Maybe it IS just the hat

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Maybe it IS just the hat

Post by binkmeisterRick »

So I went down to the National Mall to watch the 4th o' Joo-ly fireworks this week with some friends. We followed the tail of thunderstorm as it went through before us, so when we got there it was easy to find a good spot. Anyway, I decided to take an old beater fedora which by our standards here looks NOTHING like an Indy fedora. Wrong colour, ribbon, etc. Heck, I didn't even wear anything Indy gear related, not even the bag. So a couple other folks my friends knew met us down there, and almost instantly, one of the guys goes, "Indiana Jones! You've got an Indiana Jones hat!" It was funny, because some of the others didn't quite think so, even the ones who knew I HAD Indy fedoras. He wasn't an Indy gear kind of guy, either. So I guess for some people, the hat (or any fedora alone) is what screams "Indy" to them. I'm waiting for the day when the only Indy gear I have on is the shoes and someone yells, "Indiana Jones!" :lol: :wink: [/i]
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Post by G-MANN »


I hope that does not mean all you are wearing are the boots. :shock:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Wouldn't you like to know! :lol: :wink:
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Post by G-MANN »

:-k Actually...................No :lol:

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I recently got the "Indy" comment in a big white Panama!

To people with limited frames of references ALL hats are Indy hats!
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hemingway Jones wrote:I recently got the "Indy" comment in a big white Panama!

To people with limited frames of references ALL hats are Indy hats!
That's what I'm thinking. "Look! He's wearing bermuda shorts! Hey, Indy!" :lol:
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Post by Tycoonman »

I get that a lot.

For example I wore a white T-shirt with some khaki pants and some flip flops, went to school, and every one just comments on how Indy it looks. So it's not just the hat, I guess it is a pick or choose what scene you remember from the movie... hmm, I wonder what movie I would be related to if I rolled into school with a tank? :-k

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Post by Mulceber »

huh? How the #### do khaki pants, a t-shirt an flip-flops look Indy? That's about the most un-Indy getup I've ever seen. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Tycoonman »

Maybe cause my flip flops are brown and I had a brown belt on to? I don't know to be honest, but thats what people see. Here we sit and detirmine how scaloped a pocket is on a jacket to the precise milimeter. Most people see any brown leather jacket, and it is offically determined as an Indy jacket. Same goes for the hat, and just about anything else... espically the whip.

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Post by jeboat »

I laughed when I read about someone thinking you had an Indy hat when it was just an old beater!

Last fall we visited Italy and stayed in Sorrento for a week. We found a favorite restaurant and ate there several times. As luck would have it we got the same waiter each time. I wore a Stetson Bear Creek fedora from Noggintops all the time while we were there.

On our third visit our waiter thanked me for the tip I left and referred to me as "Mr. Jones, Mr. Indiana Jones."

It was funny at the time because that hat in no way resembles an Indy type hat and I own several.

jeboat :) :) :)
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Post by drafttek »

This doesn't just go for Indy stuff, either. The first time I wore my A-2 to work I was immediatly called "Maverick". I was lucky though. Another guy (whose pushing 300 lbs.) wore his a few weeks later so naturally he was "Goose". Oh, the power of movies!
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Post by Fedora »

I have had many folks refer to mine as a cowboy hat. :lol: It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedora
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Post by prairiejones »

Fedora wrote:I have had many folks refer to mine as a cowboy hat. :lol: It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedora
One of the best compliments I have received for my AB came from a black guy. I was walking into a grocery store and he was walking out. As I passed I heard him say, in a low voice, "You're wearin' that hat, man." I touched the brim and thanked him.
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Post by BendingOak »

I have had many folks refer to mine as a cowboy hat. It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedoradrafttek
I get the cowboy hat all the time but have you ever got? " nice top hat" :? :roll:
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Post by IndyParise »

I live in a town full of rednecks and pineys so I always get a Yeehaw when someone sees me wearing one of my fedoras. It gets Really annoying REALLY fast.
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Here's a twist to the old Hat=Indy story. The last time somebody called my Indy for wearing a hat, I was actually wearing an official Indy hat (a cheap crusher, but the real deal, complete with logo). I had absolutely no way to respond. :shock:
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Post by Michaelson »

Here's an even newer twist, even for me.....with my moustache and side burns, wearing my dark gray AB, today someone thought I was a Minnonite. #-o :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by prairiejones »

Michaelson wrote:Here's an even newer twist, even for me.....with my moustache and side burns, wearing my dark gray AB, today someone thought I was a Minnonite. #-o :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Mola Ram »

Connecticut Jones wrote:
prairiejones wrote:
Fedora wrote:I have had many folks refer to mine as a cowboy hat. :lol: It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedora
One of the best compliments I have received for my AB came from a black guy. I was walking into a grocery store and he was walking out. As I passed I heard him say, in a low voice, "You're wearin' that hat, man." I touched the brim and thanked him.

heh.. i get things that are far less polite.....Ex. I went in gear to our spring dance ( theme.. 1980's) and got " Ohhh Sh!T the White Kids Pimpin it." .. but what sadly got me.. was... only my 75 year old english teacher got it :shock: :? :lol: :lol:
I get all that all the time. The last one you posted CTjones is sadly the most common. :x [-( .....The one before the english teacher....And whats wrong with old english teachers ?
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

"Look mommy... a cowboy!"

"Mr. Fisk, are you a cowboy?"
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

The most memorable compliment I ever received, was at a Fishing and Hunting show in Rosemont, IL this past winter. A gentleman stopped me, complimented me on my hat, a PB Indy, and asked me where he could get one.
Fedora Wrote
It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed
I never received a compliment on my PB from a black person, but have received several on the AB Deluxe.
Michaelson wrote:
someone thought I was a Minnonite.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Fedora wrote:I have had many folks refer to mine as a cowboy hat. :lol: It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedora
:-k When GraveRobberGreg and I were flying out to the QM last year, one of the black baggage handlers we encountered gave us a "compliment". He said, "those hats are really cool. You look just like gangstas!" :shock: That was a first for me and Greg.
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Post by marco polo »

I guess people relate hats with their preconceived notions from child hood :) . A lady at work the other day complimented(?) my "pilgrim"

hat :D
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Post by kalkamel »

Speaking of cowboys, when I attended the local movie carnival back in April, I dressed up as Indy for some photo sessions with the attending public. In addition to myself, there were characters from Star Wars, Pirates of the Carribean, Lord of the Rings etc. Most of the people who saw me thought I was some kind of cowboy :roll: ... only a few recognized the gear as Indy's. The last thing I wanted was be identified as a cowboy... Brokeback Mountain was just shown in our cinemas then!! :lol:
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Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Michaelson wrote:Here's an even newer twist, even for me.....with my moustache and side burns, wearing my dark gray AB, today someone thought I was a Minnonite. #-o :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
I got that with my black fedora! I'm waiting for someone to tell me "Be careful out there amoung da English." :wink:
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gotten them all

Post by slowdevil »

I think I've gotten them all (except Minnonite - you're unique there, Michaelson) ; Indy Jones, cowboy, and gangster... But just as many just go, "Man, that's a nice hat!"

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Post by BendingOak »

don't be shy kalkamel, you know you wanted that look. :D did anyone ever get Top hat?
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Post by Michaelson »

Chewbacca Jones wrote:
Michaelson wrote:Here's an even newer twist, even for me.....with my moustache and side burns, wearing my dark gray AB, today someone thought I was a Minnonite. #-o :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
I got that with my black fedora! I'm waiting for someone to tell me "Be careful out there amoung da English." :wink:
:rolling: Yep! You got THAT right!! :lol:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by IndyParise »

Well, I'm a Blues Bros. fan and I have the long sideburns and if I wear my Blues Bros. hat everyone thinks I'm Hasidic. #-o :shock:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

That's why I don't wear a dark homburg with my goatee anymore. (No offense to my Jewish friends. :wink: ) I get a cowboy comment once in a while, but I actually get more compliments from my hats than anything else. :wink:
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Re: indy

Post by conceited_ape »

BendingOak wrote:don't be shy kalkamel, you know you wanted that look. :D did anyone ever get Top hat?
What the deuce!? :shock:
I thought I was the only one this has happened to! My blood absolutely boiled the day I got a 'top hat' comment. I mean how stupid does a person have to be?? :evil:
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Post by Fedora »

Ah, I just remembered another comment. Probably a few years ago, but I posted about it here, or somewhere. I went to get my driver's license renewed and a young lady said she liked the hat. I looked just like Dick Tracy.

Another one came back when I read Renderking's post. A couple of years ago, I went out to a local eatery with a friend, a BBQ joint, and a kid 4 or 5 years old looked at me and loudly asked his mom, "mama, is that a real cowboy??) It was so cute, and I strained my ears for her answer. Funny, I don't recall what she said, or if she said anything verbally. :lol: My pal who was with me, almost fell out of his chair. I had often made the comment to him about the cowboy association with any hat sporting a larger than 2 inch brim. Fedora
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Post by BendingOak »

What the deuce!?
I thought I was the only one this has happened to! My blood absolutely boiled the day I got a 'top hat' comment. I mean how stupid does a person have to be??
Mine were both blonds. :roll:
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Post by conceited_ape »

LMAO! :lol:
The person who said it to me was too! :D
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Post by Serial Hero »

When I dressed up as Indy for Halloween nobody got it.

