Shaping my new AB deluxe

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Shaping my new AB deluxe

Post by Erri »

Ok ok I haven't really bought a NEW AB but I gave my (ex pagey's) tapered regular AB to Marc for a reblock. Such an excellent reblock my European friends. After days of admiring the Beauty I finally decided to bash it. Here some pics of the process...

a rough pinch at the beginning just to find out how turned I want it to be

Once it is found the pinch has to be more clear


with the right turn I got the right Raven Bar brim! Hoorray... now back to the crown...

with some more adjustments

Image Image

... starts to get a good shape




I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I enjoyed shaping that masterpiece!
My congrats and thanks again to Marc!
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Post by Erri »

webhead73 wrote: You may consider getting into the hat bashing business!
:lol: :lol: I didn't know there was a business! Thanks for the compliments. :D
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Post by whiskyman »

Good photo series. If it was mine, I'd have the front pich slightly higher and drop the back down a little - but that's just me.
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Post by McFly »

:shock: Fantastic, Erri! I'd love if my hat looked that good - alas, it's only an Akubra though. :lol: Maybe I should buy an AB and send it to you to bash for me. :-k

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Post by BendingOak »

I have to agree wit wiskyman. I think the front is to low and the back to high.
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Re: Shaping my new AB deluxe

Post by VP »

erri_wan wrote:Such an excellent reblock my European friends.
Yeah, bloody expensive though. €50 is way too much for something that Fedora used to do for €8.
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Re: Shaping my new AB deluxe

Post by Indy_Railok »

Ah, sweet Errico! It's gonna be great seeing it in person in a month!
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Re: Shaping my new AB deluxe

Post by Redbeard »

VP wrote:Yeah, bloody expensive though. €50 is way too much for something that Fedora used to do for €8.
I agree it is a lot of money. Put you have to see that it not just a simple re-block that Marc does, but it is a complete overhowl. He does everything with the hats, he even re-dyes them and give them new pouncing if the need it. Put this way: Yes, a Mercedes is more expensive, but you get something for it...

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Post by VP »

I don't need a complete overhaul, just a reblock. I don't get a full annual inspection for my car if it only needs a gas refill.
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Post by Redbeard »

Well, that is easy: Don't send your hat to Marc. :wink: You know, I think it is called deluxe for a reason.

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Post by VP »

Aren't there any cheaper alternatives?
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Post by Redbeard »

Well there are. But you will never find somebody with a block that even comes close to Marc's in terms of screen acuracy and none existing tape. (I mean he hat his blockmaker make three versions or so till he was satisfied and he invested a fortune...)

Doesn't Steve make re-blocks anymore?
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Post by Michaelson »

According to his announcement on June 20th in the vendors section, he only reblocks AB's now.


Regards! Michaelson
Last edited by Michaelson on Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BendingOak »

the hat in question is a AB.
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Post by Michaelson »

I know.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: hat

Post by VP »

BendingOak wrote:the hat in question is a AB.
I was talking about reblocking my Akubra.
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Post by mark seven »

Great pics Erri,that's one fine lookin' hat! 8)
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Post by hp »

Very fine hat, Erri!
Did Marc do anything else besides reblock, e.g. change ribbon, lining or sweat?

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Post by Fedora »

According to his announcement on June 20th in the vendors section, he only reblocks AB's now.

Yes, I have been referring folks here in the States to Art, but from what I understand, he may be getting out of the reblock business, except for his own line of custom hats. The catch to this is the time involved. Many times, you can make a new hat faster than it takes to reblock an old one due to the cleaning issue. And when you have a large demand, you have to make a decison. I am afraid this involves not doing reblocks on hats other than your own. I love to reblock vintage hats and Akubras, but when you have customers waiting on new hats, it is hard to justify it. I literally had several stacks of non AB reblocks, stacked to the ceiling, and am still working those in with the new hats as I go along. So, this bottlenecks my new hat production, and I had to make the decision. There is always Optimo as he does them, but he is pricey on the refurbs.

