Introduction and a couple of Mk VIIs

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Africa Jones
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Introduction and a couple of Mk VIIs

Post by Africa Jones »


Hello: I'm glad to finally be aboard: alas my travelling has been somewhat curtailed recently and the only exploration has been from my armchair through the experiences of others. However this seems like a place where I'll feel a home.

Whilst awaiting my approval I've been spending much time reading through the various threads: I just wanted to give you a quick update on 2 Mk VII bags I received recently from Endicotts in Exeter. I can confirm that they have supplies now if you email Kevin as I did, and prices were very good: here is his email to me:

"Good to hear from you ! Really interesting item this MKVII Bag !! We do
carry a few instock.Price shipped to Portugal £17.95 / £15.95 U.K for
Mint/Unissued ones,cheaper if you want 'graded' (more worn/used) stock."

So I bought 2 unissued ones and they are really fine condition - one marked RMA 1941 VII 35 with black arrow, another with very faint markings which I cannot make out. Both inc P&P to Portugal was 34.50 UK pounds. 3 working days for delivery. Now just have to get my order in with N Howard or for a couple of straps.

Still get back to the UK every now and then and on my next trip I'll be paying a visit to Wested for a new jacket.

And my only other quandry is whether to go for an Akubra Fed or something from Christy's when next in London.

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Post by Strider »

Sweet! Welcome aboard, man!
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Post by Farnham54 »

very cool! Do tell us more of your adventures, we're always up for a good story/photo essay!

As far as the hat question, depends on what you'll be using it for/what you'll be up to while wearing it.

The fed is better value, I have no doubt. But it's not a dress hat (that's not to say it doesn't look dressy! It does!). But if you want a really nice looking dress hat, perhaps the Christies is the way to go.

If you want a hat that'll take everything you can throw at it and more, and will be as reliable as you are to yourself, then go with the Federation. I'veworn my Fed through some of my greatest adventures and it's been A-OK

Adventurbilt have had similar reviews, and while I've seen them in the flesh I cannot personally attest to their durability--However, there are plenty of folks here (Like Calipoliana Craig (sp?)) who have taken their AB's through thick and thin and come out OK. Do a search and you will find out more info. Or wait a minute or so and VP will do it for you. The advantage to the AB is that the ones I've seen look REALLY nice, and will pass with flying colors as a dress hat.

Of course, then there's the option that you don't want an Indy hat, but you want something durable--in that case, go with something from Akubra. Steve himself (owner/creator of AB) will tell you this, and I haven't heard a bad review of them yet.

As far as these bags go, what do you use them for? D you find them a useful satchel for your adventures or are you just collecting them for the sake of them being gear?

Either way, Welcome to COW!

Last edited by Farnham54 on Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Max »

Welcome aboard and....

"If you want a hat that'll take everything you can throw at it and more, and will be as reliable as you are to yourself, then go with the Federation. I'veworn my Fed through some of my greatest adventures and it's been A-" :!: I have got nothing to add :wink:
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Post by IndianaRedmon »

Welcome to COW.
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Post by Indiana G »

welcome sir!

like the others have said, the akubra is one tough hat that will go anywhere and withstand anythng. i don't see why you can't use it as a dress hat as i've worn it with the jacket and tie and it looked fine.

the AB is a beautiful hat that is just as (and probably more) resiliant than the akubra. unfortunately you'll be waiting 5 or 6 months to get it. i bought an AB and then an akubra (which you get in about 1 or 2 weeks). you wear the akubra and by the time you've paid back the loan for the AB, its at your doorstep.

again, enjoy the forum. its a wealth of information.
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Post by Farnham54 »

Indiana G wrote:welcome sir!

like the others have said, the akubra is one tough hat that will go anywhere and withstand anything. i don't see why you can't use it as a dress hat as i've worn it with the jacket and tie and it looked fine.
Forgive me, G, I didn't mean to say that wearing the Fed with dress attire would look bad. I too have worn my Feds with suits and looked quite dapper (even if I do say so myself!). However, if one wants something that is exclusively a dress hat, something like (maybe) what Christies is offering, or perhaps something along the lines of an Optimo, might be a better bet.

