Some expert...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Some expert...

Post by Serial Hero »

On “History International” this last weekend there was a show about the archaeology of the Bible. Well, one of the “experts” they were interviewing had on a kaki safari shirt and a brown fedora. Upon closer examination I noticed something shiny on the ribbon. It was a little Indiana Jones pin! He was wearing a DP! :shock:
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Re: Some expert...

Post by IndyParise »

Serial Hero wrote:On “History International” this last weekend there was a show about the archaeology of the Bible. Well, one of the “experts” they were interviewing had on a kaki safari shirt and a brown fedora. Upon closer examination I noticed something shiny on the ribbon. It was a little Indiana Jones pin! He was wearing a DP! :shock:
I noticed that too, I was shocked when i first saw it and thought it had to be a stetson pin or something but I saw a better view of the shape and was convinced it had to be. Buddy if you're here GET A BETTER HAT MAN!!!!
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Post by Strider »

*sigh* Here we go with this whole thing again.

What is it with a Dorfman Pacific? Ok, so you don't like it. Just because someone else does doesn't mean they need to "get a better hat", or that they have a crappy hat. It just can't be accepted anymore these days that what really matters is whether or not the person wearing the hat is happy with it. If they're happy with it, then more power to them. I saw so many Indys at Comic Con wearing dorfmans, and I never told them they needed to upgrade their hats. Why should I? It would be pretentious of me to do so. If that hat makes them happy, who am I to criticize?

An Optimo or Adventurebilt it ain't, but the Dorfman Pacific Indy still can serve a purpose for many fans, and that doesn't mean that DP is out there devilishly scamming away, trying to make a fast buck off of the unsuspecting consumer.

Many folks here don't seem to get that the rest of the world just doesn't care as much about hats as we do. No one outside of this group could give a flying dime whether the Pan Am clipper scene hat was grey, or what hats they used during filming, what size, or how many. Why bedruge someone else of their happiness with a hat because you don't like it (mainly because every last little agonizing detail that no one else outside this group cares about is not firmly cemented in place)? That's not right.

If a fan buys a Dorfman and is happy, then leave them alone! Let it be!
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Post by rick5150 »

If a fan buys a Dorfman and is happy, then leave them alone! Let it be!
Agreed on all points but the one quoted above. Remove the pin! It will automatically add credibility and class. :lol:
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Post by Havana »

Whenever I see guys in cheap wool fedoras, I want to scream but I hold it all inside and remind myself that I use to wear a wool Stetson (hatpin included) from the ToD days and later a Stetson Temple (which I believe was made from roadkill). The point is everybody who wears a good hat today probably didn't start out with one. I would only recommend an upgrade to someone if that person was an everyday hat wearer and only if I thought the person would really appreciate a lead on some better hat options. Otherwise, I keep it to myself. I've actually had some great adventures of my own wearing cheap hats.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

rick5150 wrote:
If a fan buys a Dorfman and is happy, then leave them alone! Let it be!
Agreed on all points but the one quoted above. Remove the pin! It will automatically add credibility and class. :lol:
Ditto that, both of ya!
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Post by Michaelson »

I've preached that since I got into this hobby. It's still true too.

Well said, Strider.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Farnham54 »

Well, if you are an archeological expert, while I think the Indy thing is cool, a lot of folks might frown on the fact that you have an Indiana Jones pin on your hat--perhaps this is what serial hero's point was?

As far as I'm concerned, if you've got a ballcap that you wear on your adventures, it's an Indy hat. Yup, I'm the most lenient one here :D. It's all about the spirit, the gear is there to match.

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Post by Michaelson »

Farnham54 wrote: As far as I'm concerned, if you've got a ballcap that you wear on your adventures, it's an Indy hat. Cheers
I've said 'paper bag' on more than one occasion, but I guess your suggestion may be a bit more functional. :-k :wink:

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Post by Floribama Steve »

My first Indy hat was a fur felt DP, and that thing is pretty tough. DP's aren't @#$% by default.
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Post by Jorenz »

Michaelson wrote: I've said 'paper bag' on more than one occasion, but I guess your suggestion may be a bit more functional. :-k :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
I don't know Michaelson, I've had a few adventures when the more practical thing to have would have been a 'paper bag' :oops:

Anyways.. maybe he is planning to upgrade the hat but can't afford it or doesn't know which hat to get....not that that is my excuse for my DP :D
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I still have my original wool stetson. It's a little banged up nowdays, but I could never get rid of her. That's my first "real" piece of gear I picked up, and that was in 1984! :)

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Post by IndyParise »

Floribama Steve wrote:My first Indy hat was a fur felt DP, and that thing is pretty tough. DP's aren't @#$% by default.
I had one too and it was fine for about two years, but as soon as it got a little bit wet, it tapered like you have no idea.
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Post by McFly »

I own a DP too - I did take off the ribbon and replace it with a free, much darker ribbon from Todd's (wouldn't fit around my Akubra). I've had a whole bunch of adventures in my DP - at this point, probably the same amount as I've had with my Akubra. T'was a faithful hat, but now it rests on display next to a photo from LC, whilst my Akubra sits in my closet (with the brim hanging over the edge of its shelf) waiting to be donned (and that doesn't mean it wants to be in charge of the mafia).

