Akubra Dilemma -- Sizing & Resizing

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Akubra Dilemma -- Sizing & Resizing

Post by Solo4114 »

So, my Fed Reg finally arrived today and grinning with anticipation, I remove it from the box and wrapping, only to discover that it's about a size too big (I looked at the sizing chart too quickly, I guess. Now, the foam inserts will make it fit, but the crown (unbashed anyway) looks like it'll always seem a bit big at the hatband. I've tried untying the little white knot at the back, but I've only managed to get one side untied and I'm starting to think the thing's purely cosmetic.

So, my question to you guys is this: is there anything you can think of to do that will get the hat properly sized or will the crown ALWAYS be just a liiiiittle bit off no matter what I do? We're talking like a full size difference here. As in I got a 59 and should've gotten a 58.

My backup plan is to just order another one and have them express ship it in time for Halloween, but then I'll have two hats, both brown, and one simply one size too big. Plus, if they can't get me the new hat in time, I'm in a bit of a fix because I won't be able to exchange the hat once I bash it (which I'll need to do for halloween).

Any thoughts on this?
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Post by BendingOak »

the best thing to do is not do anything to it and send it back for the correct size.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Considering the cost of shipping I'd be tempted to buy a new one from hats direct and put this one on ebay. I supect you'd loose less money that way.

As halloween is so close you can list it as a possible Freddy Krueger hat as well as an Indy.
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Post by Solo4114 »

Yeah, I checked out their express shipping speeds (3-4 days), which will be fine as soon as I hear back from them (I got the hat around 11, and e-mailed them shortly thereafter, but it's 1am their time).

I plan on just getting another one and possibly selling this one on e-bay and simply eating the shipping costs. My only worry is that the e-bay market for hats seems to have gone down some lately, due to some saturation by people selling full Indy costume kits.

Either way I doubt I'll keep this hat. It IS a great hat, though. That much I can tell upon immediate inspection. I'm sure a properly sized one will be even better. :)

thanks for the advice, guys.
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Post by Michaelson »

You might want to put it up in our classifed before you try ebay. You might be able to move it faster among our group first.

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Post by Solo4114 »

Good idea. I'll be waiting to hear back from Hatsdirect, but once I do I'll make my decision quickly. If they can do an exchange whereby I lose the least amount of money, I'll go with Hatsdirect. If it'll end up being more, I'll do the classifieds/e-bay route most likely. I'd really prefer to lose as little money on this as possible, though. Not sure if anyone here would pay the roughly $100 for me to break even on the hat.
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Post by Captain Ron Solo »

Just to add my two cents, I was in the exact same situation three years ago as you're in now. When I first got my Fed Reg, I had to use most, if not all, of the foam to get the hat to fit semi-snug. However, over the years, the hat has shrunk to the point that I just last night took the last few inches of foam out, and it now fits perfectly. The hat probably has less taper too, due to the fact that it was able to shrink evenly, without my head keeping the band the same size and the crown alone shrinking. Just somethinkg to think about if you're planning to keep the Fed for a few years. :-k :) I love my Fed!

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Post by Farnham54 »

What about soaking the hatband until its thuroughly wet then placing it on a lamp shade? That snugs up the Feds quite nicely doesn't it?

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Post by Solo4114 »

I thought about that too, but that's why I posted here. I could see that working if my head was say, a 58.6 and I'd bought a 59, but I'm really pretty sure I just wear a 58. I wear a 7 1/4 for all my american hats, and that's a 58.

I can always try for the reverse taper by shrinking the hatband, but I'd kind of prefer a more natural fit and look. I'm not sure if I like the notion of a reverse taper on the crown. I do plan on keeping the hat for a good number of years, though, so the notion of it lasting longer and fitting better over time is appealing.

Ahh, decisions, decisions...
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Post by Farnham54 »

Well, Solo, you can shrink this one down within plenty of time for Halloween, save yourself 120 bucks, wear it for a while and instead of getting a new hat, just get this one reblocked a size smaller (I think it can be done). You'll just have to trim the excess off the brim.

I remember I was wearing my hat on a hot day, and I took it off and rested it on the crown. The sweat in the sweatband (What! yeah, crazy concept, I know!) soaked it through, and the hot sun baked it so much that it would no longer fit at all. It wouldn't surprise me if you could go a whole size; I'm sure mine went more then that.

Also, with this method, you should have the reverse taper.

I'd like to hear Marc, Michaelson, or Fedora's opinions on this though, I'm not the hat expert around here!!

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Post by Russ »

Don't send that Fed back! I have three Federations, and all of them were too big. The last one could actually go on my head sideways, and I'm a long oval! I just gave them the lamp treatment, and they fit great. Since I am a long oval, I also bind the bottom of the crown with cord -- making knots on the sides -- to make it conform to my long oval head. I posted about this recently on the Fedora Lounge, BTW. The last Federation I ordered, I specified the same size as the first two, knowing full well it would probably be too big. It's simply not something to fret over.
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Post by Dakota Ellison »

Yes, yes the lampshade will work. Then, when you come in from outside and the sweatband is a little sweaty, while you're logging in to Club Obi Wan, set the hat on top of the monitor to warm it up.
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Post by Mola Ram »

Dakota Ellison wrote:Yes, yes the lampshade will work. Then, when you come in from outside and the sweatband is a little sweaty, while you're logging in to Club Obi Wan, set the hat on top of the monitor to warm it up.
Thats difficult if your using a flat pannel. :lol:
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Post by Solo4114 »

Actually, I ended up just express ordering the 58 instead. I'm sure it'll still be a little loose and will need to be adjusted to my head, but the crown will fit my face better, I think.
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Post by Farnham54 »


Are you looking at getting rid of the 59 then? we should talk...

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Post by Solo4114 »

Actually, my dad wears a 59 and offered to buy it from me for $100, so I'm gonna take him up on the deal. Saves a little hassle that way.
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Post by Farnham54 »

Sure does! Glad things have worked out for ya.

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Post by Dakota Ellison »

Thats difficult if your using a flat pannel
Whoops!! Only the warmth of a cathode ray tube.
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Post by Fedora »

That would have been a great hat for the 3M$ treatment. If anyone else ever wants to do it, before you tighten up the ribbon really tight, fold down the sweat. This allows you to cinch it tighter than if you did not drop the sweat down. Once you have it sewn back on, fold the sweat up in the hat.

The Federations all seem to run loose for a given size. But the sweats shrink up to a perfect fit in short order. If it is not a bit loose when ya get it, better invest in a hat stretcher for maintence. Not a bad idea for any hat wearer, to own a stretcher. Fedora
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Post by Solo4114 »

Thanks for the tip, but I actually didn't want to put quite the level of effort in to tighten the ribbon, etc. I'd rather shape the brim and crown some and just wear it. Long as the crown's got a tight crease and a deep bash, and the brim's got the right swoops and such, I'm a happy guy. Oh, and no taper. I prefer a straighter hat.
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Post by 3thoubucks »

If you like the Raiders look, most people reposition the front pinch 2/3 inch or so off center to get it. (the hat is turned in the direction that the bow is closer to the front of the head). This tightens the fit somewhat, and makes the sides less tapered.
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Post by Solo4114 »

Yeah, I thought I'd noticed that in the pictures, but I didn't know if it was just the angle of the shot or my eyes playing tricks on me. Thanks for the tip! :)
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