For & Against - The 'official' Lucasfilm fedora

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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For & Against - The 'official' Lucasfilm fedora

Post by Indiana Murphy »

Recently one or two of the 'official' lucasfilm fedora's have popped up on E-Bay (UK) - (complete with a deeply naff little tin emblem on the hat band !!) The prices are roughly around the £29.00 mark, so the price on the face of it doesn't seem too bad, but what are the groups thoughts on them as to value accuracy etc etc.......?
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Post by agent5 »

They're laughable at best. There's plenty of material on them in the archives here if you try doing a search. The BEST cheap hats you can get are probably the Akubra Federation which is somewhere in the neighborhood of $100. I'm sure someone else can clarify that.

Just do a little digging.
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Post by Indiana Max »

I hate those hats, they´re ugly, to short and they are always made out of bad ""felt"" :wink: I´m sorry, but although they are quite cheap, I would prefer wearing nothing, instead of a hat like this. Maybe I´m hypercritical, but those hats are #### :wink:

If you want a really nice and cheap hat, than take an Akubra Fed. Deluxe :!: :!:
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

As many others here can say, the 'official' DP fedora was the first Indy fedora I owned, and while I had it I loved it. I knew it wasn't 100% screen accurate but I didn't care because it was mine. I brought the hat with me to camp on summer and after a little rain and a hot day it looked like a shrinkeedink that had been left in the oven too long.

Bottom line, with so many options for affordable fedoras out there it doesn't make much sense spending close to $60 (roughly converted) on something that won't make it a year and doesn't start off looking very good to begin with. For roughly twice the price you could have something that will last you and look immensely better. As always, it's your call, but I'd steer clear of it.
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Post by bleyd »

I have one of the old licensed ones. Yeah, they are way to short and are made of cheap felt. I got mine dirt cheap back when TOD came out. Still have it. After getting my HJ I can definately tell the differance in quality that's for sure. Now it sits in the corner retired. It took me on alot of adventures as a kid, though and traveled the world with me so it has more sentimental value than anything.

For $60 I'd save a little longer and get a better one like everyone else said.
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Post by IndyBlues »

IndianaGuybrush wrote:I brought the hat with me to camp one summer and after a little rain and a hot day it looked like a shrinkeedink that had been left in the oven too long.

LOL, that was the best laugh I had all day. Thanks Guybrush!
'Blues :lol:
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Post by Indiana Murphy »

thanks chaps, you've just confirmed what I was thinking anyway - you get what you pay for ! I will steer clear.......
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Post by Indiana G »

i'm actually looking at getting one of these just to have. they have a certain collectors appeal to them, moreso than their useability appeal. i was on the verge of getting one 2 years ago for my dad when we were at WDW but there was not a size large to be found.

if you are looking for a good sturdy hat, built with materials that will take on the elements, i would stear clear of this one. if you're looking to add to your indiana jones collection and you already have said hat.....why not?
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Post by Indiana Max »

You´re right bleyd, my first Indy hat, one of the young Indy cronicles, has still his special value to me, cause I worn it all the time and everywhere, although today it looks like a mixture out of a shred and huddle of felt :wink:
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Post by Lord_Clarence »

I also feel compelled to chime in on this hat. You can see it on in my avatar at left, in fact (well, okay, I rebashed it). Not the most accurate, and certainly not the most well made, but a fun first hat for me as a kid, and as close enough hats go, not too shabby.

As a collector's item (pin and all), I would have a hard time parting with it, and it's not a bad costume hat--most people wouldn't know the difference--but you would know the difference. So if this is meant to be a hat that can stand up to scrutiny and punishment, and the funds are limited, I ditto Akubra.

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Post by Indiana Kev »

Indiana G wrote:i'm actually looking at getting one of these just to have. they have a certain collectors appeal to them, moreso than their useability appeal. i was on the verge of getting one 2 years ago for my dad when we were at WDW but there was not a size large to be found.
I think I can make this happen, I'll give you a good deal on a "one of a kind Dorfman Pacifica." :D or even better how about a trade, you give me an AB, and I'll give you my DP. :lol:

I have to say I do love my DP. I agree with Lord Clarence, it was a first hat as a kid, was close enough, and works well for a costume. and I think it looks pretty good sitting on my desk. Will I buy another DP? Hum...maybe but probably not.
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Post by Indiana G »

not that i would want to participate in that trade kev :D , but i couldn't do it right now if i did. my AB beaver is hopefully enroute from a reblocking and my AB rabbit is with everyone else's rabbit.

looks like my DP acquisition will have to wait...i just bought a stetson temple to see what i can do with it (despite everyone's warnings).....thats what happens when you're waiting for your hats, you buy more to keep you preoccupied :lol:
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Post by GCR »

Indiana G wrote:not that i would want to participate in that trade kev :D , but i couldn't do it right now if i did. my AB beaver is hopefully enroute from a reblocking and my AB rabbit is with everyone else's rabbit.

looks like my DP acquisition will have to wait...i just bought a stetson temple to see what i can do with it (despite everyone's warnings).....thats what happens when you're waiting for your hats, you buy more to keep you preoccupied :lol:
All this talk of Dorfmans and Stetson temples has got me feeling nostalgic! The Dorfmans were my first Indy hat, and the Stetson temple was my first non-Dorfman Indy hat.

