The best way to display a hat?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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The best way to display a hat?

Post by indy89 »

Good morning, folks. I ought to be recieving my AB soon and I have been doing some thinking on how to display it when I'm not wearing the hat. I've seen the little black hat stands, but how well do they work? Will the hat eventually tapper while on the stand? Then there's laying the hat up-side down on a flat surface method. I thought about hanging it on a hat hook, but I have the fear that the hat will get a dent where it hangs.

My question that I ask you all is"which is the best way to display a hat while it isn't being worn?"

Thanks, Indy89.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

There was a hat 'hook' (for lack of a better name) that was a round loop atop an it was like putting it over something, but the loop was big enough to hold the sides out a bit.

Am I making any sense?

That's all I can think for for 'display' without actually WEARING it. The other ideas all seem to not meet your 'no taper' requirement.

Frankly, I think it would look best on an old wooden hat tree/stand/rack...ready to go.
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Post by indy89 »

I plan on visiting some antique shops to look for a vintage hat stand. I'll see what I can find.
Thanks, Jerry.
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Post by Mulceber »

Then there's laying the hat up-side down on a flat surface method.
Yeah, that method doesn't really work either, because then the top of the hat starts to flatten out and it doesn't look quite so Indy anymore.

I find the most "Indy-esque" way to hang it is to put it *right-side-up* on a flat surface (table, bookshelf, what-have-you), with the front of the brim (the part that goes down) hanging off the edge of that surface so that it won't get messed up. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Just accept the eventual taper, then. :?
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Post by IndyTaz »

:D G'day mate,
Congrats on the nearness of your AB a great day indeed!!!!!!!!

Here's how I display mine at the moment. It's one way anyway LOL


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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Hmm...good point, there were some nice displays folks had that included all their 'heading out the door' gear.
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Post by Strider »

Laying it on the brim like that really isn't a good idea. I have that conical piece of cardboard that came with my Akubra federation, and that's what I have my hat sitting on when it isn't being worn. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm "displaying" it, but trust me, everyone who goes into my room (abandons all hope) sees the hat, and it's a safe way to store it.
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Post by Mulceber »

Just accept the eventual taper, then.
Meh, if a hat can't take a little punishment there's no point in having it. That's like avoiding taking it out in a rainstorm for fear that it will get wet. Besides, I've had it over two years now and there's been no taper yet (knock on wood). :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

hahaha...I kept saying that, too, then I realized I've got 'slant' instead. One side seems a bit tapered...and the other seems a bit REVERSE tapered. Must be the way I grab it and twist it on my head everytime, even my pinch is slanted. Trying to untrain that now, but after a year and a half...

I leave mine upside down almost all the time, whether on the car seat, or the floor of the car, table in the house, whatever. Why? Well, I put things in it. Simple fact...I didn't know I was babying it (per se), I was using it as a valet! :lol: I only saw recently that Fedora feels this helps avoid tapering.

My hat gets beaten on, trust me, but for some reason, I still put it upside down.

Sorry, I'm off topic. I guess the only relevance to the original question here is the best way I display my hat is upside down on top of our wooden liquor cabinet. The brim is still warped and all this way, and everyone is used to seeing it there, so I guess it's on display. ;)
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Post by indy89 »

Hmm... :-k Thanks, guys. I think I'm gonna go with Jerry's suggestion, hanging it on a wooden hat stand. Now I just need to find one. #-o
"I don't know. I'll think of something."
Thanks again! :wink:
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Me I have an old Stetson that is in no way wearable. That sits on top the fridge and I'll put my AB beaver on top of that, I also have an ol straw like fedora that I sit my HJ on and till I make something to hang all three I put my AB rabbit on top of that. Yep I got my AB rabbit. When I get me my new AB beaver, well that one will stay in the box and only be worn on special occasions.

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Post by indy89 »

I was thinking about sitting the hat on top of my BCF fed. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all.
Thanks, Croft.
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Post by Michaelson »

What ever hat I'm wearing out of my rotation gets tossed on top of my hall tree. It's not going to be hanging gthere long enough to develop anything out of the ordinary. All other hats remain in storage in their boxes in the closet.

I do not 'display' hats myself. Maybe someday, and then I'll pull this string up for references. :lol: :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I wonder though, are there any downsides to storing your fedoras on a hat rack for display purposes?
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Post by Mulceber »

Well it can get which case it'll look speckled after it's been through a rainstorm, even after it's dried out. That's easy to fix though with a damp rag. Other than that, no disadvantages that I know of. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Indiana G »

The best way to display a hat?
on your head of course :D

i have a polynesian mask that i hang my tod hj on with my older ab on top of the hj.

my trusty rabbit sa ab sits on a cast steel victorian-esque wreath holder which my wife bought for me...primarily to hang a hat on. this sits next to the mask.

