Hi folks, it's been a while that I have posted. I've been quite busy and I have also just returned from a vacation. Here are a couple updates:
My current inventory of new old stock ZipLights has been reduced to 25 units. At the curent rate of orders, I expect this supply to last a little over a month. I don't know if I can procure any significant number of new old stock ZipLights. Even if I can't find and offer any new old stock ZipLights for sale, I will still be offering the conversion service, because there are many people out there who still own ZipLights. I also have a number of spare parts available. While I am not willing to chase single ZipLights on ebay, this remains an option for you. I am still hoping to find a larger quantity like I did last summer. If you know of a secret cache full of ZipLights, let me know!
My main supplier of plain Zippos has gone out of business over night and without warning. This is affecting the number of Zippos I am keeping in stock. At this point I am not willing to pay and charge more for Zippos. If I can't find a reliable retailer with reasonable prices, I will simply offer my badge kits that you can very easily install yourself.
With all the prop fabricators on this board, why not just have someone make 'em?
Make what? ZipLights? I doubt Zippo will like if someone starts copying their copyright and patent protected product. You can't go out and copy a Chevy and sell it. You can however go and modify your Chevy. As for designing a flashlight insert for the Zippo, I did that a while ago. I just have no reason to produce it. There are plenty people out there with old ZipLights that can easily be modified. I'd rather modify existing ZipLights than getting into producing a low volume item.
Relic Raider wrote: If I can't find a reliable retailer with reasonable prices, I will simply offer my badge kits that you can very easily install yourself.
Could we send the zippo case to you to have them installed?
Relic Raider wrote: If I can't find a reliable retailer with reasonable prices, I will simply offer my badge kits that you can very easily install yourself.
Could we send the zippo case to you to have them installed?
Absolutely. Quite a few people, who alreay had Zippos, sent me theirs for badge installation. I do not charge for badge installation, whether you buy a Zippo from me, or whether you have your own Zippo.
Anyway, at this time there's no reason for any concern. I just notice trends: there are less places that offer Zippos for decent prices, and prices keep increasing. Keeping the Zippo price under MSRP is getting more and more difficult. It appears that almost all the online discount Zippo retailers buy from one particular wholesaler. I order Zippos from a number of discount retailers, but the shipments always come from the same wholesaler! Three years ago, I was actually buying from that company, but they stopped doing retail business. Smart move on their part, I suppose.