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Post by Indiana G »

no need to apologize farnham :D

if you want to go for dressy, i wouldn't want anything else than a herbert johnson from todd's. swaine addeny and brigge (sp?) is a 'close enough' in my book.

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Post by Mola Ram »



Go with an akubra bushman!

A real adventurers hat.
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Post by Africa Jones »

This was my last trip to Africa in 2005: climbed Kilimanjaro, (though it seems everyone and their dog does it so nothing special),



And then did a quick tour of Tanzania's Northern Circuit inc The Serengeti,


Ngorongoro Crater, (with my wife overlooking the caldera)


And Lake Manyara


I spent quality time with the Maasai in various areas, learning more about their lifestyle in order for some research for something I'm writing. (That is taking forever).




Due to new family commitments travelling (at least to Africa) has been limited and thus I console myself with Hemingway novels etc. However, workwise I have gone off on a tangent and now devote my time to Africa via, a non commercial and not for profit Africa travel and safari forum which has an emphasis on wildlife conservation and cultural issues. Although it's only been live a short while already I am working with a number of Conservation groups in Africa and whilst I cannot be there on the ground I can provide support via my office here in Portugal.

The full Kilimanjaro journal is there, as well as my slowly developing report on Tanzania, though if you wish to see the photo albums you will have to register, so if Africa is your thing have a look.

- You asked about the bags: I actually find that having something "ratty" and old looking does not attract attention and until recently have used old photographic cases to cart my stuff round in - but these Mk VIIs are just the ticket for looking inconspicuous. (ish) And BTW apart from camera stuff, there'll be notebooks, Parker pens, old dictaphone, Lucozade tablets gum etc etc all stuffed into it.

Thanks for all the welcome messages, I'm gonna put in an order for the Fed, as soon as my CC balance returns to normal having just booked up for New York at the end of March. And being of Australian descent I have an old, circa 1930 Kangaroo hide stockman's whip residing in England, which was last seriously used in the mid 80s. It needs serious TLC now so I won't be using it again - I'll have to ask in the whip section about possible preservation but no photos for now until I get it to Portugal in April.

Anyway, if you haven't already gone elsewhere, thanks again, and I look forward to making myself comfortable here, at least until the next great adventure comes beckoning!

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Post by Indiana G »

awesome pics AJ! thanks for sharing!
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Post by Michaelson »

Here's a man 'living the life'. :shock:

I envy you, my friend, and tip my fedora to you.

HIGH regards, and thanks for sharing.

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Post by agent5 »

Yeah...right. Those pics are of EPCOT at Disneyworld!!! :lol:

Seriously. Thanks for posting those. Amazing stuff. Oh...and I've never climbed Kilimanjaro so it's still something special. Take pride.
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Post by JulianK »

Have you considered a Tilley hat? They're amazing for travel. I own 3 of them and I swear by them. My latest is their hemp hat (no jokes about smoking it please! ;)). It's certainly worth checking out. I've been asked about mine all over the world. I know they're not exactly 'Indyish' but they're extremely practical.
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Post by Africa Jones »

Julian, I've considered Tilley hats before but usually I just take something relatively cheap that I can leave behind with a local guide as just an extra tip. After Kili I left my new hiking boots, flasks, head torches, waterproof gear etc to guides and porters as well as monetary tips because hardware is more difficult to find for them. Actually the old hat you see in the pictures came off one time in the slipstream(I forgot to do the strap) and I was out the door of the LandCruiser to retrieve it before the guide could stop me. Now that's a wild feeling being in the bush away from the safety of the vehicle.

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Post by Africa Jones »

Just one more photo before wrapping this thread up for bed, another high altitude shot taken on Kilimanjaro.

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