Thanks, guys. The bashing process was only about 5 minutes and I did it with my tea kettle.
One thing about Akubra. I ordered one size smaller than my normal size. I wear a 7 5/8, which is a 61. But Deb, at Akubra, was insistent that I order a size 60 and she was absolutely right, the 60 fits perfectly and the 61 would have been too big...KC
Kaleponi Craig wrote:
One thing about Akubra. I ordered one size smaller than my normal size. I wear a 7 5/8, which is a 61. But Deb, at Akubra, was insistent that I order a size 60 and she was absolutely right, the 60 fits perfectly and the 61 would have been too big...KC
Weird! I ordered mine in my size and it was fine. I wonder why she insisted upon a smaller size? Even if it was too big, they send that foam tape with the hat (which I'm sure you've seen by now), and that probably would've fixed it.
Lookin' good!
That IS the original ribbon, yes?
I ask because the picture of the grey federation on the hatsdirect website shows a ribbon that's identical to the felt colour. It was that very thing that put me off buying one. But if it does indeed have a dark ribbon like yours clearly does then I'll have to reconsider.
conceited_ape wrote:Lookin' good!
That IS the original ribbon, yes?
I ask because the picture of the grey federation on the hatsdirect website shows a ribbon that's identical to the felt colour. It was that very thing that put me off buying one. But if it does indeed have a dark ribbon like yours clearly does then I'll have to reconsider.
Yes, it's the original ribbon. I think it's black, but it may be a very dark grey...KC
Yes, the grey Fed is a great hat. For those of you with brown ones, the grey is much softer, especially in the crown. At least that's my experience, owning one of each. I'm guessing the grey bodies use less stiffener.
Yours truly, in my grey Fed:
And yes, that's the original ribbon, as Kaleponi Craig said. I also agree that it's a black, or at least a very very dark grey.
Thanks! It's not strictly a Last Crusade style hat, overall - the front pinch is reminiscent, but the rest of it is a teardrop style. My brown Fed is done up the same way.