Well, it's about dat-burned time!

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Well, it's about dat-burned time!

Post by Fatdutchman »

Finally, FINALLY, I got an Indy jacket that actually fits!!! After seven months of heartache....

It's the US Wings Indy jacket. Size Large Long (which is one size "too small" for me...). I was shocked when I tried it on...why? because it fit! I don't know if that's ever happened to me before! Not in a leather jacket anyway...

It fits reasonably close to my body, and I have a fair amount of freedom of motion in it, which really surprises me. I can raise my arms up above my head without pulling the jacket up too awful much. The sleeves are actually long enough, and the body is actually long enough.

The leather is goatskin, and is VERY dark...almost black. I would definitely have preferred a lighter, more brown color, but I ain't complainin'. The lining also is not the brown cotton that the catalog/website shows, but a dark grayish brown nylon, but again, I ain't complainin'. It seems well made, and the leather is MUCH more substantial feeling than the super-soft leather from Wested or US Authentic. Now, that I definitely like! I want leather to actually feel like leather! I don't want leather that feels like a woman's frilly undergarment!!! (though that has an attraction all its own...)

I'm seriously considering stitching down the "action back" pleats. They are utterly useless, and stand completely open when I'm wearing the jacket. It definitely spoils the line of the garment.

Not exactly professional quality portraits. Just quick snapshots, but you get the idea.

I like to wear the collar laid out flat like that, but I need to "train" the back of the collar to stay down...it's kinda lifted up.
Last edited by Fatdutchman on Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

Looks like a jacket that will become an old friend in short order!!! :D

I've said it before....Wings goatskin is my personal favorite, next to the VIP. NICE jacket!!

I would advise not doing a thing to the pleats or anything else until you've worn the jacket for a while and the leather has had a chance to relax. This perceived problem may solve itself with time and wear. They have on every jacket I've ever owned....time and use is the key.

HIGH regards! Michaelson
Last edited by Michaelson on Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by agent5 »

Nice! Can you get some shots of the back, please? Especially the yoke seam and the side straps. Thanks.
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Post by Michaelson »

On the photos, agent5, bear in mind that the straps on Wings jackets were reversed and D rings added to match the Wested jacket in 2002...just before the introduction of the G&B Expedition jacket.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana G »

FDM....thats a great fit sir. looks good on you. congrats on finally finding your size.

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Post by Fatdutchman »

It shouldn't have been nearly as difficult as it was....

I'll get photos of the back and straps later. The straps have double brass D rings and the loose end of the tab points forward.
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Post by Indiana Kev »

Congrats on finally getting a jacket that fits!
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Post by St. Dumas »

That's a nice Last Crusade-style collar and stand too.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Glad you found one you like the fit of, finally!
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Post by obi-cpo »

Looks really good--glad you finally found the right fit.

I, too, am a proponent of the U.S. Wings goat. I've worn mine for about 3 months now and the leather really does relax and become more supple with continued use. But what I like about it is its substantial, tough quality; it just feels "real" to me.

Also, it's a terrific cold weather jacket. Now that the weather has finally turned cold in NYC, I really appreciate the jacket's warmth. It was in the low 30's yesterday and with just an oxford shirt, a scarf, and my wested twills, I was toasty warm.

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Post by Rixter »

I don't know, but I don't recall my collar being that large on my USWings VIP. Maybe it's just me or the collar is slightly raised. It's hard to tell without seeing the back. :o
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Post by WConly »

Boy, It is about time! Glad you finally got what you have been striving for! Looks great on you! Enjoy! Wear the daylights out of it! W>
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Post by Lao Feng »

Great jacket! And nice hat too...reminds me of a Steston I have (I think its the "Madison"...bought the hat about 20 years ago from Worth & Worth on 5th Ave in NYC). Cheers--Feng
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Post by Strider »

It looks awesome, FDM. I wouldn't stitch the pleats closed, that's partly what makes it look like an Indy jacket! :) I'm glad you found one that fits, finally, and I can't wait for more photos.
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Post by Fatdutchman »

The hat is my number one hat from Jimmy Pierce.

The collar is just laid out flat. If I folded it up, it would look like a normal stand-and-fall collar.

The jacket is longer than the just-below-the-waist length of the Raiders jacket, which is fine with me. I'm having a waist jacket made for me, so I don't want two jackets the same length.

The hand warmer pockets are nice and practical, however, I have already popped one stitch on each side. It's just an inherently weak design. It really needs a box stitch....the leather needs to pull across a stitch, not along a stitch. If I can get inside the lining and reattach it neatly, I'll take care of that.
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Post by Michaelson »

I told David Hack about that weak stitch area (I believe TR had the same thing occur on his, but had it resewn with no problem), and he said it was 'duly noted'. Hopefully that will be address in future jackets made at the factory.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Fatdutchman »

I'll just put a little box stitch there, which should take care of the problem. It will show, of course, and the stitch line around the edge of the pocket will look "broken", but I can do it neatly and reasonably professional-looking. I'm a fair tailor and leather worker. I can make it look like it's supposed to be there.

I still haven't figured out how they got the lining on and turned right side out....the only top stitching is on the two little splits on the sides....there's no way they turned the entire jacket right side out through one of these little spots! I'd like to be able to get in there to work on it without having to patch up my lining...

It will make a great colder weather jacket, but, I have to have something on under it. I have always found leather to have very little insulating ability. Great at stopping wind, but if it's cold outside, and all I have is a leather jacket, it just ain't enough. I have to put a vest, or sweater or something wool on underneath, and then you have the perfect combination.
Last edited by Fatdutchman on Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Wested invert from inside one of the sleeves (right sleeve on mine), so maybe see if Wings too do.
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Post by Fatdutchman »

Both sleeves have turned stitches. I have no idea where they turned it out...it's freaky!

Maybe they did it at the collar....just stitching the collar over the open-ended lining. I don't have it with me at the moment.
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