I hope to make friends here :
Before I´m able to post better pictures, I list on my gear for those who wanted to know about
My Gear:
At first my hat. For me the most important thing, and so I´m proud to be the owner of a Akubra Federation Deluxe. I love this colour and I made it in Crusade Style. Before my F. Deluxe, I have worn other hats, similar to a Fedora, sometimes found on car boot sales. My shirt is from Wested, like my jacket (It is a Last Crusade Jacket, Dark Brown- Lampskin etc.). I changed the colour of my shirt a bit, with the ambition to make it a bit brighter. My bag, I´m also proud about that, is a original MkVII British Gas Mask Bag. I searched a long time after that, and I used it many times, so it looks that way. The trouserbelt is the original Indy one in brown colour, and my gunbelt is self made by a friend of mine, a cobbler. My whipholder is also self made, on some pictures and Screenshots, and my whip is a mexican bullwhip, I purchased at ebay

. I have some Holsters, some of them are handmade by myself and the one I posted is from
http://www.swordsofhonor.com/rihipbufoho.html, but I got it by ebay too.
My gun, is a Arminius Revolver, which is quite similar to the Raider gun, I´ll post some photos of it too. My trousers, and you´re all right I need new ones, are simple gardeur trousers. They are in the Indy colour, but nothing more. And last but not least, I wear Red Wings, with changed colour as often as I can. My aunt will fly to San Francisco this january, and I hope she can get some Aldens for me there, so I´ll conserve the shipping costs. I hope I have nothing forgotten and I´ll post more pictures of my gear and off the huge amount of things, I collected for my Fanfilm, including uniforms, wapeons, artefacts etc., when I´ll be in charge of a acceptable camera
Thanks alot for the greetings
My Whip, sadly I have forgotten the name of the ebay shop, is a mexican one, 10 Ft 12 plaits. I notice I have to get a camera in order to post photos