From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Paul, Thanks for the heads up… David mentioned he was working on this several months ago, but I had no idea it was coming out already either. I’ll have to order a copy ASAP.
Just ordered my copy (I've asked Mr. Morgan to sign it for me) - looking forward to reading it! So some pics were provided by Boggstandard? Cool - I'm amazed there are whips Mr. Morgan hasn't got!
I also found a reference to Cecil Henderson and John Schoewe:
"John Schoewe was an outstanding American whipmaker. He spent some time with Cecil Henderson when in Australia in 1942 during World War II, and later made whips for performers and the cattlemen in Florida. His Florida drover whips were well tapered and probably contributed much of the improvement in taper of these whips as made by others. He tanned his own buckskin for the points. He did not use a wear leather between thong and handle."
Looks like a great book so far, and there are some great pictures of some of the old whipmaking factories!
Just got my new Chris Barr whip today; 16-plait lash and 20-plait black and red handle. It's awesome. I really think Chris gives Cecil a run for his money and I believe I've bought a collector's whip from a whipmaker who will become a legend some day.
Also, I made my last attempt at the bullwhip cracking record tonight. In front of an audience and witnesses I did 253 bullwhip cracks in a minute. I'll send out press releases tomorrow, and provided one gets published, I'll send this record into Guinness for verification. 253 sounds like a nice number, though down the road I think I'll try building a second, lighter whip and having another go at this record. I've got lots of notes on the training I did for this record to apply if I ever do it again.
Anyway, the official Guinness Record is still Chris Camp's 222, so I should have no problem getting 253 made official.
I talked with the local papers today after emailing the press releases. Hopefully I'll get something in print by April 8th. The papers seem to like to put this kind of thing in the human interest/community section of the Sunday paper, and this section is usually finished a week in advance.
Last time it took Guinness a month to verify the record, after I sent in all the documentation.
Paul, how are your WWAC convention plans? I heard Steve was going to be your ride and roomie, but he's not going anymore.
Morgan is going to be primary documentation for a paper I'm submitting to the Journal of Technology and Culture this summer, (All Akademak-n-stuff cuz I'm a kollidge pruhfesser) ;-)
Ohio? Paul! What are you doing in my neck of the nation and not bothering to call, Dude? :evil: