BendingOak wrote:hey harry, I'm not dumpping on you man. I like you you dude and think you did a fine job on bashing it. I just know that the front should be higher than the back ( I was trying to help out thats all). I think it's better than just saying nice job
I think people want tht front camel hump look really bad ( so do I). After looking at a lot of fords pics (in raiders) and a lot of pics of pagey. I notice that they both wear there hat with the front sitting higher on there head.
Look at the Idol grab sceens ( just at the time before he grabs th Idol. Fords hat is tilted back on his head. He does the switchand thats when he has the humps( showing up nicely)( my favorite). Then he pulls it back down again to were he wears it like most of us do ( humps don't show up).
I hope this is clear.
Tone thanks man. I think you got what I'm talking about.
I didn't think anyone was dumping on me.
I knew what you were talking about in your last post and I have tried it before and again last night. It really doesn't want to stay down once I put the hat on. I may work with it some more but as it is right now I'm very happy with the hat and the way it looks. Thanks to Tone's help I realized I hadn't turned the hat far enough to get the brim distortion that I loved so much from the "Cairo Look".
The crown is straight up in down in person. I think at certain angles it give the illusion of a slight taper because of the "Camel Humps" but I've looked at all of Ford's hat shots from the film from all angles and there is not that big of a difference between the two.
I think 3thoubucks said I should get a hat with a larger crown and I completely disgaree. This crown is tall enough for my head plus I ordered it slightly bigger to allow room incase it shrinks. Showing photos and seeing it in person are two different things. I don't think a larger hat than I have now would look right and I don't think I'd be comfortable with it either. In fact, I had people telling me my order for my Wested was wrong back before I got my jacket and when I did get the jacket it fit perfect on me....actually better that I could even imagine.
Don't get me wrong I appreciate the help and suggestions but what it boils down to is personal taste and everyones unique head shape. When or if I buy and AB from Fedora I'll take all of this into consideration. I don't know if I'll have him do the SoC bash on the hat himself or I'll just bash the hat myself giving it my own unique look.
I don't think my hat looks like "the hat" but it is looking like a darn good Indy hat and hopefully the photos help people that are looking to buy a Akubra Fed or Fed Deluxe.
Speaking of the photos. I had to clean up my photobucket account because of all of my stored pics so I'm currently redoing everything. That's why alot are missing.
I'll will try and repost some new shots using Bending Oaks suggestion for the back when I get to it.