From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Check out these two whip holders that a guy from England makes. I bought the one on the right from him over eBay for 9 pounds plus 1.90 for shipping. It is, in my opinion, very screen accurate and holds my 8 footer fine. It fits belts up to 1.5 inch wide (37mm) and according to this guy it is suitable for bullwhips up to 12 feet. The leather looks great, is 4 mm thick and 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide.
He also makes leather belts in Indy's style, I'll ask him about bag straps.
Sakis, I've got the same holder from that guy and it is pretty nice and at a reasonable price. Just don't go running around with your whip in that thing or it will slip out.
I was just gonna ask that. See, I can't do these kind of whip holders, because the whip slips and slides, and eventally will just fall out. That's why I ended up getting one of Mola Ram's whip holders, the "twisty tie" version, as I call 'em, and it keeps my whip from going anywhere. Not like the average person knows it's not neccessarily the most screen accurate holder in the world. I just don't understand how people can use these types of whip holders, unless they have like, a 10 or 12 foot whip that is so fat when it's coiled up that it won't start to slide out after a few steps.
Is there any kind of tutorial to make the holster yourself ?
Sakis wrote: It fits belts up to 1.5 inch wide (37mm) and according to this guy it is suitable for bullwhips up to 12 feet. The leather looks great, is 4 mm thick and 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide.
Nice, but can you give the length of the holster, please ?
I just received the beast (an eight-footer), and the organisers of the convention told me that I am not allowed to use it on stage. But, as one of the main things is to prance around in gear, I'd like to make someting convenient and safe.
I coud fasten it safe while I am on stage and open and close it easily while walking around and posing for photos.
This is the type I make, non slip with a pull release button similar to the one used on US police holsters.
The pull release will not open unless pulled straight.
The total length of the leather strap is 32 cm./12.5 inch.
Thanks Kt.
The pull release is a major improvement.
I used to make them with a turn lock but with this "new" lock it is much
faster to get the whip out and about
Of cause you'll never win a fast draw contest with a non slip holder
Put the top of the whip the other way around, so that it´s hanging behind you and not in front of you, that might be better, or put the top and so on the grip insite of your whip holder.
I am right handed, and I am not trying to be screen accurate : ie I ripped off the sleeve of the shirt on the left arm because if I did it the right way, everybody woud check my lovely tattoos... and it woulbe even less screen accurate !
I have two holders, neither of them Indy accurate.
One is a turnbuckle-styled holster like they used in "The Rundown."
The other is a velcro closure one, which we call a "Quick Draw Holster" as you really don't have to flip a snap or twist anything, just grab the handle and pull outward. I've gone romping around with it, and haven't experienced much whip slip. Thing is, I tend to use a lighter whip in that holster. My 6' Jacka, and the way it ends up looking is the handle sticks out from my side like a Katana from a samurai's obi. I tend to just rest my hand on the knot on the handle, like I do when I'm carrying swords, so there's not much "Free swinging" that the whip actually does.
Most of the time, I don't even use a holster, and just do the "Catwoman Self Wrap" that Michelle Pfeiffer does in "Batman Returns," (except when I do it, I throw a sidearm crack before the wrap, which Michelle never did.) Taught to her by Anthony DeLongis, who got it from Brian Chic.
It gets the whip out of the way, and looks REALLY impressive if you're doing a performance, (rather than fumbling with a holster while trying to talk to an audience.)
When you do it right, the thong lays against the fall of the whip, which keeps the whip from unwrapping. You can also tuck the handle through a loop in the fall, and pull it tight, which holds down the handle, allowing you to run, jump, whatever. and then just grab the handle, unwrap the whip from yourself, and end it all with a good, loud cattleman's crack.