It seems that on these forums, the consensus is that the length of Indy's jacket should fall 1-2 inches below the waist. But in anticipation of ordering yet ANOTHER Wested...
Here is an example.
In an earlier post, Rusty Jones asked if his jacket length was too long, and most thought so:

Now observe this scene from Raiders. Granted the jacket is a little longer on the left (our left) than the right, but I'd believe if the jacket was straightened, it would be similar to the jacket above.

Now considering what knowledge we know about the pocket specs, and the distance between the bottom of the pocket and the bottom of the jacket, there seems to me that there is no way the picture below has a jacket of less than 3 inches!

And finally, I don't mean to put down anybody, so please don't take this personally, but let's look at Indiana G's photo of his very impressive Flightsuits jacket.
Here is a perfect example of 1-2 inches below the waist:

However, if we look at the final comparison photo:

You'll note that Indy's jacket is the same length at the bottom. HOWEVER, consider that he is leaning backwards, and has him arms slightly raised. This would also bring up the hem of the jacket a couple of inches, and you folks at home can even try it out!

It has been argued that certain jackets in Raiders may be longer than others, but I would believe that the number of examples listed above are quite wide-ranging, and encompass many of the key scenes from that movie.
So ladies and gentlemen, what say you? I'll let you be the judge.
Personally, I'm really anxious to hear what the old-timers have to say... Especially Michaelson!