Surplus find: French Officers (Tropical) Shirt

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Surplus find: French Officers (Tropical) Shirt

Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

oooo, I found a SWEET close enough shirt at the local surplus store and bought it for myself, on account-a it was my birthday yesterday and I got no swag. It's a French Officers (Tropical) Shirt, like the topic header told ya already.


The pleats are only on the pockets, but it's got nice epaulets and everything (including a mouldy tent smell until the first washing). It's a nice light and sturdy cotton and the perfect colour. $25. I think I'll go back and buy some more.

They had a British Officers Tropical shirt for the same price, in a softer cotton, but they didn't have my size. It looked exactly the same, pattern wise. I'm pretty sure both are contemporary.

I'm pretty pleased with it. :)
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Post by LeatherneckJones »

Rockin' find, Snakewhip! And great price, too! How does it fit? Tight? A little loose? Good length for tucking? Very nice!
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Post by IndyBlues »

That is cool. Happy B'day as well. :clap:
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Post by LeatherneckJones »

Heh, sorry... Happy Birthday!
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

LeatherneckJones wrote:Rockin' find, Snakewhip! And great price, too! How does it fit? Tight? A little loose? Good length for tucking? Very nice!
It's a perfect length... I don't know the term for the cut, but it's long and has the 'arch' over each hip. Sorta like tails in the front and back. Know what I mean? Any tailors or fashionados who know what that term is?

It fits quite well overall.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, fellas, but check out the shirt! I'm not too keen on birthdays anymore.

Actually, the shirt still smells a bit like last year's tent even after a wash... but it's faint now, at least.
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Post by McFly »

Looks great! And hey - the tent smell makes you seem like you've just gotten off an adventure where you've been camping for a long time or something... sleeping in the wilderness in your own sweat and blood, nearly dying of malaria or something, but recovering and finishing off your adventure. Yay for adventures! *makes Tim Taylor grunting noises*

Seriously though - looks great. How did the British one look in terms of color? Was it more brown? More pink?

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

IndyMcFly wrote:How did the British one look in terms of color? Was it more brown? More pink?
They're both a very nice, warm tan like the background on this Club Obi Wan page you're reading. Neither brown nor pink. I've seen (British or Canadian) wool trousers that have a pinkish hue though. I didn't buy those because they had no lining and looked super scratchy and uncomfortable, though they appeared very Indyesque with the double covered back pockets and the whole deal.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Indiana_Tone wrote:That shirt fits the bill! Terrific Indyesque shirt, Snakewhip! I like that it has the extra material to stay tucked in, too. $25.00? How many more did they have?
$25. There were three more medium, one large. One XL British one, same price. I'll ask if they plan on getting more.

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Post by Lukmas »

Found a similar shirt in my local surplus store for 9 GBP!!!

Pretty cool!

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Post by Ark Hunter »

Snakewhip_Sable wrote:Actually, the shirt still smells a bit like last year's tent even after a wash... but it's faint now, at least.
Good looking shirt for a great price!

Try spraying it with Fabreez and let it dry in the sun, or wash it again and let it dry in the sun instead of the dryer. It may smell kind of flowery with they Fabreez tough. :oops: :lol:
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Post by doc riviere »

Yes great shirt ! very strong ! i used one like that for the main character of my last movie.

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