Plus, a lot of the "newess" factor has diminished on the JPD, since it's been almost 10 days since I first got it. Don't get me wrong, I still love this hat, but now that I've had it a while, I can look at certain things a bit closer and get a better feel for what this hat is all about.
First up, the old Akubra Federation Deluxe. Keep in mind that this hat is over 3 years old, and has been worn a LOT. I have worn it almost every day and many times in very harsh weather or other undesirable conditions. It has never been "officially" reblocked, but I've used household implements to do my own reblocking and tweaking. I've also sanded the brim to make it fit my face a bit better and modified the bow to look a bit better than the "stock" Akubra bow, which I never cared for. The hat has faded a bit, which has made the color a bit lighter on both felt and ribbon. I've sat on and beat the @#$% out of this hat countless times and it keeps coming back for more. Essentially my point is, this hat does not represent what you would get if you ordered a new Fed Deluxe from Hatsdirect, these results were obtained after many years of hard wear and intentional tweakage.
Here's a shot of the hat in direct sunlight. ... JPD007.jpg
Next up, is my new Jimmy Pierce Fedora. I've had it since Feb. 14th. Right out of the box it was stiff as heck, but after a few days of bashing and rebashing it has softened up quite nicely. The brim specs are about the same as on the Akubra, but they seem a bit shorter, perhaps because the felt is stiffer so there is not as much "droop". The ribbon and bow are the standard stock straight from JPD. The crown has been poked, prodded, squashed and stretched, it may not look exactly like what you would get straight from Jimmy, but I'm sure it's still pretty close. It hasn't seen much action yet, the weather in my area has been pretty mild. It has managed to survive a light snow flurry...
Here's a shot in direct sunlight ... JPD018.jpg
And a shot of the two together in sunlight, for comparison. ... JPD028.jpg
Another shot, his one clearly shows the superior quality of the finish on the JPD vs. the "fuzziness" of the Akubra felt. Keep in mind, that I have brushed, pounced, and shaved that Akubra to try and get that fuzziness in check, and it STILL looks like that. ... JPD030.jpg
Here's a shot of the two hats head on in some sunlight. ... JPD034.jpg
And now, the 360 degree side by side comparison! Akubra on the left, JPD on the right.

You can sort of see how the ribbon on each hat changes the perception of the hat's overall crown height. The Fed Deluxe came with an open crown height of close to 6 inches, the JPD topped out right at 5 1/2. The Akubra however, has a shorter ribbon, just under 1 1/2 inches. The JPD ribbon is 1 5/8 inches. The shorter crown and taller ribbon make the JPD look even shorter when next to the Akubra, which by comparison looks TOO tall for an Indy hat in some angles. Both look good on their own, but side by side the differences in one can mess with the perception of both. ... JPD044.jpg ... JPD042.jpg ... JPD046.jpg ... JPD048.jpg ... JPD049.jpg ... JPD050.jpg ... JPD051.jpg ... JPD052.jpg ... JPD053.jpg ... JPD054.jpg
So, what's my conclusion? I honestly like them both quite a bit. Each hat has their downside, really. I'd like the Akubra to have a better, more traditional bow style, a better finish and a slightly shorter crown. The JPD could benefit from a darker and narrower ribbon and perhaps just a hair less front and back taper in the blockshape, but overall the blockshape and the entire hat is very good as is. Of course, as we all know, the JPD is a custom hat, so some changes could easily be made if requested. The Akubra comes as is. Overall, I like them both and I would not hesitate to order another of either. But for now, the JPD, since it is still nice and new, is doing "dress hat" duty, while the Akubra has settled nicely into the "adventure hat" role.
Hope you enjoyed the pics!