I did a whip show last night at a downtown bar, and I started out by saying "The crack of the whip is so powerful it can slice pop cans in half and shatter glass." (Yes, I'm from Wisconsin and we call it 'pop' instead of 'soda'.)
Well, after I was done a group of drunk guys starting calling me 'whipmaster' (think Bill Murray's character from SNL). One of those guys was like "Hey, you said you could cut pop cans and shatter glass. How come you didn't do it? That's what I was waiting for!"
So now I'm going to say "The crack of the whip is so powerful it can cut many things, including
human flesh. How do I know, you ask? Because I HAVE DONE IT ..... TO MYSELF!

........ okay, not on purpose or anything, and hopefully you won't see me cut myself during the show (cross your fingers

) but hey, we're gonna cut up a bunch of other stuff. Anybody got a cigarette?

Now, I have taken skin off my legs with whips before, but I wouldn't call it a cut, more like whip rash (and it did bleed and scab up).