Screen Accurate Wested Crusade - UPDATED: pics added.

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Stefan Hills
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Screen Accurate Wested Crusade - UPDATED: pics added.

Post by Stefan Hills »

Ever since watching the Last Crusade, I like so many others have wished and wanted an Indy Jacket. With the discovery of and through the learning that it was Peter. B. and his company who supplied the jackets for the movies, I ordered 6 jackets in the space of two years and could not have been more pleased with his service or product.

With the release of the Indy DVD's, I was able to view the Indy Jacket in all its glory, and decided to myself that I wanted as screen accurate Last Crusade Jacket.

I wrote to Peter and sent along a request to make one as close as he could to what was seen on screen. Peter always aiming to please said he would give it a go. So over a couple of calls and emails, we went over the details. I had my own notes on the jacket and Peter had his, I went back and crossed checked the details of the Last Crusade Jacket with the one which was donated to the Smithsonian by Harrison Ford and nailed down all the specs.

Well to cut a long story short, here is what Peter sent me.
An Authentic Goat skin,
Dacron Twill lining
No facings
Aged brass zipper and d rings
Collar stand not extending in to storm flap
Change in pocket shape and placement
Change in side strap placement

The net result is one fine looking jacket. It looks like the jacket as it would have been before it was distressed.
Wested truly did an outstanding job on this jacket, it is bitter sweet to know that this quest that was began in the 1980's has come to an end.


Kind regards,
Last edited by Stefan Hills on Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Grendel »

Sounds like a great jacket Stefan! I can't wait to see the pictures of the differences.


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Post by Raider »

I can't wait to see the pics!

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Post by Mike »

Well, as with the Chris King mods, I'm sure there will no be those LC fans who ask for the "Stefan Hills Special".

That is truely an awesome jacket my friend.

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Post by Captain D »

AWESOME JACKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw, what exactly is this "Dacron Twill" lining??

Congrats on your new jacket!!!!

Kind Regards,
Captain D
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Awesome jacket, great pics. Are there handwarmers? It doesn't look like it in the photo. Are the pockets deep enough for a Grail Diary?
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Post by Marc »

It looks great Stefan! And what's even better: it looks great on YOU.

Would you please comment on the Dacron Twill lining? I've only had my Raiders goat for a year and a bit and already have holes in the cotton body lining. The Dacron Twill lining would be the final improvement, where a FS would be completely off my list. Not to trash FS here, as they make a wonderful jacket, but with all the improvements that Peter has done on his jackets during the last years, I would prefer to have it PERFECT from the original maker instead.


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Post by agent5 »

Not to trash FS here, as they make a wonderful jacket, but with all the improvements that Peter has done on his jackets during the last years, I would prefer to have it PERFECT from the original maker instead.
Spoken as if the words came right from my mouth.
Stefan Hills
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Post by Stefan Hills »

Greetings all,

Many thanks for all the kind words. I just re-read my post and I am sorry for the errors, but you will have to excuse a gear head who was over the moon with his new jacket.

Now to the questions,
Yes, this jacket does have side hand warmers. The change is only in the placement of the pocket and the shape of the pocket. Yes you can fit your grail diary in the pockets.

Dacron Twill Lining is a lining which is the closest to what is seen on the screen, for example when Indy is on the bike with his dad. The lining is used in flight jackets and also by Flight Suites. Plus it is pretty darn tough.

Other comments:
The weight and drape of this hide is wonderful, it is about the same as the weight of the lambskin. It was not stiff at all.
The pants and shirt and belt are all Noel Howard Last Crusade gear.

Kind regards and all the best,
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Post by IndianaJames »

I wonder why Peter would recommend goat, and not lamb, if you were going to LC originality....?
Two more questions, what size is your jacket, and how did you get Wested to make the sleeves so narrow, they look great! Every time I request it, they cant seem to do it....!
Congrats though, it really is outstanding.

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Post by Indiana Neri »

This may be a dumb question, but I gotta know....Is the Darcon Twill Lining is what gives Indy's inside that certian sheen/glare...whatever you wanna call it????? After I received mine, I thought "Maybe I should have got the satin lining, or at least in the sleeves anyway".

Indy N. :wink:
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Post by Captain D »

Hey there Stefan,

I may ask that Peter put this lining into my Wested when I order next month......but was there an "extra fee" for this lining? And, is it a smooth lining, or a lining that clings to your clothes pretty tight?