The DPs' only problem is that pin - it should be more easily removable - the pin in mine was just gargantuan! Oh, but I'm sure some people out there like that little pin. I would just think it makes you more of a target for "Indiana Jones" comments. :lol: Seeing as it says it right there.

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Post by Serial Hero »

Farnham54 wrote:Well, if you are an archeological expert, while I think the Indy thing is cool, a lot of folks might frown on the fact that you have an Indiana Jones pin on your hat--perhaps this is what serial hero's point was?

That's it. It wasn't so much that it was a DP, it was the pin.

The pin made him look more like just some armchair archaeologist/ Indy fan rather than an expert in the field. It looked like he had just gotten off the Indy ride at Disneyland.

Without the pin it is just a brown fedora.
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Post by IndyParise »

IndyMcFly wrote: The DPs' only problem is that pin - it should be more easily removable - the pin in mine was just gargantuan! Oh, but I'm sure some people out there like that little pin. I would just think it makes you more of a target for "Indiana Jones" comments. :lol: Seeing as it says it right there.

In Christ,
It is actually rather easy to take off with a knife. Just go behind the ribbon and use the knife to pry apart the the two prongs. There will be two little holes in the ribbon but they will go away. I like my DP too but not for a profesional archaeologist to wear as an obvious Indy Hat.
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Post by McFly »

Oh yeah, the newer ones are that easy to get off - but mine was relatively old, and the prongs don't bend easily. I had to take it out halfway at a time - so that I could get one prong out and then the other. Also, it has like... 2 extra little prongs to hold the darn pin on. *shrug*

But yes - the newer ones are more easy to remove, I suppose.

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Post by Mulceber »

I never tried removing the pin from my DP, never felt the need to. Then my dogs got ahold of it, and I was left with nothing but a felt body for a hat. I was lucky, it gave me the incentive I needed to go out and buy a real Indy fedora. :junior: -IJ
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Post by drafttek »

Jeez, I'll have to lay low now while wearing my all leather version that came from the Indy ride gift shop in California. It's got no maker's name but it is made in the USA.
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Post by Tycoonman »

Most the leather hats Disney sells come from Henschel Hat Company.
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Post by Indiana Lee »

What Strider said. Most people I know would look at this group with a raised eyebrow over the disection of a hat, and call us all OCD's. Most people could care less if you have a "screen accurate" hat or not. It's what floats YOUR boat. To some....just keeping the sun off your face does the job. At least everyone has an option, cheap or screen accurate, it's all out there. :roll:
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Post by Tycoonman »

Just about every lisenced product from Lucas Film is in the dumpster, and I think most people realize that. They buy there hats to wear in the parks, for fun, and mostly just to have a souviner. Look at the offically lisenced whip, it's junk, and breaks in half every other snap, but most people will play with it the day they get it, and then it will sit in there closet until the next garage sale.

Also in defense, the DP hats aren't bad at all. The fur felt is actually really nice for only being $100, and the crushable wool is handy for motorcycle adventures when the hat must be packed away into a small confined area. As for the standard (non-crushable) wool... that is your bottom of the barrel, atleast for Indy hats...

Don't make me get into wool Stetsons offered now (Non-Indy's)

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Post by Kodiak »

Tycoonman wrote:Don't make me get into wool Stetsons offered now (Non-Indy's)
Mine turned pink. That was fun. Oh... oops I lied. It wasn't.
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Post by Tycoonman »

The wool on the Stetsons is extremly fuzzy, and supersoft. They collapse over your face if worn during the smallest rain (Think of a small drizzle), and it smells horrible once it dries. Now that hat was horrid, atleast my wool Dorfman could take some punishment, and ontop of that it wasn't fuzzy.

Rant over! :wink:

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Dorfman or Dorkman???

Post by jeboat »

If you don't know the difference in hats what does it matter? A lot of people would soil themselves if they knew what a decent hat cost these days. By decent I mean a beaver or beaver blend.

Even the hare/rabbit/nutria blends can cost a lot of money. For example, most of the modern Borsies have no beaver at all and yet cost a couple of hundred for starters.

When I became interested in hats a couple years ago I thought $140.00 for an Indy hat was a lot of $$$. As it is, I have spent a small fortune on hats of all persuasions and am still going.

Just let it be, ignorance is bliss and are we ignorant!

jeboat :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Rusty Jones »

Sorry if someone brought this up already, (I skimmed :c/ its late but I just got internet back so I wanted to hop on the forums a bit :c)

If it still has the hat pin I'd wager it was something they threw on him or he grabbed for himself just before shooting and isnt something that he wears in everyday life like we do our fedoras... also if its his personal hat I imagine he probably considers more of a "fan hat" than a "replica" closer akin to a baseball cap with "raiders" on it than an attempt at replicating the costume peice for practality or style...
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Post by prairiejones »

I personally think the felt Dorfman is a nice looking hat, with the pin removed, of course.
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