Eastman A2

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Post by Jorenz »

PLATON wrote:Well, you forget that Jorenz who started this thread asked opinions for the Eastman jacket.
Lucky I didn't say anything about the dirty knife!! :P

Seriously, I have learned so much about the A-2 from these posts and counter posts. Thank you all who contributed to the discussion.

Now can anyone tell me more about the G-1.......(Ducks down and runs away)
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Post by Rixter »

You're a fascinating character _, and I mean that in the best possible way.
Jorenz wrote:
PLATON wrote:Well, you forget that Jorenz who started this thread asked opinions for the Eastman jacket.
Lucky I didn't say anything about the dirty knife!! :P

Seriously, I have learned so much about the A-2 from these posts and counter posts. Thank you all who contributed to the discussion.

Now can anyone tell me more about the G-1.......(Ducks down and runs away)
Was it you that started this thread Jorenz??? :lol:
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Post by PLATON »


Ah don't worry. We fight in every A-2 thread. It's our favorite occupation. If you don't fight a little you miss all the fun.
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Post by Fedora »

I am 43 and regularly can bench press in excess of 500 lbs - I've had to work at it over the years, but genetics do determine individual top ranges for measures like strength.
Geez. Your avatar suits you then!! :lol: Now why do I feel like wearing my hat tipped jauntedly on my head today? Could it be that your old Wested Cowhide fits me-perfectly??? :lol: Although I did hear you have moved up to a 52 jacket these days. :lol: Fedora
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Post by Fedora »

Careful! The doctors warned me that men can transmit excess testosterone to others through sweat. That said, that jacket may have absorbed it's share over the years. If you feel the urge to chase cars (or skirts) don't say I did not warn you!
Ok, that does it. If this is the case with the testosterone, I am wearing that jacket all summer!!! :lol: I would love to feel like chasing skirts again, now that I have been divorced for a couple of years. :lol: I still chase beaver, but it is the kind you find in hats. :P Just recently, I chased my beaver fedora down the street, when I forgot to pull it on low, in the March gales. Since I was wearing your old Wested, I now know why I caught it so fast!!! I can just hear my neighbors child say, "wow, look at that old man run!!" And I did. I caught up with that hat in seconds. (never mind the wind had stopped blowing, and the hat was stationary. ) Fedora
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Post by PLATON »

I was selected because my natural free testosterone levels range averaged 1,278.0 pg/ml over a 3-month testing period, and I am 43 years old. A normal free testosterone level for male’s ages over 19 ranges from 47.0-244.0 pg/ml.
Wikipedia says that "a high level of testosterone is often associated with an increase in aggression"
Careful - We can see you on the site even when you are not posting, and there does not appear to be any gap in your "browsing"... I checked my Greek-to-English translation dictionary, and it appears a lie means the same thing in both languages... I guess that’s one card you cannot play here?
All I can say is that I failed to login twice and that happened after your reply to a post of mine.
I do not hate you; I simply want you to stop pretending you know what you clearly do not. Our "differences" can be summed as follows - I say what I know first-hand. You say what you read others know and pretend it is your own... Plagiarism is a form of lie...
I have lost count of how many times I said that but I will repeat it for you. I DO NOT CLAIM I KNOW ANYTHING, I just say "look at the photos before you buy"
You seem to really like the Cable - great taste in my opinion.
I can speak man-to-man, but a real man tells the truth. Sorry - that leaves you out...
I don't think so. Anyway, my proposal to speak with you in private still stands (I will PM you later). The reason for going private is a) for not disturbing the peace of other members b) because I think that what I write here may be shaking your credibility as a jacket expert and it is not my intention to ruin your good image and c) because in private you can have the chance to insult me as much as you like.

I always considered it a challenge to argue with you about jacket matters and I am always ready to accept what is proven to be right. I know you know a lot and know that there is a lot I can learn from you.

Regardless the insulting, I maintain very friendly feelings towards yourself.

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Post by Indiana Johnson »

Don't you think many of us adopt the Indy persona and wear leather jackets because of high testosterone levels? Shucks, that's why I became a Cop! Although, I'm in my mid 30's and haven't started going bald yet, so maybe my levels are low?

No, I still chase my wife like we're newlyweds, and we've been married 11 years. :lol: :lol:

It helps that she's a looker. :wink:
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Post by Chewing Wax »

_ wrote:Very good. Tell me something - I've never been able to get Lost Worlds to sell me a jacket. They found out I was affiliated with this site and thought I was going to do a hatchet-job on their jackets - but I hear wonderful things about their quality (though not so much on accuracy)... What did you think of their jackets?

I have two Lost Worlds jackets. Both are clearance sale finds. I usually snatch up anything in 46R if it's under $300.00 on his site.

This one was a civil A-1 prototype he made in 1994 but it never went into production. I guess the jacket was discovered hidden in the warehouse or something. I got it in January. It's still in the breaking-in period. The 3 oz. russet horsehide is the nicest jacket leather I've ever personally seen. I adore the jacket.


The second one is a water buffalo hide car coat. It is a stunning jacket. Everything about it is absolutely top notch. I got this one September 2001. I can't say enough good things about the two Lost Worlds I own.


Personally, I love dealing with Lost Worlds. He reminds me of the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld.
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Post by djd »

_ wrote:
PETER wrote:Hey _, read your replies you have steam coming from your ears, that Platon really has the KEY to your clock and has wound it right up.
Its like watching dog baiting. Chill man. Relax. Gentleman Jacks all round.
Hey Peter! Baiting? Naw... Just fine-tuning somebody's language and social skills to make it safe to be around him...

You making it to California for the Queen Mary this year? If so, I'll split some of that Gentman Jack with you! :wink:
Wow. Is this the same Peter that you were accusing of lying in another jacket thread? 'The only time he wasn't lying was when his mouth was closed' or words to that effect? Wow. Talk about social skills and hypocrisy. I've been reading these boards as a guest for a while and if this gets me banned then so be it, but I think that you need to moderate your language from time to time. No offence but I think some of your responses go too far. Sorry and all that.
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Post by djd »

Fair enough :D Glad to be here anyhow. Do a bit of weight training myself. Wish I had your natural test levels!
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Post by PLATON »

Hatchet buried here as well (long time ago).

I enjoy the information exchange with you very much. Let's continue it someday...

By the way, what's that A-2 forum you 've been talking about? Is it fedoralounge.com ? (I think not).
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Post by michaeljcr »

_ wrote:
PLATON wrote:Hatchet buried here as well (long time ago).

I enjoy the information exchange with you very much. Let's continue it someday...

By the way, what's that A-2 forum you 've been talking about? Is it fedoralounge.com ? (I think not).
The most objective one I've found is Vintage Leather Jackets (http://cornellsurgery.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/), though there are several smaller ones that are good that are all Yahoo groups...
Very true! The Vintage Leather Jacket forum is excellent, especially for a novice in the historical jacket area such as myself. I posted a thread there much like this one but asking for advice on Moto style jackets and was rewarded with many interesting facts, opinions and advice. They seem to be a great bunch of people.
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