Last week I wore my new steel gray Baldwin and dark gray shirt out around town and got every thing from some guy humming the Raiders theme, to "I hate snakes." Go fig.

With my Baldwin there was one guy that couldn't stop complementing it. He kept saying, "Man, that is one nice hat, you sure do know how to wear it." We actually ended up having a conversation about fedoras.

The first time I wore my AB into work the door man commented, "That's one dapper hat young man" (He calls any guy under 60 “young man”).
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Post by IndyParise »

Just got the first comments on my new Akubra today. I was on the boardwalk ordering a slice of pizza when a guy says to me "I like that hat." Shortly after, I was walking down the boardwalk and one of the game stands was trying to get people to come over. The guy in it says into his mic "C'mon Indiana Jones." to me. After that, me and my family are at one of the many restaurants (and one of the better ones I might add) on the walk and a little boy passing behind me says "Mommy, he looks like Indiana Jones." Second time I've worn this hat in public. Three Comments in one day. I wonder what I'll get when school starts. :twisted:
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Post by Indiana Cromeens »

I've gotten it all, lots of people say"INDY!!!!", some sing the theme song, I even walked by a little boy once who pointed at me and said, "look mommy a jungle man!"when I wear my hat w/ a suit people often say I look like a gangster. And one time one of my girlfriends friends asked if I was going for a cowboy look now, so I grilled her on the differences of a cowboy hat and a fedora. only got the cowboy reference once.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I'm waiting for someone to be out for a night on the town while wearing a real top hat, only to hear, "Look! A cowboy!" :lol:
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Post by Gater »

Michaelson wrote:Here's an even newer twist, even for me.....with my moustache and side burns, wearing my dark gray AB, today someone thought I was a Minnonite. #-o :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
during the Canada Summit last year, we were all at the museum in gear, and an elder lady asked 'what's with all you people in the hats?"

I told her we were Amish, and this was our first time in the big city (olr something to that effect...maybe Buff will remember better?) but she bought it!
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love it when people belive the farce, kind of like Canyon believing I was really a gentleman when she met me at Heathrow. :wink:
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Post by Mulceber »

like Canyon believing I was really a gentleman when she met me at Heathrow.
I have trouble believing anybody's THAT gullible, Bink. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Serial Hero »

binkmeisterRick wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love it when people belive the farce, kind of like Canyon believing I was really a gentleman when she met me at Heathrow. :wink:
Maybe she was just trying not to hurt the crazy man's feelings.
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Post by IndyK »

The first couple of times I wore the gear at custome partys, back in 1982, only a few people knew the character even when they were told who I was supposed to be.
Today simple things like swinging myself from one side of the road to the other using my Strain-roo 8ft'er makes people say "Indiana Jones!"
Makes one wonder what has happened in the last 25 years...

On the serious side - I wear the jacket, belt and shirts nearly everyday. I even carry small things in my Indy-bag with the leather strap, and the Aldens occasionally but has never received the Indy-call. But add the hat and You get instant recognition. So what does that tell us about signature pieces?

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Fedora wrote:It seems the only folks around here that recognize it as a fedora are the black folks. Now, they know their hats indeed. Fedora
I found that the case in Atlanta as well. I got a 'nice lid' comment from a gent wearing one himself. They had a really good fedoa shop downtown too, but it was closed when I was able to visit. It's pretty dang cool that black folks never did stop wearing fedoras like the white folk did.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Serial Hero wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love it when people belive the farce, kind of like Canyon believing I was really a gentleman when she met me at Heathrow. :wink:
Maybe she was just trying not to hurt the crazy man's feelings.
Nah... Scoundrels don't have any feelings... *sniff*
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Post by Lao Feng »

Y'all ought to see the looks I get in China! (And the comments aint pretty either)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Lao Feng wrote:Y'all ought to see the looks I get in China! (And the comments aint pretty either)
Really? What do they say?! :shock:
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Post by Jens »

You wouldn't understand it ... it's in Chinese. 8-[ :-#
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Post by VP »

Yeah, if you smile and thank them they respond "You have insulted my son".
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Post by zeus36 »

I had on my Toht black fedora and a black Navy bridgecoat (long peacoat) one cold day at work. (I thought the leather German trench was too much for workwear)

During the morning meeting, the boss says: "What's with the Abe Lincoln getup?"
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