From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Thanks for the comments, I was going to do this 5 foot whip in 12 plait but I have a bunch of 12 plait whips and I only have one 8 plait and its made of cow hide so I wanted to make one out of Kangaroo leather. I think it turned out rather well.
my 8 plait Kangaroo, my 12 plait kangaroo, 12 plait Bernie kangaroo, IOAB Adam Winrich, 8 plait cowhide Adam Winrich, 12 plait kangaroo Russell Schults, My 12 plait snake kip, My 12 plait kip, My 12 plait Kangaroo, My 12 plait kangaroo, & My mini whip.
Very nice Nammann, Thanks. Did you get the stockwhip kit form Mike Murphy or Peter Jack, or some one else? I made one of Mike's kits and have been thinking about doing another soon.
Last edited by BullWhipBorton on Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I purchased the stock whip kit from Mike Murphy thats how I got started making whips, a wise man told me that if I want to make whips start off with making a stock whip so I did and now I am pretty good at making whips. I would like to purchase another one also, It should be pretty easy for me now since I know what to do with all the materials. This is the one thing that I really enjoy doing in my spare time, I'm addicted, I can't stop now, LOL