Jacket heading BACK to Wested!

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Jacket heading BACK to Wested!

Post by Indiana »

The jacket I purchased when I visited the Shop this summer is headed back. From everyday wear this winter the satin lining in the sleeves has split! It's totally destroyed, although I don't know why. I thought it would last longer. I emailed wested and they said they could replace the satin lining with a cotton one and a few other repairs I needed to have done. It cost me $40 to ship that jacket back airmail with $350 insurance! :shock: A lot of people seemed shocked to see me without my Westy at school, I guess it has become my trademark! :P

But anyways, has anyone else had this problem with their Wested satin linings?

PS Read about my Wested Visit here:

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Post by Indakin »

man that really stinks. Doesnt make me feel too good about having ordered Satin for my sleeves. But we will see...cause mine shipped today and should be here next week!!!!
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Re: Jacket heading BACK to Wested!

Post by Mola Ram »

Indiana wrote:insurance! :shock: A lot of people seemed shocked to see me without my Westy at school, I guess it has become my trademark! :P
Same with me!

someone actually asked me if i wear anything underneath my jacket :lol:
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Post by ShanghaiJack »

Sorry to hear about that Indiana. At least you were able to send it back to Wested to have it fixed for a reasonable price.

I wouldn't worry about the satin lining. I've had my Wested for a over a year and have worn it everyday I could and the satin and the cotton lining are both in almost brand new condition.

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Post by Indakin »

GTK!!! :D Cant wait to wear it everyday. But enough Indy for tonight, i need to get into the Anakin frame of mind for my 501st event tomorrow.
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Post by Indiana »

I just hope I get it back by march 25, because Im leaving for a short vacation then!
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Re: Jacket heading BACK to Wested!

Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana wrote:But anyways, has anyone else had this problem with their Wested satin linings?
Hi Indiana,

As you know our jackets were "born" about the same time (yeeech! that's so Budweiser. King of Jackets!) Mine also has a satin lining, I've worn it nearly every day too and it seems fine, perhaps a bit looser than it was when new. Let's see what it's like in 6 months.

Do folks who've had theirs longer than us have any similar experiences?
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Post by IndianaJames »

Good luck, hopefully it gets back to you fast!

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Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana_Tone wrote:Again, the tear hasn't run any further than the spot where it's been sewn shut but it probably will eventually. That's to be expected from the fabric.

(Now, if we were talking Kevlar....I'd be a little more concerned.)
There's always the trick of using nail polish to stop the run getting bigger that girls use for stockings... I have no idea how I know that... Nothing to see here, move along, move along. :oops:
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Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana_Tone wrote::shock: These are.....these ARE Indy socks that you sent, right? Right?
*Cough* Yup, pure highland wool, very scratchy, very manly. None of that silky smooth satin stuff here! That's just reserved for the garterbelt.
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Post by Havana »

I'm surprised and sorry to hear about your problems with the lining. I wore an all satin lining heavily for almost 3 years with no problems. Is it anything that a local tailor could patch up or replace? I once had a local tailor replace an complete A-2 lining for only$35.
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Post by Indiana »

Got the jacket back today! Man that was quick! I wasn't expecting it at all, and when I get home this morning there it is! I could never tell there was a "satan" lining in it at all. Great service. I've already made up my mind to order another this summer. Thank you Wested!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :) :P TWO THUMBS WAYYY UP FOR WESTED CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!! :tup: :tup:
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Post by Strider »

The cotton body lining on my lamb came undone in two places once, as well as one of the sidestraps coming loose to the point of almost falling off. I took the jacket to a local tailor, and had him fix the lining problem, as well as re attatch the sidestrap, and install x box stitching. I never had to send the jacket back to Wested. I figured, why do that when the things that needed done were something a tailor in my home town could do?

Good luck, Indiana.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Hey, Indiana.

Seeing as you are one of the few people who's had both a satin AND a cotton lining in the same jacket how about a review?

