chocolate color, and the bow is all hand shaped and stitched. It's not quite as dark as I would prefer, but that could just be me still getting used to the hat.

And as usual, Michaelson was right. The ventilated sweat band is genius. I'm currently living in Baton Rouge, LA, which is not known for having a cool arid climate. No, it's actually freaking hot 90% of the time, and the humidity usually hangs around 185%. The sweat band makes wearing a fedora a pleasant experience, even in a warm climate. Inside the band is a handwritten message from Mr. Jersey and the individual number. Mine is #15, so none of you can have it. Sorry.

The whole affair is delivered in a Camptown hat box that includes extra sizing tape -- I didn't need it but it's good to know it's there -- the extra pieces of felt he trimmed off as per my request, and detailed instructions on shaping and caring for the hat. The poor box got a bit battered by the &$@%ing Post Office, which once again saw the word "Fragile" and interpreted it to mean "Soccerball." I was a bit scared when I got it, fearing it would be pre-crushed, but it was packed so well that no tragedy ensued.

All in all, I give this hat glowing marks, and I would recommend it to any one of you. The service was great, the product even better, and I really have no complaints. I'm going to post some pictures in a little bit. I have to borrow a camera because I lost mine in a recent breakup. She got the camera, and I got the bill. It was a sweet deal. :roll: Just one more reason getting the lid today was super exciting.

The best part was that both my Hubertus knife and lid arrived the same day, so guess what movie I'm watching later. . .

Thank you very much JerseyJones and Michaelson. You guys have been great, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

Last edited by IndyChaos on Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dr.Seuss »


Another glowing review for JerseyJones. I am very happy to be amongst those "on the list," for a Camptown Fieldmaster.

BTW: how long was the production time?

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Post by Michaelson »

It was a pleasure working with you through the process. I knew you'd be pleased, and I'm happy you finally got it in hand.
Yep, old Ken is good people, isn't he? :D

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Post by Mulceber »


There, I finally get to use that smiley. :D :junior: -IJ
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Post by IndyChaos »

To Dr. Seuss,
When it was all said and done it took about four months. Jersey ran into a little bit of trouble in getting the felt from his supplier. His source is a large company that does a most of its work for big western stores who order felt for their entire cowboy hat line, so a boutique operation like Jersey's is very low priority.
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Post by IndyChaos »

To Dr. Seuss,
I need to add an addendum to my previous response. When I spoke to Jersey, he said that when he orders from his supplier, he has to order in quantity. I think he said he ordered about ten hats in the standard sizes. Since I called him out of the blue, my hat was achieved on a sort of spec basis so it took a little longer. Since he has a few in stock, I would estimate that it will take a much lower amount of time to get your hat.
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Post by IndyChaos »

OK, my apologies for spamming my own thread, but I do have a few pics that Jersey sent when he finished my hat. This should calm some of those demanding pics for a moment or two. Anyway, I'll post some more with myself in the hat when I can track down a camera.


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Post by Dr.Seuss »


Thanks. I am not concerned about the wait: approximately 3 months for my PB; almost 4 months for the JPD (to arrive this week); and give or take one month for the Federation. Rather, simply curious.

When ordering custom, time is the name of the game. What is the old adage, "Good things come to those who ....... ."

Looks great.

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Post by Strider »

It sure is looking good! Gotta get a shot of that puppy on your head so we can really get a good look at the dimensions and the creases (handheld and up close, hats tend to have more percieved taper than is actually there). That side shot looks smashing! Congrats! :clap: May this lid be to you what your old Stetson Temple was.
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Post by JerseyJones »

Thank you Indy Chaos for a great review and I am so pleased that you are enjoying your lid !

Thanks for also adding the photos of the hat and my large hairy Popeye arm for all to enjoy ! :)

For those wanting hats, please PM me, email me at or call the Camptown Hotline 973 477 0934 !

Thanks very much !