Any info would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!

Kind Regards,
Captain D
p.s......if you ever decide to sell this jacket......LET ME KNOW!!!! 8)
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Post by PETER »

With regards to the Dacron Lining this was suplied with the order and is not sdmething I have in stock.
With regards to the cotton silesia we changerd our supplier some months ago to get a thicker more durable cotton silesiia which we are quite happy with.
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Post by Stefan Hills »

Greetings all,

Here goes with the questions,

The size of jacket is a 42R.

Peter and I decided to go with goat because in terms of weight there was really no difference. This is true atleast with regards to Wested's Authentic goat and lambskin. This was the biggest issue for me. A hide like cow is too heavy for my likes.
Also I wanted tough hide and decided to go with goat since I already had the wested authentic lambskin and wanted to see what the authentic goat hide was like. After seeing both, I love the goat. Lamb touch was a choice but the color was an issue as I did not want it too dark. Hence, the reasons for the choice of goat.

Every wested I had ordered had tapered sleeves, so that was really not an issue for me, but I did mention to Peter that they make them even more tapered this time around.

As Peter mentioned, the lining was sent to him from the states.

I think that covers it,

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Post by Rundquist »

It is good to see the proper LC collar configuration. My compliments. LC fans should rejoice. Cheers
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Post by Magnum »

Can you still order the bigger collar for the LC jacket?
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Post by azuma »

I actually sent my request to Peter about the accurate LC jacket last Dec, and I also sent him several pics plus my drawings. But so far I haven't received it along with my other jackets in the same order. But after seeing the result of yours, I believe mine will look just as great as yours!


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Post by St. Dumas »

Hey, Stefan Hills. Excellent topic. Can you post some recent photos of your jacket? Did you have much resistance from Peter to your custom requests? Did you have to pay anything extra for the Crusade collar stand modifications?

Many thanks.

St. Dumas
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

St. Dumas -

This is actually a pretty darn old thread, almost three years dusty. I check Stefan's profile, looks like he only posts about once a year now...and he's almost due again, but it's very likely he won't see this.

Instead, I'm going to refer you to a couple places for info if they help - first, there is the main IndyGear pages, specifically the Jacket section:

I'm pretty sure Peter is fine w/ some custom mods, as you'll see from much more recent threads, but if it's a LONG laundry list of mods, be prepared to pay more...this has at times become a sore point. If you're curious, dig around their site ( ) for sizing information, and then also do feel free to ask specific questions here in the jacket forum, and we'll answer what we can. Hopefully, most of what you are looking for is already what is NOW standard in the jacket. ;)

That all said, WELCOME TO COW! :)


P.S. I THOUGHT there was an FAQ/sticky post at the top of the Jacket forum, but I guess not. Hmm. Many forums have a thread or two which is 'sticky' so it stays at the top of the list, in order to make basic info easier to find.
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Post by Strider »

I'll second what Jerry has said: mods are okay, as far as I understand, but when you submit two pages of mods, well, that's when it gets frustrating. I usually ask for stuff like X-Box stitching (as opposed to Playstation 2 stitching), and underarm gussets.
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Post by Indiana G »

nice that the x-box 360 stitching or the regular? is the playstation 3 stitching available yet or is it only on e-bay for now? :lol: :lol: :lol:

anyways st. dumas, i recently sent peter/gemma a long list of specs for my second jacket that i have now and was willing to pay through the teeth to have all of them done. in the end, they missed some of the requests that i wanted the most but managed to comply with ones that were just preferences. all in all, love the jacket. wested could have made more money off of it if they spent more time to make it exactly how i wanted it.....but like i heared before, peter is not in it for the money. and he will give you what he thinks will work for you based on his specs. his jacket is the best bang for the buck that you will find in tailored leather.
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Post by Indiana G »

oh....and i forgot to say....WELCOME TO COW st. away while you still have money....... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Erri »

Interesting two years old thread! If the author will ever read it... it's a good looking jacket. Needs some crusade distress :P
Indiana G wrote:run away while you still have money....... :lol: :lol: :lol:
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: this should be in some sticky thread :lol:
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Post by St. Dumas »

Thanks, Indy G.
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Post by Doctor_Jones »

Very good looking jacket. I really like those pocketflaps. Seem a lot bigger than mine.
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