So, how about some pics, guys?

(Oh yeah, Indiana G, just a word of warning, watch out about getting that new Stetson wet, as the colored dye powder can run and ruin your new hat, "trust me".)

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Post by Indiana G »

thanks GCR, already got that noted from an old thread where michaelson had a mink brown waterfall rolling off his mustache :lol: (sorry, michaelson...couldn't resist).

i've also noted that inexpensive jones had his stetson in the rain with no adverse effects. he bashed his exactly like the LC temple hat.

fedora is convinced that the TOD villiage hat is the temple and for $80, i want to find out to. know what GCR, i'd love to see pics of DP's and stetson's in action. they may not be the best hats out there, but at least those who have them and cherish them have the indy spirit laced in the felt!
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Post by GCR »

Indiana G wrote: know what GCR, i'd love to see pics of DP's and stetson's in action. they may not be the best hats out there, but at least those who have them and cherish them have the indy spirit laced in the felt!
Personally, I only have a few pictures of me wearin' my DPs...but that was long before I had a digital camera, and I currently have no scanner at home. I no longer have either of the Dorfmans I owned in the past, so I can can't take any new pics either, so I'm afraid I can't help you there. As for the Stetson, I only have ONE picture of this hat (I also no longer own this hat) and it's of just the hat by itself. I have NO pictures at all of me actually wearing it.

Looking back, I realize I expected too much out of the Dorfmans and Stetson. I'm a Raiders guy, I like the Raiders hat, and while none of the current Stetsons or Dorfmans will give you a perfect Raiders hat, that doesn't mean they won't make a great INDY hat.

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Post by Strider »

The DP hat isn't really that great of a hat, but I tell you what it does do alright, and that's fill a certain niche. If you're posting at this site, then obviously it's not YOUR niche. That doesn't mean it's as bad as people make it out to be. It is when it's compared to things like the Akubra federation, but then, that's not really a fair comparison.

I don't know how many times I've said this, but I hope this is the one time it won't get ignored. The Dorfman is a great hat for people who don't care about screen accuracy, who don't care about what scene 52.A's center dent looked like, who just want a cheap hat that looks enough like Indy's hat FOR THEM. You have to understand, we are among the like, 1% of people who actually care about the minute details of the hat. I know several people who say to me: "a hat is a hat..." they don't even know the difference between one and another in the trilogy. Is that bad? No, because this is our hobby, not theirs, so they don't need to know the difference. To people like that, the Dorfman is fine. It's perfect for them. They aren't going to wear it all over the place. Maybe once or twice a year for a lark.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I get violently angry when I see someone trying to pass a product off that's inferior in more ways they one.

I can just imagine some budding Retro-Centric/Vintage Aficionado who wants a fedora and saves up to get one of these pieces of @#$% and then feels let down, cheated and even robbed because the slightest bit of rain ruins the Dorfman. That company is preying on the ignorance and lack of knowledge that some customers have.

It doesn't matter if the fedora's aren't screen accurate! It doesn't matter that the crown is too short or that it's a C-Dent and not a center dent - the fact remains that they're made out of junk and don't hold up to regular wear and real life. Mr. Lucas should be ashamed and embarrassed that he allowed his name to be attached to such a scandal and a swindle.
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Post by Michaelson »

As you can tell, my old friend Ren is a BIG fan of the Dorfman, and never misses an opportunity to make his true feelings known about the craftsmanship of this fine product. :D

(We now see Michaelson once AGAIN diving under his Plymouth, which he got running again today!! :lol: :wink: )

HIGH regards! Michaelson
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Dorfman makes the finast Maple Sap filters I've ever encountered! My Grandfather used to swear by them, but he had to wash them first in cold water to make sure you didn't ruin the PH ballence of the Sap.

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Post by Shawnkara »

Actually, the modern DP has no real collector value, either. They're still produced and readily available.
If you're thinking in terms of nostalgia/collector value, then you're thinking of an entirely different hat. I had one back in '84; the original "official" hat. I think it was actually made by Stetson, though a fairly low-end model. I believe the current DP version has the bi-plane logo in the crown. The original had a silk screened image of Indy with the machete, leaning on the bridge pillar; the poster for ToD basically. If you get a hold of one of those hats, it has some sentiment and value. But NOT the modern DP offering. Those are barely one step up from the flocked styrene plastic hats in costume shops for $8.00.
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Post by Lord_Clarence »

That Stetson with the Indy silkscreen in it is the one I have. I must admit I have sullied its purity by darkening the (over the years faded) ribbon with a felt pen. Made a big difference in looks, but I may have destroyed any market value it might have had. Doesn't matter, it means more to me as a keepsake and a lid to hand down to my impending child.

I've got pictures to put up around here somewhere...

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