An intersting note I just heard from Marc this week is an old hatter told him it should take 3 to 4 minutes to make a hat. Optimo has that capability as he uses factory machines to make his hats. So, reblocks to him, take no time at all. It takes me all day to make one hat!!! Same with reblocks. The smart thing to do is to use machines, and as the old hatter told Marc, you can't make any money doing them by hand!!! He is right. You can't. But this ain't about money in the first place. We wanted a hat made like the small shops made them in the 1930's, because that is Indy era accurate. It would be faster to just have a factory make our hats like others do, with our logos on the liners and sweats. I refuse to do it, and so does Marc. But, we must be doing something right. I know of a couple of other folks who are now handmaking hats, to serve a niche market, and they are cranking out the hats, but at a slow pace. The idea came from this Indy hat market that Marc and I serve. Handmade hats are still as scarce as chicken teeth, and you will never see many doing it, due to the economics. If you do it, you do it for other reasons than making money.

On reblocks, it would be cheaper to just buy yourself a block from Lamode, a size smaller than your hat is, and once a month, steam the hat and pull it over the block. It would pay for itself by the time you paid for a couple of reblocks. Fedora
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Post by Michaelson »

What's the status with JPDesign and his reblock work?
(not to wander to far away from the original intent of this string....erri's fine looking AB!) 8)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Shaping my new AB deluxe

Post by Erri »

Thanks for the compliments people :D
whiskyman wrote:Good photo series. If it was mine, I'd have the front pich slightly higher and drop the back down a little - but that's just me.
Maybe you're right, I'll have a better look tomorrow in the light :wink:
Indy_Railok wrote:Ah, sweet Errico! It's gonna be great seeing it in person in a month!
Bet your a** you will :P
Redbeard wrote:
VP wrote:Yeah, bloody expensive though. €50 is way too much for something that Fedora used to do for €8.
I agree it is a lot of money. Put you have to see that it not just a simple re-block that Marc does, but it is a complete overhowl. He does everything with the hats, he even re-dyes them and give them new pouncing if the need it. Put this way: Yes, a Mercedes is more expensive, but you get something for it...

That hat needed an "tweak". Marc did such an excellent job. I swear the hat looked new. My girlfriend asked me if he didn't keep it for himself and send a new one. Absolutely no marks of previous bashes, re-dyed and new ribbon. Plus Marc was here in Florence, practically I didn't pay anything of postage... what's safer and cheaper than a hand exchange? :P
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Post by Strider »

Let's see it from straight forward!
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Post by Erri »

Here you go...




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Post by Fedora »

I think you need a long oval, but the distortion of the pic may be at fault here. I would love to see a pic taken from a distance. Your face is slim, and the crown looks wide from the front. I would put a hand on each side of the crown and clap to press the sides in to see if this would compact the hat more. The Raiders fedora on Ford's head was a straight, but a rather compact hat, to my eyes. The new HJs while tapered a bit too much for me, do have the compact look to them. My first Keppler was a wide hat as viewed from the front. I took Dakota's advice and ordered a long oval from Lee, and the hat was perfect in that area. That is what makes me think the same thing may be going on here. But then again, it may just be the closeup pics. Love to see a pic from the distance if you can pull it off. It does look fantastic from the sides though, very well done!! Just my two cents for what it is worth. Fedora
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Post by Erri »

Thanks Steve, I think it's an effect of the camera... I'll post some far distance pictures as soon as I get some.
About the shape... I deliberately asked for a regular oval (I'm long oval) for untapering issues that you might find in some of my previous threads :P :wink:
Thanks again Steve :D:D
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Post by prairiejones »

Good looking hat. I also think the front pinch needs to be a little taller. Try it and see. I usually err on the side of the taller front pinch.
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Post by Fedora »

I deliberately asked for a regular oval (I'm long oval)

Right, I had forgotten Erri wan!! I figured it might be the close ups as that does not really show the hat as it really is. Regards, Fedora
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Post by Marc »

Nice bash as always Erri!
I deliberately asked for a regular oval (I'm long oval) for untapering issues that you might find in some of my previous threads
And after seeing the AB-Dlx. on Erri's head, guess what MY next hat will be :wink:


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Post by Erri »

Thanks marc and thanks prairie. I'll see if in these days I take some far distance pictures Steve, so you will have a more "real" image of how it looks. I was just too close to the camera :wink:
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Michaelson wrote:What's the status with JPDesign and his reblock work?
(not to wander to far away from the original intent of this string....erri's fine looking AB!) 8)

Regards! Michaelson
Just did a search on Here's what I found: ... P%20Design

Jimmy Pierce Designs
111 E Pearl St
Granbury, TX 76048

(817) 579-1080
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Post by Erri »

Fedora wrote: I figured it might be the close ups as that does not really show the hat as it really is. Regards, Fedora
Here you go