P.S. Kind of feeling nice to be back ! :wink:
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Post by michaeljcr »

Looking good Chaos! It's great to see a new review of the Fieldmaster and those initial pictures look fantastic.
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Post by Kaplan »

hey Chaos, that fieldmaster looks great. I'm awaiting my own from JJ. I'll post a review when it arrives, although I anticipate it will be similar to yours.
Enjoy the new lid!
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Post by prairiejones »

Looks good. Get a couple of shots with it on your grape, and the camera farther away. It's the best way to get a true sense of th shape.
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Post by IndyChaos »

I appreciate all of the positive feedback. It's really a great hat. And I promise to get some pictures of it on my noggin soon.
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Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> With Pi

Post by IndyChaos »

Ok I finally got a few pictures. My apologies for the goofiness of my expression. It is the result of cheesy jokes told to me at the moment I was supposed to say cheese. Let me know what you think.


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Re: Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> Wit

Post by Dr.Seuss »

IndyChaos wrote:Ok I finally got a few pictures. * * * Let me know what you think.

    You look very pleased; and carry the hat well. Even cocked back at an angle (which makes critical observation difficult), the fit looks good. The crown does not appear too tall/high. I like the substantial look/weight of the heavier felt; an adventurer's hat.

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    Re: Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> Wit

    Post by JerseyJones »

    Dr.Seuss wrote:
    IndyChaos wrote:Ok I finally got a few pictures. * * * Let me know what you think.

      You look very pleased; and carry the hat well. Even cocked back at an angle (which makes critical observation difficult), the fit looks good. The crown does not appear too tall/high. I like the substantial look/weight of the heavier felt; an adventurer's hat.

      Thanks for the nice words Seuss ! Your hat is in the hopper sir.

      The substantial felt observation is very accurate. Its not too heavy, just substantial. Very well put !

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      Re: Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> Wit

      Post by Dr.Seuss »

      JerseyJones wrote:Your hat is in the hopper sir.The substantial felt observation is very accurate. Its not too heavy, just substantial. Ken

      It takes a bit to work me into an "anticipatory mode." But with all the Camptown "buzz" going on, and the great looking photos, I am only too glad you are hanging on, and that I am on your list.

      Had this talk been out when I was making my initial "Indy" hat purchase; Camptown would have been the first. But, that's the beauty of COW, and craftsmen like yourself and hatter brethren, choices, so many choices.

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      Re: Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> Wit

      Post by JerseyJones »

      Dr.Seuss wrote:
      JerseyJones wrote:Your hat is in the hopper sir.The substantial felt observation is very accurate. Its not too heavy, just substantial. Ken

      It takes a bit to work me into an "anticipatory mode." But with all the Camptown "buzz" going on, and the great looking photos, I am only too glad you are hanging on, and that I am on your list.

      Had this talk been out when I was making my initial "Indy" hat purchase; Camptown would have been the first. But, that's the beauty of COW, and craftsmen like yourself and hatter brethren, choices, so many choices.

      Anticipatory?! Wow my hats merited an SAT Word ! Cool !

      Thanks my friends,
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      Re: Camptown Model 1936 Fieldmaster fedora review --> Wit

      Post by Dr.Seuss »

      JerseyJones wrote:Anticipatory?! Wow my hats merited an SAT Word ! Cool ! Ken
      As in "anticipatory declaratory judgment."

      BTW: If you are inclined, you can customize the inside of the crown on my Fieldmaster with a handwritten, "Anticipatory;" almost as good as a signature.

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      1936 Fieldmaster, two thumbs up...

      Post by DanielJones »

      Chaos, you Fieldmaster looks great! For the price you would be hard pressed to find a finer lid. I have been very pleased with mine & I've taken it on all kinds of trips and it wears like iron. But it stays very soft to the touch. I'm planning on getting the grey 1945 Metropolitan here soon. I can't wait.
      I had put in a concerted effort over at the Lounge to spread the word about Ken's hats, because I would hate to see his hats disappear and future folks not be able to enjoy one of his hats.

      Here's a couple of shots of mine from a while back.



      Glad you enjoy you new Camptown. I hope others would be so kind as to post their hats & praises of their Fieldmaster as well.


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      Post by gabrielle »

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      Post by DanielJones »

      Thank you Gab! Most appreciated, and Im sure Chaos thanks you as well. Here's a couple more.

      For some reason I like this view of the hat on this day. I just got done rumpling it some more and the light hit it just right.


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      Post by Indycrazy5187 »

      nice pinch
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