After obtaining Magnoli's fantastic "Venice Pier" suit, I have been on a fruitless quest for the perfect screen accurate tie to go with it. Until tonight Yes folks, Walmart does it again. While in the mens clothing section checking for more elusive Faded Glory shirts to convert, I passed by the tie rack and stopped dead in my tracks. The rack was full of burgandy color 100% silk satin ties. They're even correct for the 1930s, 3 1/2 inches wide at the base! The brand is Puritan and retails for $8.96 stock #SR 95042. And they're stain resistant so they'll even hold up to a dip in the catacombs! (Sorry can't post pics at the moment )
Thanks VP for the link. In that shot there is a pattern in the weave I hadn't seen before. The Catacomb close ups I have don't show a pattern With my luck there's probably two diff. ties as the interior shots were filmed in Eng. with the exterior shots in Venice.
However the Walmart tie is the right color and material, a great "close enough" for the Magnoli suit. With ties, I've found they're near impossible to duplicate. I'm glad I'm not putting a Sallah outfit together. Now there's a tie.
Ya know... Magnoli just might have to go into the tie business to enhance the sales of his suits Really, when you think about it the tie makes the look complete. Tony, just one more morsal to throw onto your already over flowing plate.