I was sold on Peter's "Authentic Lambskin" as soon as I received the sample swatch that he sent to me. I placed my order for TWO Raiders jackets. One for my life-size Indiana Jones display mannequin, and one for me to wear.
It's got all of the mods previously seen in the "Chris King" version of the Raiders jacket, but this time I also asked for the inside pocket to be made without any leather surround as I think this affects the drape of the jacket on that side. I spoke with Peter today and he confirmed that my jackets are being sent today with an arrival due tomorrow. He told me that they have turned out BEAUTIFULLY and he didn't think I would ever need to upgrade them because they are now about as close as they can get.
Last edited by Chris_King on Sat Jan 11, 2003 9:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
I was wondering where things stood on the delivery of these jackets with the new leather. I know I'M ooking forward to the report, Chris! Thanks! High regards. Michaelson
That is good news indeed as I ordered mine right after Chris. I am curious to see this skin, as well as the changes Mr. Botright has made in the past couple of years. Fedora
Hey everyone! I contacted Peter last week through PM so as to order my first Wested. He promptly got back with last Saturday and said to go through his website and I did so on the same day.
When I had not heard back from Peter by Wednesday I reluctantly PM'd him again to see if he had gotten my info through the website.
I still haven't heard from him and I don't want to be bothersome so what do you think is the best way to contact him other than phone? Or, may that be my only option? What has been the best method of communication with Peter?
Please advise as I'd love to own a Wested and it's pretty chilly here in Georgia without my Expedition. Thanks to all of you, ahead of time!
Hmmmm, well whenever I placed an order at Wested I have always just used their regular email (www.wested@wested.com). Peter normally wrote me back in just a day or two....But, I'm pretty sure he may just be busy with all of the latest jacket orders n' things. Take care n' keep us updated!
Captain D
Yeah, I just use the e-mail listed at his site. Don't sweat it, you will hear from in shortly. I just ordered one in Dec., and it took a few days for his response. Fedora
I didn't think it could get any better than my lambtouch cowhide version that I bought a couple of months ago. I was wrong. The new lambskin that Peter has introduced here is absolutely beautiful. It's got just the right appearance, shine, color, drape and most importantly - thickness. The very first Wested I had a few years ago was lambskin but I was never satisfied with the way it looked. It just didn't match the look of the movie jacket to me. After several telephone calls with Peter, I realised that this was because the lambskin that was used on Harrison's jacket was not as high quality or thin as the "dress jacket" lambskin that Peter was having to use.
This new lambskin feels totally different to the old - I think the thickness is just right and the fit and drape is the best out of any of the jackets I've owned.
Also, the color of the leather is just the right contrast between the Pecan Optimo Fedora. It bought a smile to my face when I looked at the mannequin with the new jacket on it. It just looks SO right now.
Pics just don't do it any justice. Rest assured that if you get a jacket with this new lambskin, you will know what I'm talking about when you see it in reality.
Thank you Chris. When I said I was excited about the new skin, and it takes a lot for this old seen it done it person to get excited you did not hesitate to take the plunge. I am happy to say ' I TOLD YOU IT WAS GREAT'
With the fine tuning of pattern and detail over the past year and new and improved skins I feel that we have achieved the ultimate.
I now have to consider whether to put the price up by $200 or so?
No just joking for although I know there are fans out there who can afford and do pay $400 plus, there are many who cannot. So although there will soon be an increase it will not break the bank.
Where does this new lambskin fit on the thickness spectrum of all the Wested jackets?
I'm looking for something that will break the chill somewhat, and be durable. I've been looking at goatskin, but I've always heard that it is the coldest of any leather.
So far...
Akubra Deluxe Federation...Check
S&W Revolver .................... Check
Stenhouse Whip ................ In Progress
Wested Jacket ................... In Progress
Now THAT looks just grand. I know it is just one photo and we have not see the details, but if the rest looks as good.......I think it Peter's jacket is finally what it was back in the day. I am very much looking forward to seeing mine in person. Congratulations to both Chris AND Peter.
MORE PICS PLEASE!!! Come on Chris. We know you can take a few more like you did with the last jacket. We really do need to see the rest. Thanks in advance.
High Regards, Peter, for your fine, hard work, and dedication to the hobby, the fans, and the "ultimate" ideal. Having seen your new goatskin in person (and it's far and away a million times better than the goatskin of last year), I know you have set the goal of perfection for your jackets, and with all the excitement, I believe you have achieved it at last!