TOD Bridge Fedora?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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TOD Bridge Fedora?

Post by coronado3 »

Hello all

I was watching TOD the other day and I generally dislike most of Indy's hats in this film (the ones where it appears too small for his head! - don't get me started on the tiny hats in LC), but the scene in the mine car and the one on the susp. bridge has fantastic hats!

Is the susp. bridge hat a HJ? If not, who made it?

To be frank, I think I like the bridge hat better than the ROLA hats in many ways... It is just not so bulbous coming out of the ribbon!

I know many of you like that look, but that bridge hat has a fairly straight crown like the raiders hats, but also seems to have a wider brim which makes sense for an "outdoosman" like Indy.

IMO if the front pinch were just a tad tighter on that bridge hat, it would be the best looking Indy hat!

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Post by Indiana G »


good choice! since fedora has the market covered for raiders hats, the HJ hats that i have i have bashed as TOD bridge hats. there is a recent pic of it in lao che's table 'gearhead meeting' when i met mr. sable for the first time.

i like the look of that hat as well, though not as stovepipe as the raiders hat, it feels very 'indy' to me when i wear it.

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Post by Fatdutchman »

If I'm not mistaken, it has been theorized that the "Suspension bridge" hat was a left-over hat from Raiders...which is why it looks so much better than the others!
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Post by Indiana G »

IMO, the crown is too short and the brim is not wide enough to be a hat from raiders unless this underwent more trimming than the others. the hat itself could have been a leftover but there is no way that it had the same dimensions as the raider hat. fedora, am i wrong? do i have to eat crow again? i don't know if i can fit both aldens in my mouth........
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Post by Michaelson »

It was also surmised it might have been one of the Stetson's they sneaked into production, as if you'll recall, THAT'S the shot Stetson used in all their advertisements, hat tags, etc. when the Indy Stetson was sold.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana G »

i've studied this hat in great detail to bash my own lid. the hat changes into the "bridge hat" right when indy meets the 2 swordsmen (with his empty holster). previously it might have been a stetson or one of the baron hats.

my hj bashed into this shape and its pretty dead close to it. the crown is tall and the brim flares to the side quite nice with the downward bill in the front. i can't imagine that this one is a stetson as the poet block used on my hat is bang on to the screen one.

(this is when fedora comes in and tells me i'm wrong.......) :lol:
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Raiders leftover

Post by slowdevil »

I thought the hat that looked the most like the Raiders fedora was at the end of the film when they return to the village.
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Post by WinstonWolf359 »

I know TOD really gets a bad rap for how the hat looked, and on one hand I think that is deserved, but on the other hand Indy is really put through the wringer in this movie and it shows in how messed up his hat gets.

Looking back on some screen caps I have to agree the bridge and village hats look pretty good, just different from the more popular Raiders hat. I also agree the brim looks a little wider than usual on the bridge hat.

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Post by Indiana G »

here's my HJ with the TOD bridge bash:


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Post by GCR »

Nice!!! Indiana G, that HJ looks awesome! Is that the one from Swaine, Adde-whatever & Brigg?

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Post by Indiana G »

you bet. she's my "overpriced" bobbel :lol:
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Post by Indiana G »

hey winston,

thanks for the screen got a good one of the jacket showing just how small the cargo pockets are....i was looking for that!
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Post by Raider »

I know TOD really gets a bad rap for how the hat looked, and on one hand I think that is deserved, but on the other hand Indy is really put through the wringer in this movie and it shows in how messed up his hat gets.
Winston, that was VERY, VERY diplomatic. ;)
I know we are trying to be nice here, etc. but in my opinion, TOD is, in general, the worst looking "Indy hat" one may imagine :) As I wrote - "in my opinion".

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Post by Fedora »

That TOD hat came off of a tapered block, plus the radius of the top starts quite a ways down the crown. To me it resembles the Stetson Temple, that has been re-creased. But I have seen HJs with that same blockshape. Hard to call which hat was used until you look at the bow on the ribbon. From what I have seen, that bow is pure HJ(post raiders) with the 4 tack points on the middle of the bow. That is an identifying characteristic that you can look for to determine if it was a Stetson, or an HJ. To my knowledge, only the post Raiders HJs used the 4 tack points, and still do from what I have seen. On the other hand, the non visible tack points on the Raiders HJ, as well as the vintage HJ is how they used to do their bows. Makes me think, someone else made these hats, instead of HJ. Like a subcontrator. Or perhaps just a personel change. I just think it is odd that they completely changed the way the bows were made. Fedora
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Post by Havana »

I always thought the campfire scene had the best hat of ToD. Check it out. Worst hat of ToD, had to be the cockpit hat.
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Post by coronado3 »

YES!!! The cockpit hat looked like 2 sizes too small!

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Post by Indiana Johnson »

And I thought the crown shape (in the cockpit scene) stunk.
Although I also think the bridge scene hat looked way cool.
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Post by randystokes »

I have an HJ that looks very much like the one Indy is wearing in that first screen grab from TOD. The bash is a little different, as it wasn't being modeled on the bridge scene, but nevertheless it looks very close.

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Post by Indiana G »

Worst hat of ToD, had to be the cockpit hat.
bear in mind that willie just smooshed the crown and used the hat to fan indy awake and he put it back on his head without popping it back into place.
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Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

Exactly what I was thinking. Props for good continuity then? :)
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Post by VP »

The cockpit hat had a nice side view. A bit of back taper but still pretty good.


But even though Willie messed up the cockpit hat, the plane hat wasn't that good looking to begin with.


But as Havana said, one of the best hats is the campfire one. ... ts/173.jpg
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Post by randystokes »

Wow, I hadn't noticed the campfire hat before. That's a great looking hat! Hmm, maybe that's my next hat! :lol:

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