Regarding the too low pinch... Looking at these pictures I'm starting to think that it gives the right look and the original hat probably wasn't as high as we caricaturize it. Plus it shows how great is Marc's block: the hat looks still untapered (and with some reverse taper) even with a lower pinch than "normal".
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Post by VP »

Yeah it's a good thing that the hat looks OK even if it's inaccurate. But it's still inaccurate. ;)
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Post by Erri »

VP wrote:Yeah it's a good thing that the hat looks OK even if it's inaccurate. But it's still inaccurate. ;)
still happy that it's not as much inaccurate as yours, my cheeky friend :wink:
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Post by VP »

Yeah, but the price-accuracy relationship is unbeatable. 8)
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Post by Erri »

VP wrote:Yeah, but the price-accuracy relationship is unbeatable. 8)
Admit you want me to be banned VP
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Post by VP »

What? No way, why would I want that? :? What makes you think so, my Italiano friend?
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Post by Marc »

You get what you pay for...

For reference:












With that said: both Akubras are HIGHLY recommended by both Steve and me, so I'm not throwing anything at anyone. But if you want a 100% screen accurate Indy Fedora you might just bite the bullet and either have yours reblocked or get something else...


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Post by VP »

Hey, those pics are 2½ years old. Since then I have modified the bow, turned it, stuffed some tissue paper under the sweatband etc. The pics aren't the best representatives of its current state. If nothing cheaper turns up I will probably get it reblocked by you. If I order an ABD at the same time will I get a discount price for the reblock? ;)

Oh yeah and I don't think that you can get a 100% RotLA hat out of an Akubra.
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Post by Marc »

Oh yeah and I don't think that you can get a 100% RotLA hat out of an Akubra.
Oh, I've refurbished Federations that got me SERIOUSLY tempted to buy one for myself, so I believe rather the opposite, but each on his own.
If I order an ABD at the same time will I get a discount price for the reblock?
Sure, you only have to pay the shipping for ONE package, so that would save you 17€. Be sure to order before the added value taxes go up next year and you'll safe yet another 8€.


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Post by VP »

Cool. I probably won't order another hat before I get a summer job and some more money from it, but we'll see. Eight euros is just 2.7% of 300 euros.
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Post by Marc »

Eight euros is just 2.7% of 300 euros
I know, but with the better rawbodies - which of course cost more (and which I´m paying out of my own pocket) - I have come to the point where I unfortunately need to forward the rising taxes to the customer... :(


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Post by prairiejones »

Hey erri, The hat looks great in those last pics. Don't change a thing.
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Post by hp »

erri_wan wrote: Sidenote:
Regarding the too low pinch... Looking at these pictures I'm starting to think that it gives the right look and the original hat probably wasn't as high as we caricaturize it. Plus it shows how great is Marc's block: the hat looks still untapered (and with some reverse taper) even with a lower pinch than "normal".
I can confirm this. I also have a low pinch on my AB Deluxe, because I've choosen LC style for my face. The hat neither LOOKS tapered nor it IS tapered.

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Post by Erri »

prairiejones wrote:Hey erri, The hat looks great in those last pics. Don't change a thing.
Thanks prairie :D:D
hp wrote: I can confirm this. I also have a low pinch on my AB Deluxe, because I've choosen LC style for my face. The hat neither LOOKS tapered nor it IS tapered.
Oh I remember your hat in Venice! Nice one :D
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Yea Erri-Wan don't change a thing, I love the look of your lid.
You've inspired me to make my first attempt a doing a re-bash on my AB. The front pinch always looked different that when I first got it so many years ago, I'll do a post of how it looks when I do it. So far I've steamed out the pinch and the popped the crown out.

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Post by Erri »

Indiana Croft wrote:Yea Erri-Wan don't change a thing, I love the look of your lid.
You've inspired me to make my first attempt a doing a re-bash on my AB. The front pinch always looked different that when I first got it so many years ago, I'll do a post of how it looks when I do it. So far I've steamed out the pinch and the popped the crown out.

SORRY for not answering before Indiana Croft. You really flattered me. How did it go with your rebash attempt on the AB?
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Post by Indiana Croft »

No problemo, it came out ok, pertty much the same as before but only a small difference that only I can see, but I'm happy with it.
Plus I took the plunge and sat on it. Gave it some charac.ter.

I was able to get in on the special Fedora ran on his remaining Rabbit bodies so I'll post picks of both hats when I get it.
Take care, Croft
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