The tearing issue aside, do you prefer either?

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Indiana wrote: I could never tell there was a "satan" lining in it at all.
So, previously when you wore your jacket, were you demon possessed and did your head spin? If so, coool... :lol: :wink: I'd love to see pics of your new "exsorsized" jacket! :wink:

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Post by VP »

binkmeisterRick wrote:exsorsized
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Post by Swindiana »


You're destroying the magnifizent pun, man!!


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Post by Indiana »

I like the cotton better. The sating might feel cooler, but I think the cotton makes the jacket more comfortable. The satin felt weak (which, obviously, it was), but the cotton feels really good.
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Post by VP »

Swindiana wrote:VP;

You're destroying the magnifizent pun, man!!
So not.
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Old Goat--Satin Sleeves--Cotton Lining

Post by RIKRAK »

I don't wear my TOD every day (although I do wear it a whole lot) but I've had it now for 3 years and as yet nothing has failed. Now I've had Levi's that lasted 10+ years and Levi's that lasted one, in general I like Levi's so that's what I buy. Wested makes a fine jacket and it sounds as if they made "speedy" repair of the problem. I like the satin sleeves as for the ease to slide in and the cotton body is said to be more durable, however, nothing last forever. The Goat gets nicer with each passing year but I just can't get used to this English zipper is this what Indy used?

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Post by Indiana »

I like it better than American zips. I got confused with my other jackets while my wested was in the shops! :P
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Re: Old Goat--Satin Sleeves--Cotton Lining

Post by G-MANN »

RIKRAK wrote:I don't wear my TOD every day (although I do wear it a whole lot) but I've had it now for 3 years and as yet nothing has failed. Now I've had Levi's that lasted 10+ years and Levi's that lasted one, in general I like Levi's so that's what I buy. Wested makes a fine jacket and it sounds as if they made "speedy" repair of the problem. I like the satin sleeves as for the ease to slide in and the cotton body is said to be more durable, however, nothing last forever. The Goat gets nicer with each passing year but I just can't get used to this English zipper is this what Indy used?

Yes, That is how Indy's jacket was.
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Post by astroboy »

I had to ship back twice b/c my 1st one was too big and then I had the same problem you had.. Good luck..
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Post by Solo4114 »

I realize this is a bit of a necro post, but I too have a satin lining on my Wested, and have had it for about three years. Unfortunately, my satin lining was, early on, the victim of a rambunctious kitten who decided to sharpen her claws on the satin, thereby tearing a hole in the lining.

In addition to that, I've had holes open up in the cuffs of the sleeves, and have had BOTH pockets wear through. Plus, the collar line is starting to go as well.

I may have had a different run from you guys, and I do tend to be rather cavalier with my jacket (IE: I'll just throw it on a couch or something rather than meticulously cleaning it and hanging it up -- but hey, it's a leather jacket and I want it to look well worn anyway). That said, no way would I go with satin again. It may be cooler, but I'd rather have a more durable lining and from my experience, satin ain't it.

After halloween, I plan on sending the jacket back for repairs. I may ask them to see if they can replace the shoulder panel as well, since the cat got into that too.

But, outside of that, I'd say the jacket has lasted quite well. The lambskin has proven plenty durable, although I wouldn't recommend wearing it while being dragged behind a truck. ;)

Just out of curiosity, what's the turnaround time on repairs been for you folks?
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Post by Solo4114 »

Anyone? Anyone?

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Post by Michaelson »

The reason you haven't heard anything is it just depends...if he has a movie contract, it will take longer than if they're at a slack time.

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Post by Solo4114 »

Ahh, that'd explain it then.

Ok, guess I'll wait 'til winter before I send it back. I wear other jackets in the dead of winter, and can go without the Wested during that time. Thanks for the info! :)
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Post by Michaelson »

A very good idea. His Christmas orders usually pick up this time of year too, so that's another delay of repairs.

Regards! Michaelson
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