Henri Defense and the Suprise Package

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Henri Defense
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Henri Defense and the Suprise Package

Post by Henri Defense »

It's around 1:15pm, I was just sitting around, minding my own business...awaiting the arrival of my friend. As I sat there the dog jumped up on to "her" bench and started barking, the way she always does when somebody arrives. I thought to myself it must be him! I walked to the window only to see it wasn't him...but the mail lady. Now, I thought to myself, why is she her, they only drive up the house when they've got a big package...well she did. I was a large yet, flat box. I thought to myself, who's it this? It's not my mom's, she recieves big packages in the mail all the time for her home business but they're always huge and way a ton. And I knew it wasn't anything I had ordered, I already recieved my stuff I had purchased from Indiana Josh (that's another story) so, I had wondered all this in just a matter of seconds. Then I looked at the return address label and reconized the name immeditly. I knew this person had mentioned about wanting to send me something but never told me what...I grew excited wondering what this could be. After fumbling around with a sissors to cut the tape I managed to finally open the box. I hoped the box to low and behold the glorious item. My jaw dropped to the floor, I couldn't believe what I saw...it was none other than a Flight Suites Indy Jacket It included a letter with the reason of why he gave it to me etc. (if you're wonderin it's a size 40 R, lambskin) This person will remain anonymous, but I would just like that thank them!


Pics are soon to come!
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Post by Captain D »

WOW! Congrats on the new jacket! :D

We would love to see pics too! Again, congrats on the new jacket!! That was a VERY nice gift!

Best Wishes!
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Post by IndianaCollins »

way cool, man. wish someone'd do that for me. anyway, i know youll love that flightsuits. though i dont own one, ive had the pleasure of trying one on, and it was great. shoot-for that, i'd right the person into my will!
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Post by Indiana Joe »


After talking to you last night about this, I am still doing cartwheels! I'm very excited for you b/c I know how great these jackets are---and I know how long it can take to save for one of them too.

Many great adventures, Henri! and don't forget the pix....

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Post by Indiana »

I'm still jealous...
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Post by Cooler King »

Some guys get all the luck... :wink:

Wow! Talk about having a Gardian Gear-wearing Angle! :D Congrats on your glorious jacket, wear it in good health!
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Post by Pyroxene »

Cool, man. Now the real passion starts. <grin>
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Congrats! I don't know any person who deserves one of these more than you do! Sweet!
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Post by agent5 »

Good things DO still happen. :D I only wish I was able to do the same.
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Post by Fedora »

Now a story like this just makes me proud as #### to be a member here. I don't know who the benefactor is, but I'd love to shake his(her) hand, and say, well done! At the end of the day, this is really what this hobby is about, and it elevates all of us Indy fans. Some of us wear out halos slightly cocked to the side, but it is a halo nonetheless. Fedora
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