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Post by Indiana G »

i had to read through the thread twice to make sure no one else threw that out....couldn't believe no one did yet :lol:
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Post by indy89 »

Just to clear something up, I'm gonna wear the hat everyday, but I'm asking what is the best way to hang/stand/ a hat when I'm not wearing it. Just in case any of you all thought I just bought the hat for display. :wink:

I went to Hobby Lobby earlier today and I saw something that look like a hat stand.
It looked like one of these, but made out of wood.


I thought it would be good just to throw the hat on when I'm not wearing it.
What do you all think :?:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Honestly, I have a ton of hats hanging off of shelves, bedposts, etc. :lol: I keep thinking of finding a mannequin head/hat display for whatever hat is in current rotation, but I think I'd need a lot of heads, and that could get pretty creepy. :wink:
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

indy89 wrote:Just to clear something up, I'm gonna wear the hat everyday, but I'm asking what is the best way to hang/stand/ a hat when I'm not wearing it. Just in case any of you all thought I just bought the hat for display. :wink:

I went to Hobby Lobby earlier today and I saw something that look like a hat stand.
It looked like one of these, but made out of wood.


I thought it would be good just to throw the hat on when I'm not wearing it.
What do you all think :?:
Aren't those candlebras?
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Post by indy89 »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:Aren't those candlebras?
Something like that, but hey, it gets the job done. :wink:

I didn't think it looked to bad for the price and Hobby Lobby
always has sells going on, so I think I'm gonna go with
them so called "candlebra". :lol:

I'll post a pic or two when I get it. Which will probably be
in two weeks cause I'm gonna order a hat brush and hat jack
with my next pay.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Indiana G wrote:i had to read through the thread twice to make sure no one else threw that out....couldn't believe no one did yet :lol:
I don't know...I'd call a foul. ;) Read:
indy89 wrote:[...]how to display it when I'm not wearing the hat [...]
The candelabras work...then you can just pick whatever design style you want. If you're going to do that, though, I'd swing by places like Pier 1 and Costplus World Market if you have anything like that around, and look at their 'global' designs...they have quite a bit of decorating knick knacks with a traveled feel...heck, a carved wooden indian elephant would work just as well. Something Jonesy. Maybe a buddha.
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Post by indy89 »

I totally forgot about World Market! Thanks, Jerry.
Pier 1 can be pricey, but I need to go to WM ASAP.
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Post by gobo »

I have a pretty cool hatstand, half a propella from a WWII freighter plane.
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Post by indy89 »

Haha! That's awesome, gobo. :lol:
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I use a wire hat stand like this:
Here's how I have mine displayed:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Hmm...pretty good! The wire hatstand does have an older golden-era feel about it...(so long as it's not vinyl wrapped, that is).
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Post by Mulceber »

Yeah, do you have any hints on where to pick one of these up, ITG? :junior: -IJ
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Post by djd »

I bought a hat display stand off ebay. It's just a polystyrene hemisphere attached to a wooden pole and wooden base. It wasn't expensive and does the job well enough :D
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

IndianaJones wrote:Yeah, do you have any hints on where to pick one of these up, ITG? :junior: -IJ
Try ebay or scroll down 3/4 of the way down:

I got mine in an antique shop some years back near Austin (Salado?,TX)
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Post by bleyd »

These don't look TOO difficult to make. ITMT I'm gonna keep mine on my voice operated R2D2. He likes wearing hats bout as much as I do.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

hmmm, bleyd, I'm surprised I haven't thought to do that yet. Of course, ours is like our 2nd son (sort of...we like terrorizing the dog with him) and the dog is jealous of him. So, he might just pull the hat off of Arturo (that's what we call him) and do some wicked damage to the fedora.
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

What I'm doing to my fedora is basically sitting it on top of a baseball cap. Does anyone know if this is a good idea? ;)
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Castor Dioscuri wrote:What I'm doing to my fedora is basically sitting it on top of a baseball cap. Does anyone know if this is a good idea? ;)
Anyone? 8-[
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Post by Indiana G »

i can't see a baseball cap being stiff enough to do any good. if it keeps the brim off of the ground then perhaps....but i just don't see it helping to support the crown at all.....unless you have like a leather baseball cap or something that robust......prove me wrong?
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Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Well, the baseball cap is new, and stiff as heck, so it does support the entire weight of the fedora, which I think is rabbit or some other soft felt.

The brim seems to be entirely lifted off the surface, but as for the crown... Well, the top most part of the baseball cap only fills less than half of the fedora interior, so it kind of 'floats'... Not too sure if this helps at all with holding the shape of the crown though!
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