Authentic Brown or Dark Brown Durable Goatskin

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Authentic Brown or Dark Brown Durable Goatskin

Post by davidnichols »

Hi Guys:
Indyjacket's website is back up and the order page comes up now. I see wested list authenic brown and dark brown durable goatskin. Does anyone have input on them? I would think the durable would be a thicker leather. The wested site does not offer the option of horse I wonder if this is a replacement. Is the durable as supple and drape like the authentic brown goatskin?
Tanks for your help
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Post by Kt Templar »

Goatskin is the same be it authentic or dark brown, it is just a quirk in the way they describe it. The is not a specifically more durable version.

The goatskin is tougher in comparison to the other leathers specifically lambskin.
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Post by VP »

Lamb is strong enough for almost everything, IMO.
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Post by Michaelson »

Yep, some folks have had lambskin jackets that seem almost bulletproof...others, tissue paper thin and torn at any chance encounter with a blunt OR sharp object. Seems to be a toss of the dice, regardless of manufacturer.

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Post by Bjones »

The horsehide is offered (its on the Jacket page), it just isn't in the drop down menu on the order page.
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Post by Rusty Jones »

I have a goat and only that so far, but from the pictures I've seen it appears that the drape of the goat is very similar to that of the lamb... the color will likely be the bigger debate... it all comes down to lighting and preference... to me I see indy's jacket as a darker brown and I have collected a lot of my "close enough" gear in darker colors so I went with DB... I love it, and to me it looks closer most of the time, but authentic brown is the only one I've seen that actually looked EXACTLY like the raiders jacket to me... however in most lightings it appears too milk chocolatey for my taste...
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Post by McFly »

Michaelson wrote:Yep, some folks have had lambskin jackets that seem almost bulletproof...
Some people buy lambskin jackets from Flightsuits that are bulletproof!!! :shock: Do they still sell that kevlar Indy jacket?

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Post by Ghos7a55assin »

I believe those were from US Wings.
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Post by Michaelson »

They were, and no, I don't believe they still sell them.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Rundquist »

Rusty Jones wrote:I have a goat and only that so far, but from the pictures I've seen it appears that the drape of the goat is very similar to that of the lamb... the color will likely be the bigger debate... it all comes down to lighting and preference... to me I see indy's jacket as a darker brown and I have collected a lot of my "close enough" gear in darker colors so I went with DB... I love it, and to me it looks closer most of the time, but authentic brown is the only one I've seen that actually looked EXACTLY like the raiders jacket to me... however in most lightings it appears too milk chocolatey for my taste...

I agree wholeheartedly. The “authentic” colors that Wested sells are without a doubt screen accurate. But I don’t aesthetically like authentic brown at all. It is too “milk chocolate” colored for my taste. I also see the color grey in there, and I hate it. I prefer the dark brown color. And that is not to say that light brown, or “seal brown” isn’t or can’t be nice. I just don’t like the grey. This is of course just personal preference. Cheers
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Post by Lindiana »

yep go authentic and don't look back
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Post by Kt Templar »

This is an authentic brown lamb and I like it a lot:


It did have a sort of cloudiness when new but that quickly goes away. That pic was taken in the late afternoon after 4 months of wear.

This pic after a year.


The 1st pic is a better rendition of the colour.
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Post by IndyBlues »

Goatskin is somewhat thinker than lambskin. It's very, very minimal, and more noticeable while wearing, than just "A-B'ing" them side by side.
The lamb is very soft and smooth to the touch, while the goat has texture, and a nice "pebbley" type grain. I love both of the leathers, and have/had owned/own both.

It really all depends on what you want to do with the jacket. If you're more laid back, and careful with your stuff, lamb is perfect. It can take a moderate amount of punishment.
If you tend to be a bit more rough, and not worried as much about beating it up, then goat is perfect. You will rarely(if at all) read of someone catching their goatskin jacket on something, and tearing it.

If you plan on distressing it, than lamb is nice and easy to get that screen accurate look. Goat is alot tougher to distress, but it can be done. I know,...I've done it. :D

Either way, the decision is up to you,..we can give you all the advice in the world, but you are the one who has to pay for it, and wear it.
Choose Wisely :tup: ,
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