Seaplane gray has arrived.

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Seaplane gray has arrived.

Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Well, I figured that my seaplane gray AB was going to arrive today, and it did. Wow! I like it.

This is the first seaplane gray AB that I have seen in person. I think it is exactly the color of the hat seen in Raiders on the seaplane and the steps scene. The color is different than what I had seen in the pictures that others had posted of their hats. It is darker.

I can actually understand, having seen this hat in person, how folks can argue over the color. It is very different, but very nice. I think Steve has really nailed the color with this one.

I got the vintage iron ribbon, no plastic on the liner, and my initials in the sweatband. I really like having my initials in the hat as it is a nice custom feature and I never plan on selling either of my ABs, so that will not be a problem.

Steve did an absolutely fantastic job of getting the proper fit. From my previous hat purchases, I have narrowed down my hat size, and unfortunately for me, it is half way between two sizes. Steve did a custom size just for me, and he nailed it. This AB fits even better than my brown AB.

I am so easy on my things it is pathetic. I have had my brown AB for a year or two, or however long Steve has been making hats. It still looks like the day I took it out of the box. I guess in 15 or 20 years when it finally needs a cleaning and a reblock, I can get Steve to size it just like this gray.

Well, I am now ready for the Finger Lakes Summit. If I wear a navy blue suit, I will be all screen accurate and color coordinated. It should go really good with my blue sneakers. #-o
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Post by Wrightknife »

Congratulations Bufflehead! :D Please post some pics if you get around to it. I am still agonizing over whether or not to order an AB for myself. :cry: I know you will enjoy your fedora for years to come.

Wear it in good health my friend!
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Post by Canyon »

Congrats Bufflehead! :clap:

Well look forward to seeing photos. :D
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Post by BendingOak »

Bufflehead, glade to hear that you got your grey AB today. Did Steve shape it for you or did you get it open crown? It is very hard to tell color in photo's. I agree Steve nailed the gray color. I also think phot's don't do The Adventurebilt fedora justice. You really have to see and feal these hats in person. Congrats my friend and i can't wait to se some pics.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

The gray AB is a wonderful hat. Post a picture when you have a chance. Mine is one of my favorites and is in heavy rotation.
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Re: Seaplane gray has arrived.

Post by Spooky »

Sounds nice, Ron. :D 8)
Looking forward to seeing some pics.
Bufflehead Jones wrote:Steve did an absolutely fantastic job of getting the proper fit. From my previous hat purchases, I have narrowed down my hat size, ...
I had planned on going up a size next time myself.
Let me know how it fits after you've broken it in a bit.

Also, did you have Steve perform the bash to match the Seaplane scene?
(or another Raiders scene)

Congratulations, Dude.
You'll look sharp at the Fingerlakes ... even with the sneakers. :wink:
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Re: Seaplane gray has arrived.

Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Spooky wrote:You'll look sharp at the Fingerlakes ... even with the sneakers. :wink:
Hey we have a winner. I just put stuff in there like that to see if you guys are paying attention. Besides, I can't be serious for too long.

Yeah, Spooky. I had Steve bash it for me. I told him that I did want it turned because I like what it does to the brim, and I told him to bash it as much as he could like the seaplane hat.

Your hat you had last time you were here, was a little tight wasn't it? You may be a candidate for just going up a half size, also.

Everybody always says that a hat shrinks a bit to fit your head when you start sweating in it and wearing it. My hats never shrink. I wear 'em and wear 'em, and they stay just like they came out of the box. Maybe I don't sweat enough. Since I retired, Mrs. Bufflehead says that I don't do enough, maybe she has a point. :shock:

Bending Oak, I agree that pics don't do it justice. Do you think most pics of this gray look lighter than it really is?

Hey Canyon, you'll get to see me wearing this grey hat at the Finger Lakes Summit with my navy blue suit and blue sneakers! 8)

HJ, I love wearing my brown AB, because it is what Indy wore most of the time. I can understand how you want to grab this one quite often on the way out the door.

Hey Wrightknife, don't agonize over it. If you like wearing fedoras, you will love an AB. You won't regret the purchase. If you are not sure. Go to a summit. The neat thing about these summits is everyone brings all kinds of gear and props. It is like a great big show and tell. If you go to a summit, I know there will be some ABs there, and you can check it out before you buy one. That way, you will know exactly what you are getting. The Finger Lakes Summit is not that long of a drive for you. It will be the biggest Indy gathering of the year. You should come up and check it out and I guarantee you will have a great time. And, thanks to our friend, Curator Rick, it is the most economical summit that you will ever attend.
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Post by BendingOak »

bufflehead, I think pics come out lighter ( outside) but I just took a couple and got them to come out darker ( it's all in the lighting).

wrightknife, you will most likely hate yourself for waiting. The Ab is just fantastic. Money well spent ( I have three now) and the only thing I regret is waiting.
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Post by IndyParise »

sorry, had to do it.
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Re: Seaplane gray has arrived.

Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Spooky wrote: Hey Canyon, you'll get to see me wearing this grey hat at the Finger Lakes Summit with my navy blue suit and blue sneakers! 8)
Hey awesome news! Looking forward to seeing you there.

And Buff, be sure you bring that to the FL Summit with you. It's it's anywhere near as pretty as the color changing one of Bending Oaks, it must be a pretty one.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

IndyParise wrote:;0
sorry, had to do it.
I know, I know. You guys know how lousy I am with computers. I have to run down south for a week or so, but when I get back, maybe Mrs. Bufflehead will help me get a pic or two up.

ITG, I'm bringing several hats to the Finger Lakes Summit. This one will definitely be one of them.
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Post by SkyChief »

IndyParise wrote:;0
sorry, had to do it.

No offense to Bufflehead at all, but Parise is completely right. In viewing threads like these I find myself simply scrolling down looking for pictures. When I find none, I move on. To be perfectly honest, in this hobby, a thousand words is not equal to a picture, because let's face it, a person can talk about how much they like an item or how great it looks until they're blue (or brown or grey or brownish-grey) in the face, but without a photo, none of us can truly see if we agree or not.

In any event, I look forward to seeing your pictures when you get them, Bufflehead.
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Post by Wrightknife »


I would love to attend FL this year. It's not going to be possible though. My niece is getting married in Alabama the week after though and I don't need to take off work (Thurs/Fri) for both of those weeks. It is also a very busy time at work for me. I will definitely be setting my sights on trying to attend next year though.

Have a great day,
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

That's funny. I am leaving in two days to go to Alabama for a wedding. Everybody down there must be getting married. Maybe it is something in the water. I've already been married twice, I better not drink any of it. :shock: #-o

The Finger Lakes Summit is in the beginning of September. Then on September 30, my daughter is getting married. I have a busy couple of months coming up.
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Gotta love Grey eh!

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hey Buf: I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the new
Grey (or really weird brown) AB eh!! :wink: :lol:

After too long I've figured out my new Nikon camera and
just wanted to share My LC AB when it was un-adjusted
and just out of the box.

If I understood posting better I could put in a real pic but in
the mean time see what you think on the link, Sorry. ... CN0007.jpg

I'll try and post a few more.

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Post by J_Weaver »

Great looking hat man! 8) I've always found it interesting how that color looks khaki in many pics.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Hey Kilgour,

It's good to hear from you again. That hat looks great.

How are the hockey players coming along with cracking the whips?

Any chance you guys might be able to make it down in the beginning of September for the Finger Lakes Summit? I know you live way out there. I thought that I traveled a long way to go to the Canada Summit. You were in the same country and traveled farther than I did.
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Hey Buff!

Post by Kilgour Trout »

Hey Buff!

I've been abit more active these days and have felt like I might
actually have something to contribute. Most of the time, I like to defer
to the wiser, more informed members.

Anyway...The pups are doing great and were out on Sunday trying to get
that IOAB crackin. They find it hard to get the 7.5 whip to crack as their
arms are just abit short. They're also trying to whip straight armed, which just doesn't work very well. We've got the Grandparents up this week. So they'll be tryin their best to show off to Grampa I'm sure.

Ahh...Finger Lakes, I can tell you it has been a topic of discussion with my wife recently. As some may know, Kim's disability keeps her penned in to the house much of the time and generally keeps me quite busy with the kids, Indoor and outdoor duties and especially "Trying not to burn the meals"! :shock: :lol: (Man...kid's are food critics eh :lol: )

But...having run into Craig recently (Farnham54) Kim said I should try and take a break and consider the feasibility of a run to Finger Lakes. It's coming up fast and is something I'm going to seriously look at. I'd sure like to see you Yahoo's again...I may just try and make my way as Farn's Bat Man.

P.s. You mentioned that Steve was able to size your Grey. See...mine was done on a #60 block (size 7) block, which I think is smaller than his size 7, Raiders block. I've stretched it just now to the point where its comfortable enough, but was curious if Steve mentioned how he blocked up your custom?

Warmest Regards
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Post by Raider »

Bufflehead, stop joking around ;) and SHOW us some PICS, man!

:junior: Raider
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Post by Strider »

So are we ever going to get to see this thing? :wink:
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Post by Ripper »

When he gets back from down south. I think he went for a wedding.
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