The first page is from 1939. All the leather jackets are in horsehide. The top one is a very typical short jacket. The one on the bottom right (Roomy Blouse Style) is essentially a leather "baseball" jacket. Note the sizes available. Up to 48 and the short jacket is even available in talls!!!
Most of the other jackets/shirts shown only go up to 44 or 46. Many weren't even available over 40 or 42!

The second picture is from 1936. Unfortuantely, there are no descriptions shown for these jackets. The two (actually three) on the bottom right are suede leather. The rest are wool but for the one on the top left which is "rubberized" (presumably cotton). These and the leather jackets all follow the same types of patterns. I personally greatly prefer the ones that do not have the "belted back" or have the cinch straps in the middle of the back like the Indy jacket. These feel really wierd to me and feel like they are always too short. I like the ones that cinch tight at the very bottom.

The more pictures of old jackets I see, the more I realize that the Indy jacket is not an "anomaly", as some of its detractors cry. The Indy jacket seems to fall right in with them and doesn't seem the least bit out of place to me!