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Opinions, folks...

Post by conceited_ape »

...and I mean yours!!

Simply put, who does the most accurate MK VII strap buckle closest to what we see in Raiders. Been trying to perfect this for years...

Ladies and Gentlemen please (as civil as possible) cast your votes! :twisted:
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Post by Strider »

I love my TAPCO strap.
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Post by independent »

^ yes, and I'm glad I bought 10, because 8 of them are pretty useless.
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Post by conceited_ape »

Be that as it may, would you be prepared to part with a buckle? I've seen the TAPCO and am very impressed but truthfully I love the strap I had made here in Oz, it's the right length, has grooves, is a gorgeous dark tan colour and is made from thick but smooth leather.

The only thing that's way off is the buckle.

If you (or anyone else who has purchased in abundance) are willing to help a fellow Gearhead out by parting with a TAPCO buckle, please PM me and we can work something out. I would be very, very grateful! :D
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Post by Ghos7a55assin »

I like the Keppler buckle.
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Post by PLATON »

Errr... who is TAPCO ?
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Post by IndyBlues »


VP,....er, I mean
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Post by Michaelson »

I own several types myself, but also have a Tapco on my bag.

I was told years ago (1985 to be exact) by one of the prop masters that when they were rounding up 'stuff' for the film, most of it came from a military surplus store in London. The bag was an old gas mask bag, and they just grabbed a bunch of rifle straps and made up the strap for the bag. The surplus straps would have come from Enfields, and they came with and without the 'infamous' edge lines.....so I've looked for those in the U.S. for years with not a whole lot of luck in discovering a long enough Enfield strap for my 6 foot 1 frame.....until Jerry came along with this source....and I've been very pleased with the final results.

Believe it or not. That's what I was told by someone who was there, and that's what I now finally use.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Michaelson wrote:
Believe it or not. That's what I was told by someone who was there, and that's what I now finally use.

Regards! Michaelson
So let it be written, so let it be done!

I also like the TAPCO strap. The fact that it's already aged means it fits right in with the original bags. And now that I have an original MkVII or two, I've got the perfect strap for them!
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Post by FloatinJoe »

I bought a Keppler strap about five years ago because at that time it was the most "screen accurate" when it came to the buckle. My thought back then was that aquiring the correct buckle was the most important since I could always get leather at a later date.

I currently have a Keppler, WPG, Todd's and NH. My favorite buckle is Keppler and strap is NH. (I need to get a shorter NH strap, so if anyone wants to trade a 65" for my 72", please let me know).

After all that ramble, I'm still voting for the Keppler. Though I might have to check out the TAPCO.

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Post by conceited_ape »

Ah well, the search is off. I recently bought a new strap from Todd and it arrived yesterday. Very satisfactory indeed! 8) In the future I would like to peruse this TAPCO buckle for my other MK VII but for now i'm happy. :D
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Can we have a link to TAPCO for the Newbies?
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Post by conceited_ape »

Newbie?! :shock:
It's only been four years! (plus one year before "the Crash"):wink:
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Post by greatgarlando »

I use The Tapco also.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Not for you, but for the other folks who might not know what Tapco means or where to find Tapco on the net.
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Post by agent5 »

I love my NH. Thick, but very good, loose leather. Most of the other offerings I've seen in person just weren't as nice in color or quality.
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Post by VP »


They don't seem to have the straps anymore.
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Post by Alan Eardley »

Michaelson wrote:I own several types myself, but also have a Tapco on my bag.

I was told years ago (1985 to be exact) by one of the prop masters that when they were rounding up 'stuff' for the film, most of it came from a military surplus store in London. The bag was an old gas mask bag, and they just grabbed a bunch of rifle straps and made up the strap for the bag. The surplus straps would have come from Enfields, and they came with and without the 'infamous' edge lines.....so I've looked for those in the U.S. for years with not a whole lot of luck in discovering a long enough Enfield strap for my 6 foot 1 frame.....until Jerry came along with this source....and I've been very pleased with the final results.

Believe it or not. That's what I was told by someone who was there, and that's what I now finally use.

Regards! Michaelson

As a long-time collector (30+ years) of British militaria, I'd love to know what those leather 'Enfield' straps were. The last time a leather strap was issued for the SMLE rifle was the first two years of World War One. They are virually unobtainable now and were extremely rare in the 1970s/early 1980s. I think it unlikely that a props department could pick them up in any quantity in London in 1980.

They are much more likely to have been for the German Heckler und Koch G3 rifle - basically the same as those sold by Tapco.

They would have picked up MKVII bags very easily by comparison.


PS - I see now that Baggers has addressed the issue of 1908 Pattern webbing slings and the shortage thereof very succintly and accurately in a previous thread.

Last edited by Alan Eardley on Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by T.E. Lawrence »

LLLLLLllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvV My Keplar Strap and Buckle. Use it every day. Rugged, Handsome, accurate for my taste and practical.
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Post by Last Crusader »

They are much more likely to have been for the German Heckler und Koch G3 rifle - basically the same as those sold by Tapco.
Noel Howard himself said that it was the idea to use a leather strap that looks like a rifle strap but they couldn´t find what they needed. So NH produced the strap in the width and length as they were needed.
I have a G-3 strap and its only 50" long. Way to short to use it with the bag properly.
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